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Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you going to buy Fallout 5?   Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 EmptyThu Apr 30, 2020 2:32 pm

DonEsteban wrote:
Yeah I am porbably going to buy it, even though it's most likely going to be a bad Fallout game with no RPG elements, an awful story and bad dialogues just like Fallout 4.

Edit: Just got a downvote for this post, whoever downvoted please explain why? Did I hurt your feelings when I said FO4 is bad?

Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 1f602 I think someone didn't like what you said haha. In fairness I love Fallout 4, but that's because I love most things.

AlanaSP wrote:
Man i would take the enclave any day after dealing with the broherhood in fallout 4. I too would like to see all new unique factions tho i loved caesars legion in new vegas for that reason.

Tbf, Elder Maxson was the reason why I selected the Minutemen most of the time closed eyes smile. I also couldn't resist Preston Garvey Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 1f602

Yeah, I'd love to see some new factions, I loved the Kings in FNV. I know they weren't one of the man=in factions, but I just loved the idea of a 50s Greaser Gang, so something like that?
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Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you going to buy Fallout 5?   Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 EmptyFri May 01, 2020 3:14 am

Who knows as far as things are right now i doubt it but i dont know the Fallout series has died once before.

the messages ov the old world still persist and find meaning in the present most cant/wont hear the weight in their feet either for good or worse in the messages they speak to one another in truth we are all couriers carrying unknown messages.
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Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you going to buy Fallout 5?   Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 EmptyFri May 01, 2020 10:58 pm

I also wanna see some actual changes in the setting in any future games. Fallout 1 and 2 took place two-hundred years after the end of the world. Fallout 3, NV, and 4 all happen at least a couple of hundred years after that. Populated areas should be better developed, garbage and rubble should be cleared away with more established settlements, systems and the like. You can still have nuclear ruins, but those shouldn't be areas where communities have setup for a while, they should either be abandoned or a hideout for raiders and other factions that try to keep hidden. No more bottle caps in garbage cans, PLEASE! They've been a primary type of currency for a while, why the HELL would they be thrown away!? It's just this little lack of caring in the small details that really gets to me these days and showcases some real laziness, lack of inspiration, and a total absence of any real PRIDE in the product they're making.

shocktrooper666 wrote:
Who knows as far as things are right now i doubt it but i dont know the Fallout series has died once before.

When did the series die before? There was a ten year gap between 2 and 3, but developers changed hands, and an entire studio was shut down, so naturally stuff paused, but I don't think INTEREST in the games (at least among its fans) ever stopped. That's what makes it different now. Even the fans are questioning whether they'd be invested in the series going forward or not. THAT is when you know a franchise is dying or outright dead.
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Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you going to buy Fallout 5?   Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 EmptySat May 02, 2020 10:59 am

gakusangi wrote:
I also wanna see some actual changes in the setting in any future games.  Fallout 1 and 2 took place two-hundred years after the end of the world.  Fallout 3, NV, and 4 all happen at least a couple of hundred years after that.  Populated areas should be better developed, garbage and rubble should be cleared away with more established settlements, systems and the like.  You can still have nuclear ruins, but those shouldn't be areas where communities have setup for a while, they should either be abandoned or a hideout for raiders and other factions that try to keep hidden.  No more bottle caps in garbage cans, PLEASE!  They've been a primary type of currency for a while, why the HELL would they be thrown away!?  It's just this little lack of caring in the small details that really gets to me these days and showcases some real laziness, lack of inspiration, and a total absence of any real PRIDE in the product they're making.

shocktrooper666 wrote:
Who knows as far as things are right now i doubt it but i dont know the Fallout series has died once before.

When did the series die before?  There was a ten year gap between 2 and 3, but developers changed hands, and an entire studio was shut down, so naturally stuff paused, but I don't think INTEREST in the games (at least among its fans) ever stopped.  That's what makes it different now.  Even the fans are questioning whether they'd be invested in the series going forward or not.  THAT is when you know a franchise is dying or outright dead.

In fairness to Bethesda, when it comes to Bottlecaps being in garbage cans, they probably do have their reasons for putting them in the garbage cans, and it's probably primarily for Gameplay reasons, otherwise casual fans would most likely just ignore them, so I can see that.

In response to the fact that populated areas should already be better developed, there is different factors in response to this. To begin with, there are some heavily developed societies, just take a look at FNV, New Vegas, for all intents and purposes is thriving, it's got casinos, housing, walls, security, power and so on. Then going to Fallout 4, you have the Institute who aren't really interested in helping others out, but they are still developing. You also had the example of the Minutemen before the Quincy Massacure, who had set up a Commonwealth Provisional Government before an Institute agent killed all of the members in one fell swoop.

So there are some developed societies, but I think one of the reasons that they aren't more developed societies is because of the raiders, and the chaos in society. No matter where you go in the Wasteland, there always seems to be wars going on between major technological factions (Like Fallout 3 with the Enclave vs Brotherhood, Fallout 4 with the four way power struggle, FNV with House, NCR, and Caesar.) Violence in general just destroys the opportunity for peace and for growing.

The Wastelands still have so much danger associated with them, that it's difficult to get any life going in the first place. From Supermutants to Ghouls to Deathclaws and so on.

Now, I do think a potential good idea for a future Fallout game would be to set it further in the future than Fallout 4, potentially in New York or somewhere (Idk) and have a "rebuilt" wasteland society (I suppose I'm thinking almost like a Walking Dead type situation in the latter seasons).

But I don't think that there hasn't been any changes from Fallout to Fallout, and I do think we see things progressing, like in the case of Fallout New Vegas.

On the other hand, though, I still think it's really interesting to have a destroyed society, but I see what you mean anyway Smile.

And whilst I do think people now are a bit apprehensive, I don't think that the Fallout Franchise is "dying".

Fallout 4 sold 15 million copies, making around 750 million dollars, so the mainline entries are still successful (mind, Fallout 76 did cause a blow to Bethesda reputation wise, making 130 million dollars from a budget of 100 million dollars)

But I don't think I'd said Fallout is "dead" or "dying" because of the misstep that is Fallout 76, at least not yet.

I do think that if Bethesda can course correct some of the steps they have taken, then Fallout 5 should be a good game and successful.

But yeah... essay over Smile
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Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you going to buy Fallout 5?   Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 EmptySat May 02, 2020 2:27 pm

Bethesda has had a different direction in mind for their Fallout franchise. Unfortunately, this direction just really does not appeal to me anymore.

When I was a kid, Fallout 3 was fun to play and mess around in. However, as I grew older I then played FNV and the classic Fallouts; realizing that Bethesda's character building and storytelling had always been lackluster. Consequently, I do not expect the next fallout game to be heavy in the RPG elements. This is not Bethesda's forte - they are more interested in mass appeal and maximizing revenue (which I understand - they are a corporation - they want to make money). I just won't be giving them mine in exchange for such a game.

It is also important to understand that Obsidian's FNV was a one-off thing that is never going to happen again; plus Chris Avellone is no longer with them and they have their own set of issues with their own current franchises. For those who want a game like FNV, the best case scenario would be a smaller niche developer making a game to scoop up those older Fallout fans.

Them putting out arbitrary CC updates that break a bunch of mods and fix nothing also doesn't incentivize me to buy into another Fallout. The Fallout 4 modding scene is a shell of those of its predecessors partly due to this.
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Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you going to buy Fallout 5?   Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 EmptySat May 02, 2020 3:32 pm

roflcopter117 wrote:
When I was a kid, Fallout 3 was fun to play and mess around in. However, as I grew older I then played FNV and the classic Fallouts; realizing that Bethesda's character building and storytelling had always been lackluster.

Yep, that's how I feel aswell. Although i'm a bit more radical, I really think Bethesda's writing and storytelling is absolute garbage.
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Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you going to buy Fallout 5?   Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 EmptySun May 03, 2020 3:29 am

DonEsteban wrote:
roflcopter117 wrote:
When I was a kid, Fallout 3 was fun to play and mess around in. However, as I grew older I then played FNV and the classic Fallouts; realizing that Bethesda's character building and storytelling had always been lackluster.

Yep, that's how I feel aswell. Although i'm a bit more radical, I really think Bethesda's writing and storytelling is absolute garbage.

Alongside the companions, this is very evident with the potential antagonists. With President Eden you have what amounts to a stereotypical super-villain who wants essentially wipe out everyone in the capital wasteland (of course if you side with him, you barely see any real in-game impact). Now, compare your conversation with Eden to that of Caesar. Caesar was a well-written potential antagonist with arguably wrong but understandable motives. He was a highly intelligent individual who did not behave in the same way as those under him - when you speak to him, he speaks "normally"; even acknowledging the value of an auto-doc within a society where medical knowledge is limited and most medicine is illegal. Every action he takes is calculated and part of a larger design as opposed to "go poison the entire regional population". The point is compared to Eden, Caesar is a far more complex and interesting character;  even if one does not wish to side with him.

Really all Fallout 4 did differently than 3 was give the player 4 sides to choose from instead of 2 (basically 1 because they never show the effects of the modified FEV on the wasteland).
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Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you going to buy Fallout 5?   Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 EmptySun May 03, 2020 6:29 am

Can't see myself buying any new Fallout games. Hope Wasteland 3 is good though.
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Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you going to buy Fallout 5?   Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 EmptySun May 03, 2020 9:36 am

While I'm late to this discussion, a lot of the points I bring up are here, and quite a few of us here have the same feelings as me in regards to "it's been 200 years and there's still dead bodies and garbage laying around, clean it up people" and the lack of real progress.

As for buying Fallout 5, it will take a massive shift for me to move Bethesda out of my "5 quid bargain bin at thrift shop" level.
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Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you going to buy Fallout 5?   Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 EmptySun May 03, 2020 11:50 pm

Simply put, no. At this point, confidence in the product has waned to such a degree that I see no benefit in throwing money out on a product that will inevitably strip down features in favor of less RPG more looter shooter. Until corporate leadership changes at Bethesda, we will continue to see piss poor decisions made by them. Zenimax is trash & it's CEO should've seen a jail cell for other shadyness back in the day. Let me see a keynote done by Todd where he has a genuine mea culpa and isn't trying to actively sell me vaporware; One where he speaks up and admits that they fucked up. No excuses. Nothing about 'not meeting the expectations of the player base.' Just own the glorious failures that the last few years have been, and that he's restructuring with new writers & I dunno maybe bring Avellone & John Gonzalez on for story or consulting. Something to better bridge the disparity between Bethesda Fallout and Interplay Dev Fallout.
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Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you going to buy Fallout 5?   Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 EmptyMon May 04, 2020 3:36 am

Weapon Degredation, Dialogue Checks, Positive and Negative SPECIAL checks, branching questlines - etc. They've re-added a lot of this stuff.
Fallout 4 was an experiment in a lot of ways and failed spectacularly in a lot of them. Bethesda have acknowledged the things that went wrong in 4 and have already begun altering course in 76. People seem to think that they're set in the ways they established in Fallout 4 but in reality that's only because there's such a gigantic gap between each of their games.

Seriously can't wait for people to stop whining when whatever's next drops.

Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 Giphy

And I find, on my way to death and happiness,
that my heroes, my heroes dress in black.
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Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you going to buy Fallout 5?   Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 EmptyMon May 04, 2020 4:55 am

It honestly depends on what fallout 5 is based on more combat focus and refinement or better stories, either or is okay for me. I just don't want another fallout 4, they need to innovate on the gameplay, dual wielding, vehicles, better crafting. Something to get you hooked on a new game when the older ones have so much modded content.
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Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you going to buy Fallout 5?   Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 EmptyMon May 04, 2020 5:09 am

Without a doubt. I loved Fallout 4. Fallout 76 was done by a newer team... and their processes were often interfered with by those up top. No reason to think it wouldn't be another great addition to the Fallout universe.

Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 Banner10
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Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you going to buy Fallout 5?   Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 EmptyMon May 04, 2020 7:32 am

IIHawkerII wrote:
Weapon Degredation, Dialogue Checks, Positive and Negative SPECIAL checks, branching questlines - etc. They've re-added a lot of this stuff.
Fallout 4 was an experiment in a lot of ways and failed spectacularly in a lot of them. Bethesda have acknowledged the things that went wrong in 4 and have already begun altering course in 76. People seem to think that they're set in the ways they established in Fallout 4 but in reality that's only because there's such a gigantic gap between each of their games.

Seriously can't wait for people to stop whining when whatever's next drops.

I love these list of suggestions, I still loved Fallout 4, even though it didn't have some of these features, but I think if Fallout 5 has these, then it'll be even better for it Smile

momuse88 wrote:
Without a doubt. I loved Fallout 4. Fallout 76 was done by a newer team... and their processes were often interfered with by those up top. No reason to think it wouldn't be another great addition to the Fallout universe.

Hahaha yes brother, I feel like we're part of a rare breed of people who loved Fallout 4 Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 1f602
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Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you going to buy Fallout 5?   Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 EmptyMon May 04, 2020 9:22 am

RangerJosh wrote:
IIHawkerII wrote:
Weapon Degredation, Dialogue Checks, Positive and Negative SPECIAL checks, branching questlines - etc. They've re-added a lot of this stuff.
Fallout 4 was an experiment in a lot of ways and failed spectacularly in a lot of them. Bethesda have acknowledged the things that went wrong in 4 and have already begun altering course in 76. People seem to think that they're set in the ways they established in Fallout 4 but in reality that's only because there's such a gigantic gap between each of their games.

Seriously can't wait for people to stop whining when whatever's next drops.

I love these list of suggestions, I still loved Fallout 4, even though it didn't have some of these features, but I think if Fallout 5 has these, then it'll be even better for it Smile

momuse88 wrote:
Without a doubt. I loved Fallout 4. Fallout 76 was done by a newer team... and their processes were often interfered with by those up top. No reason to think it wouldn't be another great addition to the Fallout universe.

Hahaha yes brother, I feel like we're part of a rare breed of people who loved Fallout 4  Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 1f602

Well the idea of someone loving Fallout 4 is not inconceivable. The divergence you are witnessing here is simply a product of us seeking different things in a product. Some people just want an open ended sandbox to stomp around in, some want good storytelling and world-building, and others want something they can mod to high hell.

On a side note, you might like Horizon for Fallout 4. It adds things such as gear degradation and overhauls a fair bit of the gameplay.
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Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you going to buy Fallout 5?   Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 EmptyTue May 05, 2020 12:49 pm

roflcopter117 wrote:
RangerJosh wrote:
IIHawkerII wrote:
Weapon Degredation, Dialogue Checks, Positive and Negative SPECIAL checks, branching questlines - etc. They've re-added a lot of this stuff.
Fallout 4 was an experiment in a lot of ways and failed spectacularly in a lot of them. Bethesda have acknowledged the things that went wrong in 4 and have already begun altering course in 76. People seem to think that they're set in the ways they established in Fallout 4 but in reality that's only because there's such a gigantic gap between each of their games.

Seriously can't wait for people to stop whining when whatever's next drops.

I love these list of suggestions, I still loved Fallout 4, even though it didn't have some of these features, but I think if Fallout 5 has these, then it'll be even better for it Smile

momuse88 wrote:
Without a doubt. I loved Fallout 4. Fallout 76 was done by a newer team... and their processes were often interfered with by those up top. No reason to think it wouldn't be another great addition to the Fallout universe.

Hahaha yes brother, I feel like we're part of a rare breed of people who loved Fallout 4  Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 1f602

Well the idea of someone loving Fallout 4 is not inconceivable. The divergence you are witnessing here is simply a product of us seeking different things in a product. Some people just want an open ended sandbox to stomp around in, some want good storytelling and world-building, and others want something they can mod to high hell.

On a side note, you might like Horizon for Fallout 4. It adds things such as gear degradation and overhauls a fair bit of the gameplay.

Thanks for the mod recommendation, next time I reinstall Fallout 4, I'll be sure to give it a go Smile.

And yeah, I do enjoy all of those things, and for me, I find all of those categories in Fallout 4. Smile
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Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you going to buy Fallout 5?   Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 EmptyThu May 07, 2020 9:48 pm

No, I'm not going to buy Fallout 5 for two reasons:

1: I don't have money to buy the game.
2:I don't have a powerful pc to run a "next gen" game

(And..uh.. 3: because I'm far more interested in S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2)
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Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you going to buy Fallout 5?   Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 EmptyFri May 08, 2020 12:39 am

RangerJosh wrote:
I am a big fan of Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4, and I didn't end up buying Fallout 76 for myself (I was given it as a gift for Christmas and I still haven't opened it out of the packaging after hearing everything about it).

After hearing all of the different controversies that Bethesda has gotten themselves into with Fallout 76, it seems that a lot of people have just lost faith in Bethesda.

So my question is, are you still going to buy Fallout 5 when it comes out, or are you not?

I'll get it as long as it's not in an 'unfinished state' like Fallout 76 and is better than FO4. It'll be nice if they retain the same features as FO4 such as the settlement system, workbenches, etc. If they make it like Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas which are harsh unforgiving great wastelands then it'll be great especially with the details, lore, and weapons. I personally hope to see the next game around the West Coast preferably make in California, around Utah, Arizona, or even the North with some older elements in the game. It'll be great if they get the people who worked on New Vegas, Fallout 1 and 2 back to work with them on this as they were the ones who made Fallout a true post-apocalyptic great game.

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PostSubject: Re: Are you going to buy Fallout 5?   Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 EmptyFri May 08, 2020 12:34 pm

RangerJosh wrote:
I am a big fan of Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4, and I didn't end up buying Fallout 76 for myself (I was given it as a gift for Christmas and I still haven't opened it out of the packaging after hearing everything about it).

After hearing all of the different controversies that Bethesda has gotten themselves into with Fallout 76, it seems that a lot of people have just lost faith in Bethesda.

So my question is, are you still going to buy Fallout 5 when it comes out, or are you not?

I'm more likely to buy the next Elder Scrolls, but that's not by much. As it stands right now, Bethesda has lost that much reputation due to the numerous mistakes and bad calls, that the best option for anything they release is to give it a week or 2 for all the community reviews and opinions to gather up, then make a call on buying it.

If I decide not to buy it, chances are the modding community will vastly improve the game like they always do. Then I'll give it another pass and see if I'll get it then.
I just ain't one for games that try to drain my bank account, which is what they've been trying to do recently it seems.

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Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you going to buy Fallout 5?   Are you going to buy Fallout 5? - Page 2 EmptySun May 10, 2020 12:34 pm

Honestly, I'm going to buy the ever-loving poop out of Fallout 5.

It's proven to be my happy place through thick and thin. I've grown up with every single installment in the series, and at this point, it's just part of my life. That being said, I would just absolutely love to have the enclave, in force, with the updated engine and graphics. And yes, I'm looking forward to my first CTD for Fallout 5 Smile
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Are you going to buy Fallout 5?

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