Character sheet Name: Danny Faction: Scoia'Tael Level: ∞
Subject: In your opinion, what's the best ending for New Vegas? Thu Mar 14, 2019 4:44 pm
I'm personally drawn between House and the NCR.
House already has the Strip well defended, very few attacks happening (if at all) and able to withstand direct bombardment and sieges on the city. He's ran the city for hundreds of years, and is essentially immortal with all of his technology. On the other hand, his range is quite limited and he has to rely on others to do this work, which doesn't always work out- evident with the Courier.
NCR- they're one of the biggest forces in the wasteland and one of the best organized. They have the firepower, funding, et cetera. Their ability to hold places of power and cities is evident, and with units like the Rangers, their strategies are unrivaled. Leadership is always an issue with them, though, as any democratic nation is, and is often seen as spread too thin across the land, opening them up for easy attacks in certain places.
Posts : 487 Join date : 2014-10-15 Location : Turkey
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Subject: Re: In your opinion, what's the best ending for New Vegas? Thu Mar 14, 2019 5:02 pm
After watching this video;
I would probably say Caesar's Legion.
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Posts : 378 Join date : 2014-10-05 Location : (pale blue dot)
Subject: Re: In your opinion, what's the best ending for New Vegas? Thu Mar 14, 2019 6:28 pm
House doesn't care about anything aside from his legacy and is too detached from the reality of things. As I've seen other people put it, all he wants is to play sim city with vegas, the rest of the world can burn. Personally I go for NCR. It's got a shit ton of problems, mainly the belief many of it's leaders have in manifest destiny, which goes hand in hand with their imperialism. There also seems to be rampant corruption, however the ncr is still a democracy, the leadership can change (and does change for the better depending on which ending you get). I think if the ncr took vegas, they'd stop their expansion, at least for the time being, stop overstretching themselves and focus on improving the territory they already occupy.
Character sheet Name: Danny Faction: Scoia'Tael Level: ∞
Subject: Re: In your opinion, what's the best ending for New Vegas? Thu Mar 14, 2019 7:47 pm
@"farlas816" Why do you think Vegas, in particular, would stop their expansion?
Posts : 883 Join date : 2014-07-08 Age : 33 Location : Location
Subject: Re: In your opinion, what's the best ending for New Vegas? Fri Mar 15, 2019 4:01 pm
I wish we had a choice that made our char less of a tool. I hated how much of a mindless Swiss Army knife we were throughout the game.
Legion is a terrible choice hands down, cause history. They will eventually crumble like Roam and Caesar will most likely die due to his health issues. Not to mention the fact all of his adopted tribes have such a rocky relationship from the start. Also I’m sure most people in Vegas would revolt. Those Brahmin barrens got a lot of money, I’m sure they’d fight back. I’m also sure we’d basically lose most of the independent faction in the Navada region. Regardless they’d have more issues after winning then they did while fighting the NCR.
House is too xenophobic, however, faction can argue all they want the strip and damm are rightfully his. He was there first, not to mention the fact that it would all look like Salt Lake City if he hadn’t saved everything. It’s thanks to him it even exists. But he would most likely fail due to his close mindedness. I’d also think he’d fail by his presence, he isn’t able to really physically operate or leave his tube and that would most likely become a problem. Also, because of that and because he’s just one individual, he would have to fight multiple leaders in the future and I’m sure eventually the human element will overpower his securitrons and his limited tactical abilities.
Independent is literally the worst and most disappointing, we literally just peace out at the end of our tool adventure and leave it to morons, who I’m sure would lose to the second invasion that im sure would come.
At least with NCR we can get everyone to play nice with out forceing slavery, it’s the only faction to do so I think. Though, the huge problem with NCR is its motives. But as stated at least it’s a democracy, they have stability already and they even won prior to our current conflict. With a second win their PR and internal moral would be through the roof. But the problem would be keep it from corruption. I’d go with NCR, for the moment it’s the path of least resistance and may be the best for Vegas. Also keep in mind they have both power stations outside of Hoover and defeated a brotherhood chapter, the NCR is actually dominating strategically by time we arrive.
Subject: Re: In your opinion, what's the best ending for New Vegas? Fri Mar 15, 2019 5:37 pm
I vote As several persons in-game say - Legion will last until Caesar lives. After he dies - the Legion will fall. Not to mention, that entire New Vegas Strip will be probably destroyed, as it not fit Legion ideals. So this is not a good option. House......nope - he cares about control and profit, but methods fails all the time. Even in original story families already prepared to take him down. NCR..... democracy.....corruption, inefficiency. In game they can only hold Dam, cannot maintain even safe roads and cities. Independence.... sounds good. BUT, as history tells-that only lead to chaos. With no stable government - all goes down, until a dictator appear. That how usually all that ends.
So, Courier is best option for a ruler. He menage to gain support of all major factions in game. U can get ppl support too. In my game - i have most fierce military in game.Can have about 50-60 soldiers- that's huge for game standards and big city/military base.(RTS). Have brains from MT working for me -so i have technology to clean wastes and help ppl. Full support from families, Followers, Boomers,King... Hero for most of the cities, trade routs,traders. Companions can cover every aspect in government. And they all are loyal to me. So no revolts and betrayal. With help of Veronica can force even BOS to join me....or die. Enclave faction is on my disposal too. At times like in-game - democracy is not the best option. And - as android - will live very long - enough to make peace and order in wastes. So all hail new ruler. And let the celebration begin.
Hey you - over there - i say celebrate . Thous soldiers is here to help you if need:))))
We are here!:
Posts : 65 Join date : 2015-04-07 Age : 40 Location : The Wasteland of NW Mohave County Arizona
Character sheet Name: The Lost Ranger Faction: Desert Rangers Level:
Subject: Re: In your opinion, what's the best ending for New Vegas? Fri Mar 15, 2019 9:22 pm
yea, the legion is just a bad ending for NV, as it's actually doomed to fall no matter what, cause Caesar is the ONLY one who carries his Ideals and Philosophy, no one else in the Legion cares, they're for the most part- glorified raiders. even when you lead the legion's ending (with Caesar dead) Lanius just takes command and kills EVERYONE in vegas- he only destroys not build.
and House's ending. well.. Mr House is more like a spoiled rich child and vegas is his play thing! he just wants it for himself and who cares about the rest of the wastelands cause... its just empty desert out there. as yes man goes: well I just dont trust him regardless- he's too creepy! and plus a Independence vegas is almost the exact thing that House wanted, you're just in charge instead of House.
NCR.. yea they're too much like the Old World. and eventually will history repeat it self yet again we'll destroy ourselves again with the NCR? maybe... but they're the closet thing there is to actual rebuilding with real law and order (or as close we can get to again)
Posts : 181 Join date : 2016-06-19 Age : 24 Location : The United Kingdom
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Subject: Re: In your opinion, what's the best ending for New Vegas? Sat Mar 16, 2019 12:04 am
I think the House ending is the best ultimately, the legion is downright bad for the mojave, the NCR is corrupt and doomed to fail. Whereas House actually has plans for the future, and given his previous accomplishments, he is likely to succeed.
Posts : 441 Join date : 2014-10-30 Age : 25 Location : blep
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Subject: Re: In your opinion, what's the best ending for New Vegas? Sat Mar 16, 2019 4:44 am
dust is the best ending.... nah not really that was a depressing mod. but seriously i would say the yes man ending because with that you have many different options and you can have head cannons of what happens next maybe you went on your way, maybe you helped the NCR become better and more of a proper gov, perhaps you become a tyrant and murderer. Who knows, we will probably never find out what truly happened after the end of NV anyway. At least we got closer on what happened after fallout 3... for the most part.
Posts : 689 Join date : 2018-01-28
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Subject: Re: In your opinion, what's the best ending for New Vegas? Sat Mar 16, 2019 6:38 am
Story-wise, the Legion ending would be the best as it would serve as a good setup for the plot for a Fallout New Vegas Sequel. This would also transform the Mojave and would serve as a good way to learn more about the Legion because we only know their military side from playing FNV.
Personally, I prefer the House ending because it is the less intrusive(well if you do not mess with House anyway) in contrast to the NCR and the Legion ending.
The NCR and the Legion endings are the same. The NCR just prefers to squeeze you dry with caps until you die in the desert or until they own you for as long as possible in contrast to the Legion who does the same thing but faster.
The Independence ending is just anarchy to be honest.
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Posts : 467 Join date : 2017-06-16 Age : 25 Location : France, or Azeroth
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Subject: Re: In your opinion, what's the best ending for New Vegas? Sat Mar 16, 2019 1:12 pm
(Sorry for my English, I'm sure I wrote in a nonsense way)
I'm not a fan of mysoginist slavers made for d4rk_sasuke666. The Roman Republic/Empire was fine, but it was 2000 years ago. Caesar just wanted to be Emperor/Warlord, in my opinion. When he die, I'm pretty sure several factions led by several Caesar's friend will appear and weaken the Legion permanently.
House is a really good pick, since he is a god in Vegas, but only in Vegas. His influence can't go further without Courrier (or Benny), so he is limited.
NCR is in my opinion the best choice to make : they found cities with farmers and merchants, and most importantly with protection. They have a great technology and also a great army. Their democratic system isn't extraordinary, but it seems to work. And they have a great respect for the Vault Dweller, so I love them.
Posts : 1457 Join date : 2016-12-16
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Subject: Re: In your opinion, what's the best ending for New Vegas? Sat Mar 16, 2019 2:01 pm
imagine being such an edgelord you actually believe rape, murder, crucifixion, possible pedophilia, slavery and imperialism is a good outcome for the Mojave lmao.
that being said, NCR is the best short-term outcome, House is the best long-term, pick your poison.
Last edited by Blonde on Sat Mar 16, 2019 2:07 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : EDIT: Forgot to add slavery into the mix. Yikes.)
Posts : 378 Join date : 2014-10-05 Location : (pale blue dot)
Subject: Re: In your opinion, what's the best ending for New Vegas? Sat Mar 16, 2019 4:45 pm
House is in no way good for the Mojave, even right outside his door you've got freeside, hardly in good condition. House is obsessed with HIS vision of Vegas, no matter the consequence. NCR is a mishmash of a lot of different ideas, some good, some bad. I think NCR is the best regardless, but especially if you make peace with the Brotherhood and the Kings
Posts : 864 Join date : 2015-04-09 Age : 28 Location : UK
Character sheet Name: Booker Faction: The highest bidder Level: 21
Subject: Re: In your opinion, what's the best ending for New Vegas? Sat Mar 16, 2019 7:04 pm
In the long term they are the most sustainable solution, whilst providing the highest levels of living standards and rights to the people of the Mojave.
Don't get me wrong, NCR are kind of a shit show, but once they get their act together, they can be of real benefit to the people of the Mojave. The NCR ending shows that they can actually secure the region once threats like the Legion and Fiends stop draining their manpower, and they have a powerful economy that no other nation in the wastes can compete with (both Gloria Van Graff and Robert House acknowledge this fact). Not to mention the goals of every other ending is pretty much totalitarian rule. NCR is also the only faction that strives to recognise it's flaws and improve them. It is willing to broker peace with it's enemies (even if history has shown NCR is more than willing to roll over its neighbours to get what they want in the end), and depending on the end of Cass' quest, the Courier can trigger a political landslide that may well bring about reforms in the NCR senate that would dethrone a number of merchant houses that have worked their way into, and corrupted the senate.
The Legion just kill those who fail, blame it on their weakness then carry on with the same plan, hell, for as renowned a leader as Lanius is, he was basically doing the same thing Graham did at the first battle, throwing all his men at the dam and waiting until NCR's lines broke. Only difference is he had more men and a more fearsome reputation. Mr House's dreas are only good for Mr. House in the long run, and the wild card option is just Mr. House's ending without the genius of Robert House backing it up, so in a way, doomed to fail.
The way I see it, the NCR's greatest issue is that it is a democracy, but it's also its greatest strength as well. Just like in real world political systems, there is corruption and backdoor politicing rampant in the senate, but there are also (from what we can see), people striving to stop that. One of Ranger Hanlon's ending sees him step into Office himself, a man whos major issue with the NCR's bureaucracy and lack of insight. Like I mentioned with Cass' story, the NCR can, and likely will, tackle the growing power of the caravans and Brahmin barons. The corruption that exists in the NCR may come as a result of Democracy, but it is not necessary to the NCR's survival. You can remove these elements, or combat them, without the NCR collapsing. Caesar and House are are autocrats, their societies depend on their ability to lead and control with an iron fist, remove them, and things will start to collapse. Just about everyone predicts it for the Legion, and the Wild Card ending and the anarchy of independent Vegas proves it true for House as well.
In the end, love them or hate them, NCR are the only group in the wasteland with the power, the wealth and the infrastructure to truly rebuild the old world. Of course, they are trying to rebuild the old world... the same one that blew up 200 years ago, but that's an issue for another time.
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Posts : 24 Join date : 2017-09-14 Age : 22 Location : Philipines
Subject: Re: In your opinion, what's the best ending for New Vegas? Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:10 pm
Cause first the NCR is just a mess with general wait and see commanding and the only reason hes general is because his best friends with President Kimball not to mention the amount of corruption in it aswell as allowing dangerous gangs *cough* Powder Gangers*cough* to run around and also what they did in better springs,like I get the khans would get what was coming to them but mowing down children and the elderly of khans was just wrong
Caesar's Legion like what ulysses said would fall if it does not have an enemy or caesar kicking the bucket aswell as the enslavement o others
House only cares about profit and doesnt even consider any alliances or treaties cause he would just order you to destroy the brotherhood of steel with even taking in consideration the Mcnamara willingness to ally to just avoid anything like what happened in helios one and he just sent a bunch of securitons to just slaughter all the kings in freeside
Posts : 65 Join date : 2015-04-07 Age : 40 Location : The Wasteland of NW Mohave County Arizona
Character sheet Name: The Lost Ranger Faction: Desert Rangers Level:
Subject: Re: In your opinion, what's the best ending for New Vegas? Sun Mar 17, 2019 10:12 pm
it's like back in fallout 3, (which was also a video shoddycast did) but maybe the enclave was the right ones for the wasteland- NOT president Eden, the col. Autumn!
he wanted to control project purity so he could control the water supply sure... but at least everyone was still gonna get some, you'll.. just have to pay for it and more follow the enclave to get some.
and yes, liam neeson, the lone wonderer and everyone else kept getting in his way, so that's why he had them killed, if someone kept bothering you and your goals you'd ... maybe?.. do that same thing too. and with the Brotherhood who gave the water away for free! you got people who abuse that for their own needs, i.e. slayers setting traps to get more people to enslave to corrupt snack salemen trying to squeeze every cap from the common wastelander.
but with ANY military force... every man is corruptible. perhaps in time the NCR may turn to be like the enclave or not. but the NCR is the closet we got to a government and actual order that works
Posts : 500 Join date : 2019-01-06 Age : 29 Location : Glasgow, Scotland.
Character sheet Name: Eli Sawyer Faction: Independent Level: 48
Subject: Re: In your opinion, what's the best ending for New Vegas? Mon Mar 18, 2019 10:13 am
I think what makes NV the game that it is, is the human relationships that you encounter when you play it. The game emulates human behaviour and emotion better than any of the Bethesda games and this is amplified by its ending no matter what one you choose.
All of the factions have been detailed by this point. The point being that each ending has someone coming out on top, and one on the bottom. When in history has the people on the bottom been catered to as well as those in high places in society? It is the way the world is, and always has been. There is no "White stallion, save the day." ending for New Vegas because how often even in everyday life is whats right in black and white? Right and wrong is something that everone thinks is universal, but it is often circumstantial or down to the perspective of the individual.
New Vegas offers the choice up to the player. From the get go to the ending you can affiliate yourself with any of the games factions, but you can never truly join them. You can't make a name for yourself through these organisations like you can in TES games, in stead you work alongside a faction under your own moniker.
Personally, and specific to my current playthrough I am doing independent Vegas. I'm creating a pwer vaccum in the Mojave as much as possible, creating as much work for each of the Legion and NCR as i can, while playing both sides. I've created a bounty hunting nation on two fronts of America, one in D.C in the Citadel. And one in the Mojave, where I have overthrown the powder gangers from the prison.
I'm going to cut the supply lines from both entries into the Mojave with the nukes at the end of LR, and once both factions are weakened and trusting of the new power player to the Mojave who have remained impartial up to this point, I will strike out and take the Mojave for itself. Serving not as a ruler or a dictator, but as an independent contractor controlling the balance of power in the Mojave so that not one creed, colour or ideal can overthrow the times they live in. Vegas will rule itself and be a self-sufficient jewel of the desert, incorporating its own wealth to make it and it's surrounding areas safer and improve the standard of living. The Mojave will return to what it once was, being protected from foreign invaders wishing to exploit it and milk it for their own selfish needs. Self-sufficient traiding communities and villages will thrive under new management and those who live by the sword will have a calling to call their own, and will work for themselves, not an old wolrd revival government.
"We're not tools of the government, or anyone else. Fighting was the only thing I was ever good at...but atleast I fought for what I believed in."
Posts : 46 Join date : 2016-09-16 Age : 40 Location : England, UK
Subject: Re: In your opinion, what's the best ending for New Vegas? Sat Mar 30, 2019 9:45 pm
I was kinda disappointed actually, in new Vegas, for a lot of reasons to be fair. Though, a lot of that was coming from Fallout 3. Of course, after DC, I was expecting a much more impressive city than what we got. But, to answer your question, I wa kinda hoping for more from the brotherhood. How cool would it have been if we could start another war between bos and ncr? . I supported ncr for a while, until I was told to blow up the brotherhood. With that, I just had the robots throw the general off the dam, . Best ending ever!
Posts : 4 Join date : 2018-12-07 Age : 24 Location : Flat Earth
Subject: Re: In your opinion, what's the best ending for New Vegas? Sat Mar 30, 2019 10:23 pm
I always go for the independent new Vegas and get some help from the enclave remnants. I remember for so long I had no idea they were in the game or how to even get the armor but I normally continue playing the game after I complete the main quest using a mod. I feel like the main quest was really short compared to Fallout 3 main quest
Posts : 88 Join date : 2017-09-04 Age : 32 Location : England
Character sheet Name: Matteo Faction: Merc Level: 25
Subject: Re: In your opinion, what's the best ending for New Vegas? Sun Mar 31, 2019 12:10 pm
NCR - best ending for the world at large YES MAN - best ending for you the player personally.
I can understand people who argue that House ending would be better, but I respectfully disagree. NCR have already formed a large territory spanning stable government that is still standing. It's the only ending that will not be ruled by one lone person, so unlike the NCR when that sole ruler dies everything will collapse.
In house ending, once he finally dies Vegas and freeside are going to get fucked hardcore Innocent blood will run like a river. In yes man ending, once YOU die there will be a gigantic power vacuum. People are going to kill to have some of the power you had In legion ending... Well we've been repeatedly told how hard that particular regime is going to collapse...
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Subject: Re: In your opinion, what's the best ending for New Vegas?
In your opinion, what's the best ending for New Vegas?