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 Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas

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PostSubject: Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas   Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas EmptySun Sep 03, 2017 11:57 pm

Which character do you feel was the evilest in Fallout Vegas?
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Chase Gunnufsen

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PostSubject: Re: Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas   Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas EmptyMon Sep 04, 2017 12:12 am

Clearly the degenerate the NCR dares to call their leader, Aaron Kimball. True to Caesar. Nah, just kidding, I'd have to say that honor goes to Cook-Cook, for his less-than-voluntary sexual exploits with NCR snipers and brahmin, also the fact that he's implied to torture and rape children as well. But at the same time he's not in a position to do the kind of damage that Kimball, House or Caesar could. What do you think?

Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
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PostSubject: Re: Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas   Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas EmptyMon Sep 04, 2017 12:16 am

Obviously Caesar. Dude brainwashes tribes of slavers to objectify women, crucify innocent people and conquer tribes and other factions before they even know what's up because he read a book on the Ancient Roman Empire. That's cold.
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Chase Gunnufsen

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PostSubject: Re: Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas   Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas EmptyMon Sep 04, 2017 12:48 am

True, none of the factions are squeaky clean though... NCR pays mercenaries and mobsters to beat independent cities into submission and is more than happy to strip these newly annexed territories of their wealth and then toss them into the fire when their no longer useful. With that said Caesar's little plan to gas the strip is pretty... callous. Then there's House who'd fancy himself supreme Dictator of the Mojave, he sees the whole Mojave as means to elevate his own ego... Caesar's effective though. I guess it depends how you view it. I think we should have gotten to see a peacetime legion, what a legion town looks like, how oppressed their actual citizens are. All we see are war camps. I still say that Cook-Cook is the only one of those people I just mentioned who relishes in personally committing the atrocities we've mentioned.

Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
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PostSubject: Re: Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas   Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas EmptyMon Sep 04, 2017 4:18 am

I second what Chase Gunnufsen said Cook-Cook hands down is the most evil sick twisted character in Fallout New Vegas. All the tapes and stories you hear about him just makes me ill and sick to my stomach. I really enjoy collecting his head in the bounty quest.

Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas Robbie10
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PostSubject: Re: Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas   Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas EmptyMon Sep 04, 2017 5:44 am

For vanilla New Vegas: Father Elijah

This guy is insane. He is a completely chaotic psychopath. Yeah, Cook-Cook may be the scum of the Earth, but he isn't intelligent enough to do the evil things Elijah has done. Elijah has enslaved countless people to do his bidding with the warning that he will blow their heads sky high. He severely wounded the BoS, caused them to be targets of the NCR, Legion, and Mr. House, and made them have to huddle in a damn bunker like hermits, all because he saw something "special" with Helios ONE(which is true, but to risk the extinction of you fellow brothers and sisters? come on). He attempted to make you kill your teammates. Oh yeah, he also wanted to turn the Mojave(and even the fucking world if he had the chance) into a literal hell.

Modded: Marko from New Vegas Bounties

What can I say about this guy that has not been told in the Someguy Series? This guy actually killed a pregnant chick and her unborn fetus. Hardcore shit.



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Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas CULfnMuB_o
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PostSubject: Re: Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas   Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas EmptyMon Sep 04, 2017 7:11 am

Fiend leaders are chaotic evil, considering their twisted raiders, so they are the go to for evil, but after that it gets a tad bit difficult once you begin to delve into factions and see how they are all grey in the moral sense.

"Ante up."
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PostSubject: Re: Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas   Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas EmptyMon Sep 04, 2017 7:39 am

Personally I don't see how Caesar's Legion is anything but evil. Granted the NCR aren't perfect and neither is House but pretty much all the arguments against those two can be pinned on the Legion too. I think the only two endings of New Vegas that are morally grey are House and Independent, which are pretty much the same ending but with or without a dictator to rule in the chaos. The two main factions, NCR and Legion are both extremely different with the NCR being the good guy faction with an incompetent side and the Legion just being plain evil. I don't see how you can argue the Legion aren't immoral.

When you look at the Fiend leaders and Raiders, sure they are evil, but they are small fry in comparison the likes of Caesar. Their body count probably doesn't even come close to Caesar's body count both directly and indirectly. I mean, the fiends can't rival the NCR but the Legion can extremely well. Cook Cook is a rapist, murderer, fiend, but is Caesar any better? After all Caesar does allow torture of his slaves, crucifixion, and murder. He doesn't allow females to become Legionaries and instead takes them as slaves, probably lets his men rape them too, as it is slaver culture after all. Caesar assigns these female slaves as non-consenting wives of the high ranked Legionaries, which is essentially him condoning rape. After all that, and a Caesar's Legion victory still can be considered a "good" ending?

With that being said, I'm curious why people still think Caesar's Legion is a morally grey faction when the game quite clearly points to them being a one-dimensional moustache twirling evil faction.
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Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas Empty
PostSubject: Re: Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas   Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas EmptyMon Sep 04, 2017 9:23 am

@Corvo You bring many good points about the legion, I for one don't ever give them the benefit of the doubt, but many people credit the Legion as anything but evil due to the lawlessness of the wasteland, and how the Legion can bring order to the wasteland (But even then it's only trading one hellhole for another).

Still, it brings about that ethical question of how far are people willing to go to sacrifice their freedoms in order to attain security, and quite honestly all of the factions in New Vegas present that question in one form or another throughout the game.

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PostSubject: Re: Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas   Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas EmptyMon Sep 04, 2017 9:30 am

Either Cook Cook or Ceaser. The latter is a Totalitarian scumbag.

Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas Deuuea11
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PostSubject: Re: Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas   Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas EmptyMon Sep 04, 2017 8:30 pm

The Courier when i was playing, besides me though? Legate Lanius, at least Caesar had a vague idea of honor

Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas YAcK0eb
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PostSubject: Re: Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas   Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas EmptyMon Sep 04, 2017 8:53 pm

The omertas let off a chlorine bomb on the strip, chemical warfare is brutal stuff.
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PostSubject: Re: Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas   Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas EmptyMon Sep 04, 2017 9:23 pm

Caesar or anyone in the NCR Government. Two sides of the same coin, they're all controlling asswipes. Difference is one is at least open and obvious with their intent, while the other plays the good guy and waits until the crime is legal before they commit it.

Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas Xua4ue10
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PostSubject: Re: Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas   Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas EmptyMon Sep 04, 2017 10:37 pm

As much as I absolutely despise Ceaser....I would have to say him. He shows no mercy to his enemies and sometimes even to the weak people around him. Not to mention he was able to band several tribes together to create the Legion. Heck. If not for the Courier's involvement, I half wonder if Ceaser would have eventually beaten the NCR. They were basically on their last leg when the Legion came to the Mojave.
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PostSubject: Re: Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas   Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas EmptyMon Sep 04, 2017 10:41 pm

In general? Cook Cook.

I don't see Legion as entirely evil, more just culturally evil. Within their culture, they're actually just behaving the way they were raised/conditioned and though Caesar and his inner circle are certainly evil, they still have some level of a plan and organisation.

Cook Cook on the other hand? The man is a rapist/pyromaniac who is considered insane even among the fiends. There isn't really a reason for him to be as evil as he is, other than a combination of Chem abuse and just being a complete monster. The stuff revealed about Cook Cook through the side quest with the slavers in Freeside (who were reluctant to deal with him) and the lady whose name I can't remember, the one he burnt. Add to that list Corporal Betsy, and all the countless others he's probably got his hands on.

The mans a monster plain and simple. He doesn't do it to further a greater plan. He just does it for fun. That's the worst kind of evil. He has nothing to validate what he does on any level.

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PostSubject: Re: Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas   Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas EmptyMon Sep 04, 2017 11:00 pm

I would say either Rex or Veronica are the most evil in the game. They have always been the cause of every shit hits the fan situation for me in the game.

For instance!

I was sneaking my way through the deathclaw quarry with Veronica. I am like a ninja, like wind , I was unseen. I was creeping over to get that LMG and fatman shell that was in that little hole. There were deathclaws everywhere! Haha but they didn`t see me. Now I`m like 10 feet from the LMG and suddenly my green hidden icon turns to red as Veronica decides to stand up ranting about some random shit and goes charging at the deathclaw alpha! So then the mother comes running over followed by the 10 little babies all screaming. This of course alerts every single deathclaw in the quarry. So now 3 seconds later I`m at the loading screen while my last save is loading. I never got that LMG by the way.

Another instance!

You know near the quarry you can heal snuffles the molerat? Well try that with Rex with you and he attacks the freakin rat when you try to help it. All the miners go hostile and they start lobbing dynamite at me. Tried running away and waited three days but they remained hostile. Reload a previous save again!

Try sneaking past swarms of cazadores with Rex and he decides he just wants to charge and zerg them while I`m still hidden. No other character no matter how foul and wretched they may be can compare to the companions you get in the game.
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PostSubject: Re: Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas   Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas EmptyMon Sep 04, 2017 11:13 pm

I'm surprised no one has mentioned the White Glove Society.

The Fiends are recognized as drug addicts pushed to the brink of insanity. They cause a lot of pain and suffering, yes, but they are in the grips of their addictions. I think being evil requires a devilish mix of mental health and a desire to do great harm. The Fiends only have half of these requirements.

Then there is Caesar, Lanius, and the Legion. Their morality is awful and their methods of justice are brutal, but they don't hurt people for the fun of it. They are harsh in an effort to establish order. I think all of us agree that their efforts are misguided and they deserve a spot on the evil list, but I don't think they take top honors.

Father Elijah is a good mention. His greed has driven him to the point of using people as tools. It's a deadly game he plays.

Returning to the White Glove Society however, we see some pure Hannibal Lecter style depravity. This is a group of people who secretly conspire to murder people for the sake of their elite club and disturbing food fetish. Their desire to lie and cover up their deeds shows they recognize the moral nature of their acts. Overall, the combination of the White Glove Society's atrocities combined with the mental clarity with which they are committed makes me feel they probably deserve the top spot on the most evil list.

I certainly get more creeped out in the basement of the Ultra Luxe than anywhere in the Legion territories.
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PostSubject: Re: Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas   Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas EmptyMon Sep 04, 2017 11:57 pm

I'd say Cook-Cook. Raping and Murdering and i'm pretty sure he burned some children alive.
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PostSubject: Re: Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas   Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas EmptyTue Sep 05, 2017 12:47 am

IRORIEH wrote:
In general? Cook Cook.

I don't see Legion as entirely evil, more just culturally evil. Within their culture, they're actually just behaving the way they were raised/conditioned and though Caesar and his inner circle are certainly evil, they still have some level of a plan and organisation.

Cook Cook on the other hand? The man is a rapist/pyromaniac who is considered insane even among the fiends. There isn't really a reason for him to be as evil as he is, other than a combination of Chem abuse and just being a complete monster. The stuff revealed about Cook Cook through the side quest with the slavers in Freeside (who were reluctant to deal with him) and the lady whose name I can't remember, the one he burnt. Add to that list Corporal Betsy, and all the countless others he's probably got his hands on.

The mans a monster plain and simple. He doesn't do it to further a greater plan. He just does it for fun. That's the worst kind of evil. He has nothing to validate what he does on any level.

You are correct how the Legion are brought up into that way of thinking, but it still doesn't change how evil they are. If the Legion enslaves all of New Vegas, does that mean they aren't an evil faction because of their culture? I'm sorry but this is a hilariously flawed way of thinking. So I can commit genocide, become a totalitarian and enslave any random Joe and woman, make them my sex slave, rape them horrifically and then say "Oh well it's just my culture everyone. No problem here" and then everybody will say "We gotcha Corvo, we know it's just your culture. Have a nice day"? You see their "plan" is just to enslave women, enforce conscription of men into their armies and invade everywhere else. That's like the very definition of evil and immoral. It's absurd to apologize for Caesar in in any way because of their culture, as Caesar wasn't brought up under slavery now was he? Is it still HIS culture? Does he get a free pass?

See the argument that the Legion are doing so because it's a post apocalypse is clearly just a mindless justification for it, especially when you have other better factions that can help the wasteland more so than the Legion can. The NCR may be weak and incompetent, and have an evil side, but they don't rape women, they don't tell women they can't become NCR rangers, they don't view women as property while enslaving them and giving them husbands they never opted for. The Legion ARE evil, and even if they want to establish a sense of order within New Vegas, will that order be so much better than if New Vegas was in chaos? It's like trying to argue for raiders to own New Vegas by saying "Oh well at least there's order now be it under the foot of this random raider", "Oh well at least I'm a slave now but at least we have order".

You see Cook Cook is the same as Caesar. Both want to take as many slaves as possible, have as many men working for them as possible, have a life of luxury while slaying everyone they dislike. Cook Cook rapes, Caesar lets his men rape and probably does it himself, Cook Cook murders and tortures, Caesar lets his men torture and kill anybody and does it himself, Cook Cook is insane, Caesar is insane to think that a free Republic under the NCR is worse than a totalitarian state underneath him. Either that or he's an opportunist, which makes him even worse. Not to mention that Caesar has killed and enslaved more people than Cook Cook can dream of.
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PostSubject: Re: Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas   Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas EmptyTue Sep 05, 2017 1:44 am

The Toaster. Don't trust the toaster. If he could, he'd burn the world.

Most evil character in Fallout New Vegas SQUhP5T

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