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favorite star wars movie and why? Empty
PostSubject: favorite star wars movie and why?   favorite star wars movie and why? EmptySun Aug 20, 2017 6:38 pm

what's your favorite movie from the star wars franchise, why do you like it most? i love return of the jedi, for most people its empire strikes back, but for some reason i like return of the jedi. maybe its the big battle at the end to destroy the death star, maybe its the fight between luke and darth vader, or the speeder bike chase scene, but more then likely its all those things together. i love all the star wars movies, but return of the jedi is my top of the list star wars movie!
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favorite star wars movie and why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars movie and why?   favorite star wars movie and why? EmptySun Aug 20, 2017 6:45 pm

It's been a long time I haven't rewatch SW movies, but Empire Strick Back and Return of the Jedi are my favourite. Why ? Darth Vader voice, and his redemption.

favorite star wars movie and why? Gar2
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favorite star wars movie and why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars movie and why?   favorite star wars movie and why? EmptySun Aug 20, 2017 7:03 pm

A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. ANH is more iconic and I have more love for, but I enjoy TESB more for how it was better written, expanded upon the main characters more (added character to them) and had the legendary plot twist at the end. Looking back on it, it was a near perfect movie. I just wish it had hint towards it and it wasn't completely out of the blue, something like with The Usual Suspects where it was right in front of you the whole time.
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favorite star wars movie and why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars movie and why?   favorite star wars movie and why? EmptySun Aug 20, 2017 7:51 pm

Gonna have to go with the general consensus and say Empire Strikes Back of the original trilogy. Terrific movie, it was the best. Good writing, fleshed out characters, and it has Yoda in it. You can't go wrong with that little green dude.

As for new movies -- Rogue One. A complete, self-containted story with awesome characters like Krennic. Cameos from Vader and Tarkin were not overdone or just there for fanservice, but it actually felt like they belonged there. No forced happy ending and all around I just love the movie.

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favorite star wars movie and why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars movie and why?   favorite star wars movie and why? EmptySun Aug 20, 2017 8:00 pm

Considering I haven't seen Rogue One, Star Wars Episode III: the Revenge of the Sith. I hope no one shoots me in the face for what I'm about to say, but I love the darker more serious tone. The depiction of the falling Republic and Jedi order was really good in my opinion, and added an interesting background. Also the special effects were awesome. Maybe the fact that I watched the prequels first had something to do with my opinion, but that means I had the chance to rate them for what they were without comparing them with the originals.

Well well, now with serious business! If you don't mind I'll get ready:
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PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars movie and why?   favorite star wars movie and why? EmptySun Aug 20, 2017 8:06 pm

Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith.

Here are my two favorite, I had to watch them at least a dozen times.
The quality of the special effects, the history of the clones and the great battles have made these two movies unavoidable .... for me.

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favorite star wars movie and why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars movie and why?   favorite star wars movie and why? EmptySun Aug 20, 2017 8:15 pm

I can't really say which is my favorite since I watched all the prequels and the sequels as to me they were all great movies. I didn't get a chance to watch Rogue One when it was released however but I'll get a chance.

The only thing I didn't like in TFA is how they made Kylo Ren's character. His power doesn't convince me as a Sith.

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favorite star wars movie and why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars movie and why?   favorite star wars movie and why? EmptySun Aug 20, 2017 8:44 pm

@JohnnyXD23, rogue one i though was an awesome movie, and as for kylo ren, you've got to remember he's not a full on sith yet, actually you can't really even call him sith, cuase so far we don't know who trained him, or even if their is a sith master, yes their is commander snoke, but we don't have enough back story on him to say if he is a sith or just someone wanting power for himself. Kylo Ren in he force awakens he is basically like anakin skywalker in attack of the clones he's still learning his powers and isn't gotten to the level of being a sith, or a jedi master, so i see kylo ren right now as that level of a force user.
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favorite star wars movie and why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars movie and why?   favorite star wars movie and why? EmptySun Aug 20, 2017 8:49 pm

Kylo Ren isn't even a Sith. Why ? Because a Sith canalyze is anger. Kylo ren just get angry and destroy everything like a child. And TFA wasn't a good Star Wars.

favorite star wars movie and why? Gar2
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favorite star wars movie and why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars movie and why?   favorite star wars movie and why? EmptyTue Aug 22, 2017 10:11 pm

@Garska, yeah, i agree about klyo ren not being a sith, yes he did act like a spoiled child, but if you remember anakin skywalker acted the same way in attack of the clones, and parts of revenge of the sith. aparentlly you've got to be a spoiled brat before becoming a sith, lmao. as for the force awakens i did enjoy the movie except for kylo rens i'm a sith, spoiled child destroying stuff when things didn't go his way. i do hope that the last jedi makes him more of an adult, and more of a bad ass, but we'll have to wait and see. i'm looking forward to the han solo, obiwan kenobi, boba fett solo movies, especially the boba fett movie. lets all hope thagt whover plays boba, does a damn good job, cause if he can't act the part it will ruin the movie.
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favorite star wars movie and why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars movie and why?   favorite star wars movie and why? EmptyTue Aug 22, 2017 10:17 pm

Empire is probably my go-to SW movie just because of how well it is written. All though, the ending scene of Rogue One is my favorite out of all the other SW movies.

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PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars movie and why?   favorite star wars movie and why? EmptyWed Aug 23, 2017 3:57 am

@YeezusJeezus, i loved the scene in rofue one where darth vader is trying to stop them from escaping with the death star plans, thats was hands down the best darth vader scene in any star wars movie. He showed them how badass a sith can be!!
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favorite star wars movie and why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars movie and why?   favorite star wars movie and why? EmptyWed Sep 13, 2017 6:15 am

I like Rogue One for it's more gritty, war theme. I also like the Original Trilogy, because to me, the OT is Star Wars, when I think Star Wars I think of the OT.

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