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gavin gold

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Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Empty
PostSubject: Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other.   Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. EmptyTue 10 Aug 2021 - 14:16

Found this a few days ago. Pretty well made and on point.
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Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other.   Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. EmptySat 21 Aug 2021 - 12:25

I think every game series has like a gate guardians i guess lol, Dark souls has it cod has it alot of games has them but in my opinion to avoid getting mixed up into that just play every game of the series (if you have the time) experience them in your own way and try to ignore why x y fans hate this game bc of there own reasons but its like the dude said overall its just game have some fun with it. Smile

Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Ezgif_11
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Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other.   Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. EmptyFri 27 Aug 2021 - 17:52

Fallout 4 is still trash, gavin, and 76 is Fallout in name only.
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Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other.   Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. EmptyFri 27 Aug 2021 - 18:57

DrCube wrote:
Fallout 4 is still trash, gavin, and 76 is Fallout in name only.

I don't think anyone cares. Everyone has a different view on it. Some more credible than others.
Express it in a way that doesn't make you look like a giant douchebag and people are happy to just shrug and let you think whatever you want to think.

Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Giphy

And I find, on my way to death and happiness,
that my heroes, my heroes dress in black.
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gavin gold

gavin gold

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Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other.   Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. EmptyFri 27 Aug 2021 - 20:16

Quote :
I don't think anyone cares. Everyone has a different view on it. Some more credible than others.
Express it in a way that doesn't make you look like a giant douchebag and people are happy to just shrug and let you think whatever you want to think.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

@DrCube With short, dumb, angry comments like that, you might feel more at home in No Mutants Allowed.
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Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other.   Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. EmptyFri 27 Aug 2021 - 21:50

I don't hate other fallout fans
I just hate 76 players... And they aren't Fallout fans.

Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. IyPoluA
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William Lionheart

William Lionheart

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Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other.   Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. EmptySat 28 Aug 2021 - 8:45

This isn't in Fallout particular, be it Star Wars, Elder Scrolls, Call of Duty there will still be hate among the fans. Hell look at music, there's always fans who complain about the newest album released and there are some that love the newest stuff.

In the end of the day there will always be lovers and always be haters.
Some people like the new stuff and others hate it, they'll never be in harmony.

Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. 4BMt7A1

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Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Ddjvs54-637772a6-c3d5-4588-b44a-de50e6197404.gif?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2MxMmM1ZTIxLTc5YmQtNDk5OS04MmE3LThmNWFkY2ZiYTRmY1wvZGRqdnM1NC02Mzc3NzJhNi1jM2Q1LTQ1ODgtYjQ0YS1kZTUwZTYxOTc0MDQuZ2lmIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0
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Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other.   Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. EmptySat 28 Aug 2021 - 21:08

William Lionheart wrote:
This isn't in Fallout particular, be it Star Wars, Elder Scrolls, Call of Duty there will still be hate among the fans. Hell look at music, there's always fans who complain about the newest album released and there are some that love the newest stuff.

In the end of the day there will always be lovers and always be haters.
Some people like the new stuff and others hate it, they'll never be in harmony.

Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. 4BMt7A1

I kind of get what you're saying but the Fallout community is kind of different, I've played several games across several platforms, the most chill communities I came across were the Minecraft and DnD communities. Fallout is one of the more toxic ones, along with Star Wars and DotA, a lot of "true" fans going around judging people, also, both Fallout and Elder Scrolls communities have a lot of drama involved, like, a lot.
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Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other.   Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. EmptySat 28 Aug 2021 - 21:11

gibons45 wrote:
I don't hate other fallout fans
I just hate 76 players... And they aren't Fallout fans.

See, this is what I'm talking about, this is why people ask why the community is so toxic. I do understand your opinion, but who are you to judge what is a true fan and what is not? Only Siths deal in absolutes brother.
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Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other.   Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. EmptySat 28 Aug 2021 - 23:21

Imo, the video being discussed is way too charitable to some of the purist fans that rip on the newer stuff. The guy specifically brings up No Mutants Allowed, which is a right laugh. There's no interest there in compromise or education. It's a grudge, a petty, spiteful grudge that gets deeper and deeper the more times it goes around the circle(jerk).

Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Giphy

And I find, on my way to death and happiness,
that my heroes, my heroes dress in black.
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William Lionheart

William Lionheart

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Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other.   Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. EmptySun 29 Aug 2021 - 5:22

@themaster56 also a factor is the fact that it's commonly considered that the fallout/bethesda modding community is the most entitled and toxic fanbase out there.

Some of them as I've noticed and has been discussed by some people before act like they're fucking gods for what they do and everyone should kiss the ground they walk on.

Add the already hostile fanbase to that mentality and you got a bad rap for it.
I was once discussing fallout with my cousin at a convention and a fallout cosplayer just slid closer to listen too what I saying.  Almost like he wanted to attack me if I said anything wrong about the franchise.

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Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Ddjvs54-637772a6-c3d5-4588-b44a-de50e6197404.gif?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2MxMmM1ZTIxLTc5YmQtNDk5OS04MmE3LThmNWFkY2ZiYTRmY1wvZGRqdnM1NC02Mzc3NzJhNi1jM2Q1LTQ1ODgtYjQ0YS1kZTUwZTYxOTc0MDQuZ2lmIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0
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Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other.   Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. EmptySun 29 Aug 2021 - 5:37

It's probably because of what happened to the franchise especially those who followed it from the beginning watching it go from from a small CRPG to watching Interplay start to tear it down with Fallout Brotherhood and the cancelled Fallout Xtreme then get a bit of hope with FO3 Van Buren news to then Interplay collapsing losing Van Buren and thinking your series is dead and gone forever, then Bethesda picking it up gaining some hope to then losing it again upon launch and seeing what was done with it, FO3 is a different from what OG fans knew and expected, then NV comes along and it's the Fallout they remember only to lose it again right after with FO4 and then disaster that brought with how dismissive Bethesda was about the fans and the world that was already built, then comes 76 further straying from what Fallout was.

So yeah people are frustrated and seeing the all new fans buying into Bethesda's Fallout further encouraging the new direction is a bitter pill to swallow as they watch their beloved franchise be twisted into something else.

It'll happen with any form of media that goes a drastic change of tone and direction, whomever liked what was before will complain while the new fans who either never liked the original Fallouts or never played them and like what it is now and don't want to be judged by the older fans are also going to feel resentful toward that old group.
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Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other.   Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. EmptySun 29 Aug 2021 - 9:07

What a terrible video. Dividing the community in different groups that hate each other because of the games they prefer what a garbage premise, completely based on assumptions and straight up misrepresentation of each game. People can like what they want regardless of ''eras''. According to his theory I'm a modern fan because of the games I prefer yet I would identify with the Classic points (which he barely explains btw) how does that make any sense? Why do 4 and 76 get lumped together? Isn't FO4 closer to FO3.

Old boomer entitlement at it's finest. Ah, yes only us that played the originals know what the TRUE Fallout is.

Looking at this guys other videos he seems very dismissive and lazy in general, how he makes a video about bethesda ruining the enclave without talking about 76 at all is just embarassing really. These aren't topics you can address in a 9 minute video but for the typical close-minded fallout fan that seems to be just enough.

Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Neocut10
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Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other.   Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. EmptySun 29 Aug 2021 - 17:33

BloodySister69 wrote:
What a terrible video. Dividing the community in different groups that hate each other because of the games they prefer what a garbage premise, completely based on assumptions and straight up misrepresentation of each game. People can like what they want regardless of ''eras''. According to his theory I'm a modern fan because of the games I prefer yet I would identify with the Classic points (which he barely explains btw) how does that make any sense? Why do 4 and 76 get lumped together? Isn't FO4 closer to FO3.

Old boomer entitlement at it's finest. Ah, yes only us that played the originals know what the TRUE Fallout is.

Looking at this guys other videos he seems very dismissive and lazy in general, how he makes a video about bethesda ruining the enclave without talking about 76 at all is just embarassing really. These aren't topics you can address in a 9 minute video but for the typical close-minded fallout fan that seems to be just enough.

I understand your point friend, but I don't think this guy divided the community, he's trying to find a behavior pattern, which I can understand, but psychology is very difficult to deal with so mistakes can and will happen. Honestly though, like a lot of people said, as long as you're civil about it, most people don't care what you like, however, when someone tries to act superior and shames you for your tastes, thats just annoying you know? We all want to be able to discuss our hobbies without being judged for what we like, and that serves for everything in life.
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Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Empty
PostSubject: My Take   Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. EmptyMon 30 Aug 2021 - 20:08

I think it's the mentality of people wanting a wacky just shoot everything Apocalypse game. Vs the people who want to explore and feel like they are part of the world changing it with there actions Good or Bad. I don't like too gatekeep but I feel (Fallout 76) is everything wrong with modern Bethesda. I also feel a RPG should always be a single player experience. For me seeing (Obscene_Username_69) running around in the same world takes me out of it. The type of people that are attracted to MMOs of this type usually arn't loyal fans of the series. I think ESO is ok but the key difference is ESO takes place in a completely different world. Fallout is different it takes place on Earth where human suffering is at an all time high, the world is radioactive, hostile and survival is hard. It's not the place for it and genuinely makes me sad it exist.
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Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other.   Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. EmptyMon 30 Aug 2021 - 20:29

Tastys wrote:
I think it's the mentality of people wanting a wacky just shoot everything Apocalypse game. Vs the people who want to explore and feel like they are part of the world changing it with there actions Good or Bad. I don't like too gatekeep but I feel (Fallout 76) is everything wrong with modern Bethesda. I also feel a RPG should always be a single player experience. For me seeing (Obscene_Username_69) running around in the same world takes me out of it. The type of people that are attracted to MMOs of this type usually arn't loyal fans of the series. I think ESO is ok but the key difference is ESO takes place in a completely different world. Fallout is different it takes place on Earth where human suffering is at an all time high, the world is radioactive, hostile and survival is hard. It's not the place for it and genuinely makes me sad it exist.

I think you'll find that even the players of 76 want the same thing you do - I've never met someone who /wanted/ 76 to get more wacky and silly, but I find scores of 76 players everyday that want more grittiness, tighter stories and more serious tones. By and large, people /want/ 76 to be more like previous games - They're just not going to turn their nose up at what it is currently.

Which is a great thing, imo - Who else is going to invest in that game's future? It's not like we have another Fallout game coming any time soon, gotta make the most of what we have.

Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Giphy

And I find, on my way to death and happiness,
that my heroes, my heroes dress in black.
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Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Empty
PostSubject: not mad at fans   Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. EmptyMon 30 Aug 2021 - 21:21

IIHawkerII wrote:
Tastys wrote:
I think it's the mentality of people wanting a wacky just shoot everything Apocalypse game. Vs the people who want to explore and feel like they are part of the world changing it with there actions Good or Bad. I don't like too gatekeep but I feel (Fallout 76) is everything wrong with modern Bethesda. I also feel a RPG should always be a single player experience. For me seeing (Obscene_Username_69) running around in the same world takes me out of it. The type of people that are attracted to MMOs of this type usually arn't loyal fans of the series. I think ESO is ok but the key difference is ESO takes place in a completely different world. Fallout is different it takes place on Earth where human suffering is at an all time high, the world is radioactive, hostile and survival is hard. It's not the place for it and genuinely makes me sad it exist.

I think you'll find that even the players of 76 want the same thing you do - I've never met someone who /wanted/ 76 to get more wacky and silly, but I find scores of 76 players everyday that want more grittiness, tighter stories and more serious tones. By and large, people /want/ 76 to be more like previous games - They're just not going to turn their nose up at what it is currently.

Which is a great thing, imo - Who else is going to invest in that game's future? It's not like we have another Fallout game coming any time soon, gotta make the most of what we have.
I see I am probably just be biased because I hate MMOs. Not really much of a talker and I find it hard to socialize with others. To be fair to Fallout 76 I've never actually played it could be great but I was already tittering on the edge of not liking Fallout 4. Fallout 76 Just added fuel to the fire. I guess I just like a story more than exploration. I don't want to just hate on the newer fallouts but I don't like to be railroaded into a story where my decision's come secondary to the plot. Don't get me wrong I liked Fallout 4, exploring and the crafting system was alot of fun the companions where great too. I guess I just want Bethesda to know it's not what I want for a Fallout game.
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Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other.   Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. EmptyTue 31 Aug 2021 - 5:44

Tastys wrote:
IIHawkerII wrote:
Tastys wrote:
I think it's the mentality of people wanting a wacky just shoot everything Apocalypse game. Vs the people who want to explore and feel like they are part of the world changing it with there actions Good or Bad. I don't like too gatekeep but I feel (Fallout 76) is everything wrong with modern Bethesda. I also feel a RPG should always be a single player experience. For me seeing (Obscene_Username_69) running around in the same world takes me out of it. The type of people that are attracted to MMOs of this type usually arn't loyal fans of the series. I think ESO is ok but the key difference is ESO takes place in a completely different world. Fallout is different it takes place on Earth where human suffering is at an all time high, the world is radioactive, hostile and survival is hard. It's not the place for it and genuinely makes me sad it exist.

I think you'll find that even the players of 76 want the same thing you do - I've never met someone who /wanted/ 76 to get more wacky and silly, but I find scores of 76 players everyday that want more grittiness, tighter stories and more serious tones. By and large, people /want/ 76 to be more like previous games - They're just not going to turn their nose up at what it is currently.

Which is a great thing, imo - Who else is going to invest in that game's future? It's not like we have another Fallout game coming any time soon, gotta make the most of what we have.
I see I am probably just be biased because I hate MMOs. Not really much of a talker and I find it hard to socialize with others. To be fair to Fallout 76 I've never actually played it could be great but I was already tittering on the edge of not liking Fallout 4. Fallout 76 Just added fuel to the fire. I guess I just like a story more than exploration. I don't want to just hate on the newer fallouts but I don't like to be railroaded into a story where my decision's come secondary to the plot. Don't get me wrong I liked Fallout 4, exploring and the crafting system was alot of fun the companions where great too. I guess I just want Bethesda to know it's not what I want for a Fallout game.

I feel you man, I played FO76, I don't like MMO's as well, but when I allowed myself to enjoy the game, it was quite pleasant, the level design of FO76 is legendary, it's really really good, each region feels unique and immersive and, imo, leaps beyond FO4's level design. I prefer single player games as it's my taste, but I don't dictate what others enjoy, remember, people are really different, we all have our unique tastes. I learned that the hard way, since I have difficulties to engage with other people due to autism, I always projected my experience on top of others, which would overshadow their own perspectives. Projection is part of the basic human perception, it allows us to feel empathy and to connect with others, however, while it allows us to relate to others, it may also introduce problems with the way we view the world, since there is a schism between what we perceive and what things really are. Sorry for the long reply and for bringing psychology in the discussion, just thought I needed to mention this so my reply would make sense.
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Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other.   Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. EmptyTue 31 Aug 2021 - 16:14

themaster96 wrote:
gibons45 wrote:
I don't hate other fallout fans
I just hate 76 players... And they aren't Fallout fans.

See, this is what I'm talking about, this is why people ask why the community is so toxic. I do understand your opinion, but who are you to judge what is a true fan and what is not? Only Siths deal in absolutes brother.

If someone is supporting a game that has done so much damage to the fallout name and is actively poisoning it with microtransations and rip off subscription plans that do nothing but fix problems that Bethesda made themselves in the hopes that it will make people spend more money on an already full priced game then yes I can say you are not a fallout fan
An actual fallout fan would fight to keep his favorite game free of predatory business practices and nonsensical bullshit!

Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. IyPoluA
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Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other.   Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. EmptyTue 31 Aug 2021 - 16:53

gibons45 wrote:
If someone is supporting a game that has done so much damage to the fallout name and is actively poisoning it with microtransations and rip off subscription plans that do nothing but fix problems that Bethesda made themselves in the hopes that it will make people spend more money on an already full priced game then yes I can say you are not a fallout fan
An actual fallout fan would fight to keep his favorite game free of predatory business practices and nonsensical bullshit!

Have you never played an MMO before? How do you think they pay to keep the game running and maintain it's content flow? Good will and initial game sales? Mate, Subscriptions and Microtransactions have been a part of MMOs forever now and nobody gives a shit about them, they're an accepted part of that model of game. This is before the gaming community went crazy over lootboxes and consumer rights - MMOs are allowed to have 'em.

76 is even cheap as far as MMOs go - Gives out a bunch of free premium currency, doesn't have any RNG lootboxes, gives you a shit ton of currency with your subscription that's far more generous than any other MMO on the market. To say that it's a problem because it's fallout is the shallowest, most close-minded thinking I can fathom. It's a spin-off. An MMO. If you're that butthurt that it dared to be set in the same world as your favorite series then I'd suggest you ignore it for your own sanity.

Why Fallout Fans Hate Each Other. Giphy

And I find, on my way to death and happiness,
that my heroes, my heroes dress in black.
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