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 Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5?

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Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5? Empty
PostSubject: Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5?   Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5? EmptySun Dec 02, 2018 3:43 pm

In my opinion, GTA 5 is one of the very best games that I've played. It's incredibly detailed and the characters are just so much fun to play with. I regret to say that I haven't yet played games like Witcher 3 or Red dead (either of them - I'm a terrible gamer) but both games are on my wishlist. I do not buy games whenever I please but I wait for certain occasions (birthday and Christmas, regarless of deals). I have a few friends that really dislike GTA 5 because they say it's "too boring" and "too much of a grind". I respond by saying there is so much to do in GTA, and regarding the grind, that's only for Online. Story Mode has tons of fun features. I feel they don't give valid reasons for hating on GTA, and I feel that they hate on theg ame simply because it's edgy or something.

Could someone please give me a few reasons (that makes sense) why people dislike/hate GTA 5?
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PostSubject: Re: Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5?   Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5? EmptySun Dec 02, 2018 4:44 pm

Maybe because the writing is terrible in comparison to the previous GTAs, that they never added any story DLC because of Online, that they stopped giving a sh*t about SP when they realized Online would net them more cash, maybe that all the characters are two-dimensional and boring?

GTA V is not bad, or even hated, just an example of R*'s scumminess and/or bad decisions.
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Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5?   Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5? EmptySun Dec 02, 2018 5:46 pm

GTA V: Because the characters were either incredibly shallow (Michael) or completely obnoxious stereotypes that can be summed up with one or two words. Trac(e?)y and Amanda - whorish. Franklin and Lamar - ghetto "gangstas". Trevor - psychotic redneck. I think you get the point

GTA Online: Because Rockstar is just an incompetent and amoral studio that created an online game that's full of Russian hackers that have free reign on killing players and/or hacking their accounts, and is fueled by microtransactions because it takes too fucking long to actually earn enough money to buy a new car or a yacht that serves no function or whatever the hell. They also made it semi-personal for me because my closest friend got banned AND his character reset just because he was put in a lobby with a hacker.

It's because of all of that that I'm not giving Rockstar another cent, whether it's RDR 2 or Bully 2 or GTA VI or anything else. That company can eat its own shit and choke on it for all I care.
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Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5?   Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5? EmptyMon Dec 03, 2018 1:20 am

Yeah we would get actual DLC if not for GTA online. If you look up dunkeys video on rockstar gaming you can find the downward trend with them in big but empty open worlds. and unreplayable. Look at Crowbcat's video on GTAIV is better than GTAV - WHICH I WOULD BUY BECAUSE THE STORY IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN GTAV (And not GTAVs fault - its a more serious sad story instead of a funny one)

Theres one thing GTAV does have that makes me like it, the Hero scripts. Theres a modder called JulioNIB that makes come back to the game with each project - with Superman, Hulk, Flash, Thanos, and currently a Venom mod. The modding is very cool compared to Fo3 (not so much Skyrim, FNV or FO4) and Rockstar received overwhelmingly negative reviews on steam when they tried to interfere with the modding community. (Im worried for Rockstar and Bethesda man)

Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5? Genjis10
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Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5?   Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5? EmptyMon Dec 03, 2018 1:50 am

Online really hurt the reputation of the game. And as other's have mentioned, the writing and story weren't Rockstar's best. It's still an amazing game.

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Lord Vulkan

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Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5?   Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5? EmptyMon Dec 03, 2018 2:51 am

For me the reason I couldn't get into it because of the microtransactions. Same reason I refuse to buy Fallout 76.
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PostSubject: Re: Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5?   Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5? EmptyMon Dec 03, 2018 3:14 am

@Lord Vulkan In defence of GTA Online at least they are only in-game currency microtransactions and not content forcibly held behind a paywall. Sure it's difficult and tedious to save your cash for that new yacht or something, but at least you can actually get it without paying with anything, except of course your own sanity.
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Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5?   Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5? EmptyMon Dec 03, 2018 6:08 pm

Doesn't really change anything. They make the game worse and less fun so that you feel like to get more enjoyment you have to pay to play less of the game

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PostSubject: Re: Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5?   Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5? EmptyThu Dec 13, 2018 10:23 pm

I agree that writing was a bit sloppier, but nevertheless the game was superb. The writing, for me, was good either way. I have argued with my friends that GTA 4 would win the storytelling and emotional aspect.
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Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5?   Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5? EmptyThu Feb 21, 2019 9:04 pm

One of the biggest takeaways for me was the lack of the police computer. That was quite fun in GTAIV, but at least it wasnt a god awful broken PC port with GTA5
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PostSubject: Re: Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5?   Why do people hate/dislike GTA 5? EmptyThu Feb 21, 2019 10:56 pm

I've actually been playing GTA5 for the first time as of late, lol.

I was quite hesitant to check it out at first because of all the bad things I've been hearing about GTA Online, such as grinding, micro-transactions, hackers, etc. But the main reason why I decided to give it a go anyway when it was on special during the Steam lunar sale, is because my two best friends are really into GTA Online and one of those two friends often finds themselves not having anybody to play the game with. So needless to say, I saw GTA5 as a game we could play together as a group because we're not really into the same types of games (so it's quite hard to find something all three of us can enjoy together), and we felt like GTA was one of the only games out there that has things that all three of us can equally like.

I've been enjoying my experience so far. The game's quite grindy like I expected, but I love the customization in GTAO and that's what usually gets me through the grind, as I like collecting and customizing vehicles as well as creating cool outfits. Plus, it's been a hell of a lot of fun playing the game with those two friends of mine, who have been helping me out quite a lot as they're a lot more experienced and wealthier in the game than I am.

With that being said though? While I really enjoy the game, I still agree with most of the criticism in this thread so far. I don't condone the micro-transactions at all, and the fact that there are a lot of hackers in this game is a serious problem. Fortunately though, it's easy for me to look past those problems because I just try to ignore things like shark cards, and in order to avoid hackers (and dealing with other people in general LOL) I only play in private sessions with my two friends. And when my friends aren't online? I just play by myself in solo sessions, even though there's less things to do in that regard. Another criticism of mine is how Rockstar seems to be against modding from what I've seen, and that's something that really rubs me the wrong way because most mods don't really hurt anyone (especially if it's for single-player) and it's a little bit annoying when some developers/publishers don't understand that mods can actually elevate their products. Then again, maybe there is a good reason and I just don't know that yet because I'm new?

Anyway, apologies for the extremely long post and thanks for reading this far if you did lmfao. I just felt like discussing my thoughts on the game as a newcomer as I figured it may or may not be relevant.

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