Can Chubby McButtcheeks get a hell yeah and a hello??
Chubby McButtcheeks
Posts : 11 Join date : 2018-09-24
Character sheet Name: Chubby McButtcheeks Faction: Thot Squad Level: 9999999999999999999
Subject: Can Chubby McButtcheeks get a hell yeah and a hello?? Sat Oct 20, 2018 2:53 am
Can Chubby McButtcheeks get a hell yeah and a hello??
Chubby Mcbuttcheeks 3:16 here, Let me tell you a little about Chubby
Chubby likes mods Chubby likes making mods
Chubby likes glow maps so Chubby makes glow maps
Chubby loves metal maps so Chubby makes metal maps
Chubby likes skimpy armor so Chubby makes skimpy armor
Chubby likes pro wrestling too
if you like glow maps can I get a HELL YEAHH...
if you like metal maps can I get a HELL YEAHH...
if you like Chubby McButtcheeks can I get a HELLL YEAAAHHH
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Can Chubby McButtcheeks get a hell yeah and a hello?? Sat Oct 20, 2018 3:49 am
Some just say hi, some say hey, some say whatup....Chubby says hell yeah! and hello! Welcome to GUN @Chubby. Someone isn't bashful....this should be fun. Enjoy! Do read the site guideline stickies...just for fun
Posts : 983 Join date : 2016-04-24 Age : 27 Location : South East Asia
Character sheet Name: Captain Wick Faction: Wildfire Level: ∞
Subject: Re: Can Chubby McButtcheeks get a hell yeah and a hello?? Sat Oct 20, 2018 6:05 am
Hell yeah Chubby McButtcheeks! I do love the sound of the name lol chubby mcbuttcheeks. Welcome to GUNetwork my good man. We got sodas, a bit of chips at the side with some dip, yeah? Mods are a thing here too. It's like crystal meth, but with the kick of a horse enough to crash fallout 3 and new vegas. (kidding! im kidding, mods here are stable and rad) Enjoy your stay!
The Rabid Dog
Posts : 1033 Join date : 2017-10-20 Age : 25 Location : Southern Spain
Character sheet Name: Niko Faction: Myself Level: Over 9000 Chromosomes
Subject: Re: Can Chubby McButtcheeks get a hell yeah and a hello?? Sat Oct 20, 2018 11:09 am
Hello and welcome aboard!
Posts : 580 Join date : 2016-08-24 Age : 30
Character sheet Name: Logan Faction: Federal Army Special Forces Level: 1000
Subject: Re: Can Chubby McButtcheeks get a hell yeah and a hello?? Sat Oct 20, 2018 5:37 pm
Last edited by klaatu27 on Sun Oct 21, 2018 2:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
Posts : 12 Join date : 2018-10-21
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Subject: Re: Can Chubby McButtcheeks get a hell yeah and a hello?? Sun Oct 21, 2018 7:54 am
@"Chubby McButtcheeks" Welcome, not a pro wrestling fan myself but I know that saying anywhere. Actually had a beer with the man Steve Austin once upon a time. He would have his car washed at a car detail wash I worked at for tips for college 18 years ago. A friend of his threw up in the car(truck) while he was driving home in Boerne Tx. He called up the shop and asked for a house call which we wouldn't have done if it was anyone else. Four of us got into the my car with equipment and chems and headed to his mansion which was only about 15 minutes away. Cleaned out his Truck of everything that was staining and smelly and he even paid us to do a hand wax. Afterwords he brought out some beers and drank and talked to us. The best thing I remember was he was extremely polite to everyone at Wash Tub even though he made in a day what we all combined made in a year. That dude is got that rare combo of being both down to earth and yet has class.
So Yeah .... Hell Yeah!!!
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Subject: Re: Can Chubby McButtcheeks get a hell yeah and a hello??
Can Chubby McButtcheeks get a hell yeah and a hello??