Posts : 41 Join date : 2016-11-07 Age : 24 Location : Canada
Character sheet Name: Krystian Hale Faction: New California Republic Level: 18
Subject: Whats the Number 1 mod you really want? (NV) Thu Jan 05, 2017 5:32 am
I don't know about any of you, But I'd kill for a METRO 2033/Lastlight Themed Mod; Armors, Weapons, Mutants. Thinking about it makes my mouth water
What mods would you guys really wanna see?
Posts : 94 Join date : 2014-11-11 Age : 34 Location : Northwest
Character sheet Name: Miles Faction: N/A (Wanderer) Level:
Subject: Re: Whats the Number 1 mod you really want? (NV) Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:56 am
I'd like to see a fully complete Halo Mod, because all the ones I have seen so far are either incomplete or cancelled.
Still waiting faithfully...
Posts : 420 Join date : 2014-02-25 Age : 27 Location : Limerick, Ireland
Subject: Re: Whats the Number 1 mod you really want? (NV) Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:18 am
Gears of War 4 armor/weapons in either NV or F4.(or both )
_________________ Grudge rhymes with fudge.
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Subject: Re: Whats the Number 1 mod you really want? (NV) Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:34 pm
hmm hard to say, Probably a full zombie game conversion, most of them just spawn zombies around or in citys, problem with that is it ruins the basic story as important characters end up dying, I don't know if I'm in the minority but I like having goals and objectives, the best zombie mods don't spawn the undead in citys but that doesn't help places like goodsprings or novac, that are completely exposed a mod that completely overhauled these settlements and added gates or ladders so humans could enter would be great, killing zombies and scavenging kinda breaks up the boring cycle of bunny hopping between locations, (of course whats the point in a zombie mod if when you get to that location everyones dead)
Posts : 63 Join date : 2016-11-30 Age : 32 Location : UK
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Subject: Re: Whats the Number 1 mod you really want? (NV) Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:40 pm
If we're talking dream-tier stuff, mine won't be comprised of armour and/or weapon rips like the majority of these posts so far.
In order of desire: Pip-Boy usage and conversations not freezing the world around you; NPCs using vehicles ala that Frontier trailer (but not quite on that scale) and with brahmins pulling carts like in FO/2; an abundance of critters ala crows, fish, radgulls and the like i.e. squirrels, iguanas, pit vipers, electro-beetles (F:VB) etc.; flying enemies actually fly and don't just hover whilst following paths and not "jumping" off of ledges.
I've got a a few handfuls more, some of which I'm WiP on myself, but yeah, those are the biggies, I'd say.
Posts : 3924 Join date : 2014-08-18 Age : 30 Location : Dublin, Ireland
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Subject: Re: Whats the Number 1 mod you really want? (NV) Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:53 pm
mine in theory is a pretty simple one new walk animations i don't really like the vanilla ones at all and i usually replace them with the fallout 3 vanilla walk animations,
even now i dislike the male walk animation in fallout 4 as my armor slightly clips my gun belt when walking at normal pace im pretty ocd about that stuff lol
Posts : 1158 Join date : 2016-02-04 Age : 25 Location : United States
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Subject: Re: Whats the Number 1 mod you really want? (NV) Thu Jan 05, 2017 3:02 pm
Mine would basically have to be just a huge star wars mod. So basically armor and weapons from all eras. From the Old Republic to the new trilogy. And maybe the option to overhaul the factions and everything as well.
My Mods:
No longer have links since, and I'd never thought I'd say this, but I released too many mods for all the links to fit in my signature. So just use the search function instead. Sorry for the inconvenience.
[FO4] SW:TFUII Imperial Saber Guard | [FO4] Horizon Zero Dawn Armor Pack
Posts : 1388 Join date : 2014-03-28 Age : 26 Location : Chasing my Daisy
Character sheet Name: Litney Houston Faction: Heartbreak Kids Level: BadKenzClub aka FRESHER THAN YOU
Subject: Re: Whats the Number 1 mod you really want? (NV) Thu Jan 05, 2017 4:49 pm
Oh that's so easy to answer. MORE TACTICOOL ARMORS. I'm talking everything from MWR, the Police uniforms from Battlefield Hardline, and pretty much everything outta CoD Ghosts. Ghosts has some BEAUTIFUL armors. Other than that I don't really know, I just need more tactical uniforms.
Oh, maybe a Nicki Minaj playable race.
Baby it's your world, ain't it?
Posts : 257 Join date : 2015-04-25 Age : 28
Subject: Re: Whats the Number 1 mod you really want? (NV) Thu Jan 05, 2017 6:22 pm
The number one mod I would love is a jetpack mod that works with boba fetts armor or jango fetts.
Posts : 666 Join date : 2015-10-19 Age : 41 Location : TON 618
Character sheet Name: Johnnie Faction: lone Wanderer Level: Still Alive
Subject: Re: Whats the Number 1 mod you really want? (NV) Thu Jan 05, 2017 6:56 pm
More Cyberpunk Stuff or some living/animated armors they interact with you, like the MK117 or that armor for guys
there´s alot i´m thinking about XD
Dies iræ, dies illa Solvet sæclum in favilla, Teste David cum Sibylla.
Posts : 1143 Join date : 2014-12-27 Location : Kentucky
Subject: Re: Whats the Number 1 mod you really want? (NV) Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:24 pm
Fallout 4 ported to New Vegas. Take out the voiced protagonist, and use the RP features from Fo3 and FNV. Imagine launching up New Vegas and eventually be able to play Fallout 1 The Story mod (currently production is halted on the mod), Fallout 3 with TTW and fallout 4
Posts : 1206 Join date : 2014-11-02 Age : 33
Subject: Re: Whats the Number 1 mod you really want? (NV) Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:31 pm
A mod that completly overhauls the combat AI of Npcs. Combat isn't really fun with the AI in the Nv and Fallout 3 game,enemies don't really use cover,they rush at you with a rifle instead, just like they don't even fear to die or get injured. This really annoys me, especially when there is some fiend who runs around with a hunting rifle at 50m distance and hits you every time while on the move and closing in on you
But I guess the game engine just isn't suited for realistic Npc behaviour
Posts : 342 Join date : 2015-03-01
Subject: Re: Whats the Number 1 mod you really want? (NV) Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:50 pm
I saw once a project for fallout 3 that wanted to simulate a zombie apocalypse, they even did some animations for the ghouls to have them run more zombie like. The project got forgotten but I always liked the idea of a zombie mod for fallout, I don't think It would be much different from the fallout universe, I'm surprised no one tried to do something like that.
_________________ I am looking for AC Odysset armor and outfits assets to port to FNV, if you know where I can get them, PM/email me.
Posts : 28 Join date : 2015-07-30
Subject: Re: Whats the Number 1 mod you really want? (NV) Sat Jan 07, 2017 8:58 pm
Any mod that fixes the dumb AI.
And also project b42. Dear lord I've been following that project for SO LONG and it just gets better and better. And then worse cuz it gets delayed again :c
Posts : 21 Join date : 2016-01-01
Subject: Re: Whats the Number 1 mod you really want? (NV) Sat Jan 07, 2017 9:20 pm
A mod that adds a proper disguise system, something like Stealth Tools for Skyrim. Also, B42.
Posts : 31 Join date : 2015-05-11 Age : 34 Location : Nowhere important
Subject: Re: Whats the Number 1 mod you really want? (NV) Sat Jan 07, 2017 9:43 pm
I want a tiger tank pls
Posts : 36 Join date : 2015-05-16
Subject: Re: Whats the Number 1 mod you really want? (NV) Sun Jan 08, 2017 3:07 am
Me, I would want some of the F4 companions. The only two things I really loved about 4, was the companions, and the gunplay. There's already mods that fix the gunplay for New Vegas, so yeah. Only need the companions now. I would also adore a mod that overhauls New Vegas into a fallout AU where the culture stopped at the 80's era, rather than the 50's. Becuase I'm one of those peeps with false nostalgia for the 80's. Also, what JJHughes said. A proper zombie overhaul, instead of a mod that just dumps them in the area where the player is.
Posts : 334 Join date : 2015-06-20 Age : 25 Location : Victoria, Australia
Character sheet Name: Intern John Faction: Frontier NCR Regiment Level: 5
Subject: Re: Whats the Number 1 mod you really want? (NV) Sun Jan 08, 2017 4:25 am
I'm waiting for Project B42 and of course Frontier (I should probably get back to it ). Multiplayer is a huge no no for me and I won't be interested in any sort of multiplayer for New Vegas.
_________________ Writer on the Fallout Intensive Project, which aims to bring the Fallout story to the UK. Bug Tester, Interior Creator, Designer and Decorator on the Frontier Mod
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Subject: Re: Whats the Number 1 mod you really want? (NV)