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[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Empty
PostSubject: [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS?   [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? EmptyTue Feb 09, 2021 7:59 pm

So I have been having this FPS issue, I recently added AWOP to my game. Before AWOP I had usually around 40 fps with an ENB. After it is down 20. I even removed the ENB entirely from the FNV folder and came back in game to see if the ENB was causing it, but I had the same FPS in the 20's at freeside. So if it isn't the ENB then what is it? It's the same result even when taking off texture overhaul mods.

I have a RTX 2070 super
16 GB's of ram
64 bit windows 10
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[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS?   [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? EmptyTue Feb 09, 2021 8:11 pm

Well enb causes some FPS drops even erasing enb fólder ,so u must delete d3d11.dll
About AWOP its wierd having FPS problems like that... This mod needs optimization ,u can lose 10-15 FPS in some áreas ( mosly interiors )but your case its too heavy
Could u share ur ini file ,list of installed mod in ur actual fnv fólder and ur pc specifications? I mean Fallout NV.ini and preferís.ini

[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Captur35

Last edited by klaatu27 on Tue Feb 09, 2021 8:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS?   [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? EmptyTue Feb 09, 2021 8:22 pm

The D3d11.dll is taken away, I said I removed the enb entirely. I'll provide my ini here



I have already tried using a fresh INI generated from the game, didn't help the FPS at all and before I have attempted re-installing the game entirely.

My pc specs are already in the post.

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[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS?   [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? EmptyTue Feb 09, 2021 8:34 pm

Ok i'm checking
About your pc I had the normal 2070  before upgrading to the 3070 
With 2070 i had  1080p 60 fps with a lot of mods ,you also have a good processor so I don't think the problem will be ur pc
Maybe a driver issue

Okey about ur mod list
Fovslider can affect ur fps in high values  example 100 in firts person
enchance interior light cause some fps drop with enb but is compatible with awop
Ini its okey 
So if u have nmc or ojobueno probably  this mods are killing ur fps
 try to play in 1080 with the following mods off

  • eve
  • 10YearPack.esp
  • Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp
  • Fov max 90

and well about mojavy sandy desert ... are combine this mod with nmc /george or any other texture mods?

If u dont have any big texture mods than mojavy...
Install Mod limit fix and clean ur intalled mod with fnvedit
If u have several mods install 4gb launcher, nvhr
And if u have make same change in nvidia control panel, like high quality texture .. restore the program to default

What version u have of frontier?
I mean ur textures are bsa ?
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[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS?   [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? EmptyTue Feb 09, 2021 9:03 pm

I don't have NMC or OJO activated. already did 4gb installation too. But not NVHR, I will try that and set nvidia control panel to default along with those mods turned off.

Well I tried all of this but it's the same fps still :/
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[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS?   [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? EmptyTue Feb 09, 2021 9:54 pm

Okey ,if u still have FPS problems ,dont worry Will try other solutions
And well furmark can detect problems on ur rtx...if u try furmark 1080 tell me the reult

[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Captur35
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[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS?   [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? EmptyTue Feb 09, 2021 10:31 pm

For some reason can't get this link to show as an image
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[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS?   [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? EmptyTue Feb 09, 2021 11:04 pm

No problem .The result is good , so ur rtx is not the problem...
So im gonna test ur modlist to find the killer FPS
While a try this...delete Frontier mod , because if u install the no bsa u have a lot textures in landscape fólder
Instal unistaller nmc textures if u install any nmc
Try to disble mojavy only esp.. u still have sand textures
Install colisión meshes

[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Captur35
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[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS?   [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? EmptyWed Feb 10, 2021 12:22 am

Alright well I did all of that including removing The Frontier, loaded back in at 4 fps and I couldn't move. Removing The Frontier must of broken that save, so I tried a new game and good springs had 100 fps without The Frontier and AWOP and everything you told me to remove. No ENB. But I wanted to play these mods.
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[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS?   [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? EmptyWed Feb 10, 2021 12:52 am

The Frontier is a very FPS heavy mod; total script overload. My suggestion is that you give it it's own profile in Mod Organizer 2 as its compatibility with other mods is still relatively unknown.

AWOP giving you fps issues is strange indeed as I have played that mod with a 980ti back in the day (far less than what you have now), and I never had issues with it. It should only cause dips in some of its new cells.
To clarify: have you tried running the game with only your stability fixes and AWOP? To see if it is interacting with another one of your mods in a bad way?

and to answer your question: YES but your mod loadout is something I would consider to be of average size, so the cause isn't necessarily due to the number of mods.
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[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS?   [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? EmptyWed Feb 10, 2021 1:02 am

Well that is what we are trying to get to the bottom of. Because I didn't think I had that many mods either.
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[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS?   [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? EmptyWed Feb 10, 2021 5:40 am

Quote :
have you tried running the game with only your stability fixes and AWOP? To see if it is interacting with another one of your mods in a bad way?
This is pretty much the only way to see if it's caused by AWOP by itself or if it's caused by AWOP + another mod. If you already tried this, then let me know so that we can move on to the next step.

My other bit of modding advice is to avoid changing your load order once you start a playthrough. Adding or removing significant mods mid-playthrough can really mess up the save. This is even more so with script-heavy mods. I had to learn this the hard way when I lost a 150 hour playthrough.
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[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS?   [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? EmptyWed Feb 10, 2021 6:37 am

Well I did a new save with The Frontier activated and AWOP is still on, and ran to freeside with the FPS mostly being above 60 with a ENB on. Only dropping when things load infront of me but never stuttering. Yet loading my actual play through save in the same locations provided 20-30 FPS. Sigh...I played new cali on this save before new vegas, so I wonder if that caused it. I don't know. Is there any way to fix the save or is it just rip?

-edit- now I am incredibly confused. I went into an earlier save in good springs on my actual play through (Activating all of my mods that I was asked to deactivate) that was after I came out of New Cali, and I have 70-100 FPS outside, Nani? I went back to freeside on this earlier save and I have 70-80 FPS. ??? wtf happened with the save I currently have that is suffering from FPS issues. I am boggled to what I could have done going throughout the mojave and doing the quests normally to destroy the FPS upon arriving to freeside.

-edit 2- I loaded another save from my current play through about mid way through it (at Primm) and I had 40-50 outside, went to free side, 40's. It appears that the longer time that I spent in the mojave, the more my FPS deteriorated. By time I reached Freeside it was in the 20-30's leading to this post. I don't know what it is but something is destroying the FPS slowly as I stay in the mojave. Does anyone know what mods could be causing this? Is this some sort of memory leak?
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[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS?   [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? EmptyWed Feb 10, 2021 1:27 pm

Frontier is bad optimizated u may try my tutorial to fix the performance if u wanna play this mod. 

Other problem of forntier.. its the new version  aviable of the mod... because new files are no bsa and conflict with other texture /meshes mod u have in /data/texture or meshes/landscape folder

About memory leak , u have 8 gb of vram and 16 gb ( maybe drr4 2400 or more mhz) so i dont thing u have any memory problems..

Well try to donwload a save from nexus and test it 

About ur system if u have some antivures free... like avast or norton unnistall it 

w10 defender its good,if u want you can install malwarebytes or adwcleaner ... any other antivirus free its shit. Or u can download process64 and check  in virutotal ur active process in taskmanager to find if u have virurses or malware affecting ur performance...

This sunday i will test ur installed mods ,and with this (i hope) will find the problem...

Edit 1: What appears to be a compatibility problem between mods, or a performance problem on your pc 
The last option maybe is caused by spending time running a program with demand high energy in your  rtx card
So if ur pc config wouldn't be the problem and u hasent got any  virus... 

May be fault  its bad values in ur configuration of administration of pc energy or in the power fount (for example if u have failure in performance cuased by ur powe fount u will see white flashing lights in the rtx because needs more power , my 2070 armor needed about 400w  and 3070 600w i have 750 power fount)

Edit 2 : Download crytaldisk info to see if u have problems on ur disks, maybe the issue are bad sector in your hdd or any kind of problem of ssd..

Sorry for the edits but i need time to and translate mentally
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[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS?   [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? EmptyWed Feb 10, 2021 4:10 pm

How long does it take for your fps to degrade when playing?

If you exit the game, load the save and start playing again, does your fps return to normal?
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[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS?   [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? EmptyWed Feb 10, 2021 5:57 pm

1. will check it out when I've figured out what is causing this

2. It is the new version of the frontier, but any conflicts that are found in vortex I usually just let the texture mods override because they are only textures, it would still conflict?

3.They are pretty new RAM sticks and work fine, and there aren't any errors with the drive FNV is installed on

4. no virus protection programs installed

6. I am looking forward to seeing if someone else will run into the same problems, though I did play New Cali before going into the mojave but I don't know if that caused it.

7. I don't know if there's a compatibility issue, aren't these things sorted by vortex if there's conflicts and I just choose what gets loaded after? and thing is I did other things so I didn't have my game always open. I would close it every now and then and go back into it so I don't think that is the problem. I have played other games for long periods of time with no issue, FNV doesn't even heat up my RTX that much.

8. There is no virus I'm sure, I never download shady stuff.

9. The problem with this being the possibility of a power fault is that I can load my older saves fine and they play at high FPS. It's just as the save progresses through the mojave that the FPS starts to go down. I do not think my pc is a problem. I already messed with my PC power settings before and they're optimal.

10. I tested my disk for errors and got none.

I'm going to do something today and that is to have all of my mods set up normally without any of them missing, re-play my original play through early save today and see if the fps slowly drops as I progress again. If it does, then I will also then do a new game entirely and see if it does the same thing.

1. Don't know, I'd usually play for a few hours, close the game take a break and go back in. I always keep an eye on my temps, it never even gets hot.

2. No the FPS stays the same, it is tied to the save file. This leads to the conclusion that It's not my PC because loading earlier saves has 70-100 FPS again, while loading mid way saves has 40-50.
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[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS?   [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? EmptyWed Feb 10, 2021 9:32 pm

Because this issue seems to be exclusive to FNV and not any other game of yours, it's highly unlikely that your PC is the problem. I would focus more on the game itself.

7. Vortex does try to sort out compatibility issues by allowing you to choose what overrides what. Though sometimes a mod needs a compatibility patch. Texture replacers shouldn't be an issue; just allow your preferred ones to override the others.

Regarding load order, vortex uses LOOT (same as MO2). It usually works fine. Although sometimes its wrong and manual adjustment is needed. Mod authors can sometimes specify where the mod should be in the load order.
Vortex is still pretty buggy for me so unfortunately, I can't give you a whole lot of info on vortex usage; sorry about that.

Another question; what is the file size of your low-fps savegame? And does it have about 4 hours of playtime?
(the purpose of this is to try and see if the save is getting bloated by something)
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[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS?   [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? EmptyWed Feb 10, 2021 11:15 pm

Low FPS save-game is around 13k KB's
High FPS save-games are around 11k KB's
Not 4 hours of playtime, It's in the 50's. I played new cali before going into the Mojave. It took some hours getting to free side though.

that seems pretty normal for save game files. Also I got compatibility patches for all of my mods, so they do work together fine. Compatibility I don't think is the issue, whenever a mod needed a comp patch I got it.

I'm currently playing over the Mojave again with AWOP/Frontier/NMC textures, everything that I had originally activated, including enb. I have noticed that going back to the same locations in specific places has lower fps than the first time I ran through them, yet I kept going. In the desert I get 50-70 FPS at the moment, so it isn't bad. I am still keeping an eye on my FPS throughout this run. This is the High FPS save of my actual play through in the beginning when I got out of New Cali. I think the mods that Klaatu told me to get has helped a-lot. But we will see once I hit freeside again.

-Edit- Well I got to novac and had a grand 30-40 FPS, COC'd to goodsprings, only had FPS in the 40's. So it seems yes the longer that I spend in the mojave or travel, the worst the FPS gets. Sigh.
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[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS?   [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? EmptyThu Feb 11, 2021 6:03 am

The sizes seem normal, and that playtime is fine as well. I just wanted to rule that out.
If it isn't an unknown mod causing it, it could just very well be the fact that there are multiple massive total conversions running simultaneously. Even in my past experience with The Frontier, it tanked my fps in the mojave too. I can only surmise that New Cali, frontier, and AWOP are just too much for the game to handle; some of the other mods you have are several gigs in size too.

Normally when I set up FNV, I have a separate mod manager profile for different setups.
Namely, a heavily modded base game, a specialized setup for TTW, and right now I have a separate one that has New Cali and a small handful of mods that they recommend + standard stability fixes. You don't need to do this now, but in the future it's a good habit to follow so you don't need to worry about messing up your existing setup in order to play some large new mod.

Since you are running an enb, are you also using enboost within enblocal.ini?
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[FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS?   [FNV] Does having more mods destroy your FPS? EmptyThu Feb 11, 2021 9:45 pm

[quote="roflcopter117"]The sizes seem normal, and that playtime is fine as well. I just wanted to rule that out.
If it isn't an unknown mod causing it, it could just very well be the fact that there are multiple massive total conversions running simultaneously. Even in my past experience with The Frontier, it tanked my fps in the mojave too. I can only surmise that New Cali, frontier, and AWOP are just too much for the game to handle; some of the other mods you have are several gigs in size too.

Normally when I set up FNV, I have a separate mod manager profile for different setups.
Namely, a heavily modded base game, a specialized setup for TTW, and right now I have a separate one that has New Cali and a small handful of mods that they recommend + standard stability fixes. You don't need to do this now, but in the future it's a good habit to follow so you don't need to worry about messing up your existing setup in order to play some large new mod.  

[color=#FF9933]Since you are running an enb, are you also using enboost within enblocal.ini?[/color][/quote]

Don't know. Don't think enboost would really matter. It isn't the ENB that's causing the fps to deteriorate over time. It has something to do with the save maybe. Or some sort of mod that is spamming something over and over, and somehow It's staying in the game. But testing multiple mods and repeating going through the mojave each time would be way too time consuming.

Is there any way I can provide some sort of log that shows what's happening in the game?
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