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 The Frontier is Complete Trash

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Is The Frontier the biggest disappointment in modding history?
The Frontier is Complete Trash I_vote_lcap38%The Frontier is Complete Trash I_vote_rcap
 38% [ 73 ]
(Slightly different but functionally identical) Yes.
The Frontier is Complete Trash I_vote_lcap25%The Frontier is Complete Trash I_vote_rcap
 25% [ 47 ]
No (Yes)
The Frontier is Complete Trash I_vote_lcap18%The Frontier is Complete Trash I_vote_rcap
 18% [ 35 ]
(Charisma) 500 caps and it's yes.
The Frontier is Complete Trash I_vote_lcap19%The Frontier is Complete Trash I_vote_rcap
 19% [ 36 ]
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gavin gold

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The Frontier is Complete Trash Empty
PostSubject: The Frontier is Complete Trash   The Frontier is Complete Trash EmptyWed Feb 03, 2021 8:10 pm

Who's laughing now?
- Some guy named Todd.

7 years in the making. A dev team almost the size of a professional one. And the result?

- Degeneracy
- Bugs
- Pedophiles
- Letters from Preston Garvey
- Poorly written erotica EVEYWHERE
- A terrible and preachy story
- More degeneracy
- Every single action scene plagiarized from a different franchise
- Lizard people
- Sex with Deathclaws
- Aggressively horny dialogue
- White Knights
- So much lore breaking *is like these people hate the franchise they're modding
- Even more degeneracy. Did I mention degeneracy?

Seriously, just WHAT.THE.HELL?  FacePalm

EDIT: *After further research it has been confirmed that most of the lead devs either hated or had never played NV.

Last edited by gavin gold on Mon Feb 08, 2021 4:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Frontier is Complete Trash Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Frontier is Complete Trash   The Frontier is Complete Trash EmptyThu Feb 04, 2021 8:33 am

Just don't play it then or make a better game sized mod in your free time Thumbs Up

The Frontier is Complete Trash Image-1
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The Frontier is Complete Trash Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Frontier is Complete Trash   The Frontier is Complete Trash EmptyThu Feb 04, 2021 10:14 am

Writing and story aside, from a technical standpoint (vehicles, need I say more?) the mod is pretty insane and deserves full credit in that regard. I wouldn't be surprised if Bethesda borrows notes from the Frontier for when they eventually make a Fallout 5.

Modern Fallout games are pretty well known to take ideas from mods and put it in the next main game as features. New Vegas started this with iron sights and weapon mods inspired by Fallout 3 mods, and Fallout 4 has its settlement building inspired by mods that had similar albiet primitive build mechanics. But I'm sure everyone knows all that by now lmao.

The Frontier is Complete Trash Xua4ue10
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The Frontier is Complete Trash Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Frontier is Complete Trash   The Frontier is Complete Trash EmptyThu Feb 04, 2021 2:30 pm

In my opinion it's a pretty cool mod, dude you can go to space in the game !!!

The only thing I dislike at the moment is playing in English. I understand the language quite well but it is tedious to be constantly reading and mentally translating ...

Last edited by klaatu27 on Thu Feb 04, 2021 3:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Frontier is Complete Trash Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Frontier is Complete Trash   The Frontier is Complete Trash EmptyThu Feb 04, 2021 3:03 pm

@nickheggo Nick, as the saying goes, you don't have to be a chef to say the food tastes like crap.

And look, some people think I like being negative. I was really excited about the mod, but nothing that I said in the OP is wrong. These huge mods, nothing ever seems to work. Talented as the programmers might be, they don't have the level of project management needed for it. You need someone there overseeing the whole thing, doing quality control, making sure no furry degenerates put their deviancy into the game. And if you can't have that, then maybe that means those kind of project are more than what the community can handle.

@Chinpoko117 I don't think we'll ever see vehicles (other than maybe vertibirds) in a fallout game again. Not because Bethesda can't code it into the game or they haven't yet thought about it. It's not the right game for that.

In FO2 you could drive a car but the map was a 2d grid. You didn't have to worry about mountains, or craters or anything like that. In a 3d FPS, in order to have vehicles, you first need roads (think Far Cry), and look at roads in Bethesda's Fallout games, they are broken, piled with rubble and trash. To be able to drive vehicles you'd have to remove all of that, and Beth LOVES their rubble.
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The Frontier is Complete Trash Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Frontier is Complete Trash   The Frontier is Complete Trash EmptyThu Feb 04, 2021 3:14 pm

Look at the bright side, Mothership Zeta isn't the worst piece of content in fallout history anymore, nor is Fallout 76
I am looking forward to mods that let you kill the degenerates of portland alongside the enclave. Bonus points for porting over that red MAGA hat cap from fallout 4 and giving it to the general

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The Frontier is Complete Trash Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Frontier is Complete Trash   The Frontier is Complete Trash EmptyThu Feb 04, 2021 6:01 pm

First person to die laughing at the Frontier, just confirmed today.

The Frontier is Complete Trash Scarce

Nah, but seriously, I really do feel hate myself for criticizing this mod, but the writers brought it down in every regard and refuse to be humble about things. I feel for those who had no control over what they wrote, but I guess that's what you get when you tell ghoul rape fanfiction writers to go crazy with the plot and vehemently defend their insane ideas on Discord.

I was part of the Frontier discord and still am. I asked them how the lizard/deathclaw sex worked and they just posted some silly spongebob meme and shrugged their shoulders. Because it's funny and I didn't really care much anyway, I ran along with the joke, but it still stands. Why place stupid shit in a story that you can't explain? Even the absolutely batshit Fallout 2 stuff can be explained via lore or some extent of imagination, but if the actual project lead and writers can't even justify the stuff they created how do they expect us to?
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The Frontier is Complete Trash Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Frontier is Complete Trash   The Frontier is Complete Trash EmptyFri Feb 05, 2021 1:14 am

Oh gee loui, Why am I not surprised that this "poll" is made by the thing that was constantly trashing with its brainstick Anything that at least in a tiniest way doesn't go along with its touchy comfort zone, including all classic Fallout games, and each time selling it as an ultimate and the most objective opinion, while all those who don't agree are "beneath" it.
" but nothing that I said in the OP is wrong."
*facepalm* And these gondons for real believe they spit gold each time their opinions are voiced, like for real.

You know, in some way, it's funny. Like you look at subjects like this Golden boy, or Heisenberg's sub, or others both on here and Nexus who are having gigantic hurtbutts about lizards, space stations and smelly Tarantino feet in a bloody fan-made videogame; oh and don't forget some little furry lolicon dude pip-boy icons artist in-between whom devs in a pussiest pussy move threw as the scapegoat for neckbeards internet lynching fest, coz obviously drawings of little ponies fucking each other create child molesters, just like eating pixel babies and roasting 16 time the detail raiders or settlers create real life serial killers, for suuuuuuure.
Anyway, you look at them and it's Exactly the same people you knew were going to do it. You were like "If so happens Frontier becomes fashionable to hate, I know who's going to be on the first rows". It's obvious, it's just... Some folk are just easily readable, they are basically eating, shitting bots. They have a specific programming and the moment you see one or two of their factory markings you know what those are up for for their entire lives, whatever they'll do in almost any situation, under almost any circumstances.

Take your screenshots, people. These same bots, ten years or I don't how far from now, when there's going to be a new pop hate subject, they going to "retrospect their opinions" on Frontier and "realize how actually great it is." For those who don't get it, I'm quoting the recent flow of comments from sneedclave gimps on New California's main page in which that whiny though talented dickhead Thaixan is bathing right now. Pretty much every one of them, of those who been around for years, I doodley do recognize. If you scroll the NC forums like I dunno, hundred times back, you'll see them bashing on it the same way they are bashing right now on the Frontier. And check their favorite or recently endorsed mods, it's probably some "body replacer" or Thuggysmurf's latest "Making Fallout 4 Great Again" endeavour.

Oh, and watch those of them who are here getting incredibly triggered and writing long thread replies to my comment right now, like I would even care to read them. As said, it's a scary place to be in, where their minds are at.

My advice to all the people who still have at least some of their own character left rather than someone else's programming. Watch Fritz Lang's M, 1931, take a very good note from the culmination of that movie. Then find the original torrent of the Frontier, it's really just a google search away from it. Install this over it .
And have some fun during this winter time.
And, perhaps you won't like it, or even completely hate it which I can totally dig. But if you really have problems with it of the same pattern and scale as the peeps in the comments above and you might even have an incredible urge to summarize all of it with "At least technical parts were good"... Then I think it's time to put away videogames for you and try to have that moment of personal rediscovery of yourself, with yourself.
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The Frontier is Complete Trash Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Frontier is Complete Trash   The Frontier is Complete Trash EmptyFri Feb 05, 2021 3:16 am

@Sonichu_fanboy There's no comparing the Frontier to 76. 76 was a train wreck but the devs at least had the decency not to include lizard sex.

But a mod to give the Enclave some MAGA hats and let you join them? That I can get behind. It would undoubtedly trigger those guys, and at least that would at be unironically funny, unlike any of the "jokes" they wrote.

@Heisenberg I never thought I'd see the day when Emil Pagliarulo's writing would look Shakespearean by comparison. Like I had no idea how bad a fallout story could actually be. Then again, maybe this isn't a Fallout story, just some terrible, aggressively horny fanfiction.

@Bafonet Just one question: Who are you again?
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PostSubject: Re: The Frontier is Complete Trash   The Frontier is Complete Trash EmptyFri Feb 05, 2021 4:34 am

@Bafonet I had a nice long chuckle reading that. You explained my character to a T.

When I first joined GUN, I was essentially known as that one guy who writes long essays debating 3&4 critics. NV was and still is the fashionable game to like and 3&4 the unfashionable ones who everyone rips on. I stood out from that crowd like a sore thumb. Hell, I even started to criticize GUN itself and it's use of private assets in ported mods. That was a funny one.

If you're trying to repeat that "NPC" meme, look again. Almost every one of my opinions I have made on this forum have been contrary to the general consensus, and I stick by most of them every single step of the way.

@gavin gold Emil was a quest designer. He made one of the best Bethesda questlines in recent memory, the Dark Brotherhood questline from Oblivion. His problem was that he was assigned to the wrong position and found it hard to adapt, which is completely understandable.

For the most part I get what he was going for with Fallout 3. A heartfelt, emotional story about a son/daughter who sets out to find the one relative they have left, only to lose them shortly after and be tossed into a war between two massive factions both battling over their father's life work. It's a coming-of-age story gone horribly sour. The problem was that it was too short and fast-paced, not leaving us enough time to truly feel connected with James and Project Purity. As soon as you rescue him, the Enclave storms the purifier.

Where Fallout 3 truly shines is within the side quests, specific story quests like Tranquility Lane and it's world design. Whether you like it or not, it's a memorable experience and that's why it revived the franchise from it's 7 year long death and then the unceremonious grave pissing done by Fallout: BoS.

Fallout 4's story was also good in some aspects. A father/mother who gets plunged from their cozy suburban home into a radioactive wasteland in search of their son, who runs through insane hurdles and signs up to fight a boogeyman who has been harming the wastelanders for years, only to find that their son is the leader of said boogeyman. The plot twist was supposed to be some great revelation, and for some it was. It certainly was for me on the first playthrough. The problem that you realize upon repeated playthroughs it that it makes no sense and implies that Shaun is using you. It doesn't help that the whole moral dilemma is essentially the plot of Blade Runner adapted to fit a wasteland setting and themes of the story were already explored in their past entry, Fallout 3.

The Frontier's story on the other hand, isn't even a good concept or baseline. It was either a failed attempt to plunge some weeb fanfic writer into Kojima productions, an attempt to try to make some "le epic pseudointellectual political statement about the horrors of war" or merely a tool used by the members of the project to show off their epic cutscene cinematography, or all three. Either way, it isn't even an attempt at a genuine Fallout story. It doesn't mesh well with the design of the game and it definitely isn't reflective of a Fallout game. It's like the writers took the "War Never Changes" quote, and obliviously ran with it thinking that it meant that they should write a Spec Ops: The Line clone with Call of Duty-esque cutscenes and overdramatic Kojima dialogue peppered with some distasteful [optional] dialogue options and outcomes.

What really bums me out is that the entire mod is tragic, seeing what it could have been. The snowy Fallout setting was inspired, and the driving mechanics were extraordinary given just how old the game is and how it wasn't thought possible before. Unfortunately, that all was tainted the moment one of the writers decided it was a good idea to use his fap folder as inspiration for what he should write about, and one of the other writers played MGS V, MW2 and Spec Ops: The Line, possibly any modern military shooter.

Well, at least Hunt Down The Freeman isn't the worst fan project now I guess.

Last edited by Heisenberg on Fri Feb 05, 2021 4:43 am; edited 4 times in total
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The Frontier is Complete Trash Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Frontier is Complete Trash   The Frontier is Complete Trash EmptyFri Feb 05, 2021 4:34 am

Edit: Accidentally double posted
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The Frontier is Complete Trash Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Frontier is Complete Trash   The Frontier is Complete Trash EmptyFri Feb 05, 2021 5:12 am

I just don't get why they had to remove all that bronies work, if none of it had anything to do with the abuse of the children then why bother. Taking it all out sounds like a waste.
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The Frontier is Complete Trash Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Frontier is Complete Trash   The Frontier is Complete Trash EmptyFri Feb 05, 2021 5:37 am

@Heisenberg Emil is OK. But that's the thing, he's just OK. He's the keeping it simple guy. I like FO4's story, I think it works fine, but I do sometimes wish there was a little more there to get into.

But next to these guys? Emil feels like goddamn Shakespeare. And that's the thing. I so rarely get to experience what genuinely awful writers can do to a story.

Quote :
What really bums me out is that the entire mod is tragic, seeing what it could have been. The snowy Fallout setting was inspired, and the driving mechanics were extraordinary given just how old the game is and how it wasn't thought possible before.

They managed to make a mod that's the opposite of what NV is. NV is loved for its great story even if the game isn't that impressive on the technical side. These guys went all in on the technical, pushing the engine to the limit, but the story is abysmal.

Quote :
Unfortunately, that all was tainted the moment one of the writers decided it was a good idea to use his fap folder as inspiration for what he should write about, and one of the other writers played MGS V, MW2 and Spec Ops: The Line, possibly any modern military shooter.

You'd think that there would be a part in your brain that just naturally knows why that's a horrible idea, but I guess not. Maybe next time around, they'll have a "No Perverts allowed to write any story" rule.
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The Frontier is Complete Trash Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Frontier is Complete Trash   The Frontier is Complete Trash EmptyFri Feb 05, 2021 6:12 am

Besides all the technical aspects it really is a cesspool of dog shit, and it amazes me that people spent so much time working on something so bad and out of character and no one ever went "hmmmm maybe we should jack every cliche possible from war movies" or "hmm maybe we shouldnt turn the legion into weird artists who are misunderstood and talk like 12 year olds"
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The Frontier is Complete Trash Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Frontier is Complete Trash   The Frontier is Complete Trash EmptyFri Feb 05, 2021 7:06 am

@gavin gold What they failed to realize is that there's no "good gameplay" with the New Vegas version of Gamebryo. Contrary to what many members on here might think, no matter how many animation mods you install, no matter how many recoil and inertia mods you use, nothing will ever change the fact that New Vegas combat is unsalvageable dogshit. Animations are always rigid and delayed. It's why I've just given up trying to modernize this game in terms of combat. It just makes it look worse it many aspects, like it's desperately trying to be something it's not. The characters hands float through the barrel of their gun, they do oddities like bending their spine to point their gun at the sun and once they've unsheathed their pistol, they precede to automatically snap their other hand to the grip and run around with their arms stuck in the same tiring position.

And this isn't a slight on the mod authors that make these sort of mods. Asurah and Hitman are very talented, but I just think that New Vegas combat is a dead horse and trying to revive it any more will just make it come back from the dead and kick you in the balls. Fallout 4 gunplay isn't even as good as the best FPS games out there, and that game had id software helping BGS out with it because Bethesda forgot how to animate gunplay.

The Frontier takes the idea that anything is possible with mods, even taking a 12 year old game that started production 16 years ago on an engine from 24 years ago and turning it into an solid FPS. It, expectedly, fails in this regard. Not only based on the fact that nobody wants to play Call of Kojima: New Vegas Ops, but also because New Vegas gunplay is about as stiff as a Frontier dev's dick when they see a deathclaw. Putting yourself through hours of cinematics, boring gunplay and mentally exhausting tacticool missions where gunplay is the key element just seems like an extremely bizarre decision.

gavin gold wrote:
Maybe next time around
You don't want to summon him, do you?
The Frontier is Complete Trash Screenshot-289

Maybenexttime he might be the disciple of Kojima we all thought he would be
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The Frontier is Complete Trash Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Frontier is Complete Trash   The Frontier is Complete Trash EmptyFri Feb 05, 2021 8:27 am

gavin gold wrote:
@nickheggo Nick, as the saying goes, you don't have to be a chef to say the food tastes like crap.

And look, some people think I like being negative. I was really excited about the mod, but nothing that I said in the OP is wrong. These huge mods, nothing ever seems to work. Talented as the programmers might be, they don't have the level of project management needed for it. You need someone there overseeing the whole thing, doing quality control, making sure no furry degenerates put their deviancy into the game. And if you can't have that, then maybe that means those kind of project are more than what the community can handle.

@Chinpoko117 I don't think we'll ever see vehicles (other than maybe vertibirds) in a fallout game again. Not because Bethesda can't code it into the game or they haven't yet thought about it. It's not the right game for that.

In FO2 you could drive a car but the map was a 2d grid. You didn't have to worry about mountains, or craters or anything like that. In a 3d FPS, in order to have vehicles, you first need roads (think Far Cry), and look at roads in Bethesda's Fallout games, they are broken, piled with rubble and trash. To be able to drive vehicles you'd have to remove all of that, and Beth LOVES their rubble.

hahahahaha "you don't have to be a chef to say the food tastes like crap." that has to be the funniest retort I've heard in a while. The writing in the mod was not good but the technical aspect and world space were great. I loved it because Xilandro, Hopper31, tgspy and others were involved.

The Frontier is Complete Trash Tumblr_p4kv3wXMQT1v15bzho2_500
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The Frontier is Complete Trash Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Frontier is Complete Trash   The Frontier is Complete Trash EmptySat Feb 06, 2021 8:11 pm

@Heisenberg There's no summoning anyone back. It's all over.

The Frontier is Complete Trash XvOv84x3CWhqnUgvkKeWpBMU6wvhEvPZjrr54-xZyeY

Now, I'm somewhat less strict than you in that sense because I do think mods make it a little better, but we do agree that ultimately NV just isn't a good FPS. Even when modded to the limit, you look at games like Bioshock 2 or Far Cry 2, both of a similar age, and they're just better. Good gunfights is simply not why you play NV.

But it's even deeper than that. It's one thing to say "I really love this game. Let me try to improve it by designing better animations (or introducing sprinting, quickthow, vehicles, whatever it is) so that I can experience this great story with a more fun gameplay". We can agree or disagree but ultimately that person appreciates what's good about the game and is simply trying to fix what isn't so good.

The Frontier takes everything that's good about New Vegas, even the setting, throws it straight into the trash (so much so that if  you are quiet, you can literally hear Josh crying in the distance about how they massacred his creation), and then tries to build a discount COD on top of the archaic gamebryo engine. It boggles my mind that anyone would spend 5 minutes, let alone 7 years doing such a thing. Just play COD if that's what you'd rather be playing.

@princevegeta2005  @sandtwister200 The problem with saying "the technical aspects were great" is that even if it's true, playing NV or a NV mod for its gameplay is ultimately a self defeating proposition. I don't think there's anybody out there that does, and if that person exists I would very much like to hear why, because even when modded to the extreme, almost any other FPS will give you better gameplay. NV is about characters and story. You play the game because you enjoy those, then mod the gameplay so that it's tolerable. Not good, but tolerable.

If the story is a flaming pile of trash with some bestiality and pedophilia on top, then there's ultimately no reason to bother with the mod. Nobody who thinks about it for 2 seconds wants to play some degenerate's erotic fantasies disguised as a FPS and designed on an old and buggy engine. If you enjoy fast paced, intense combat, there are better alternatives out there.
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The Frontier is Complete Trash Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Frontier is Complete Trash   The Frontier is Complete Trash EmptySun Feb 07, 2021 2:28 am

@gavingold im not at all saying anyone got this just for that, but if you are here you know people love fallout new vegas specifically and arent looking for the aspects to be replicated elsewhere, they want as much as they can get in the new vegas engine which i totally agree with. To act like all of the technical aspects (including all the vehicle work) being added to regular new vegas is kinda dumb. Bigger battles, less crashes, and vehicle exploration/combat is all super rad. everything else though needs to be destroyed. I wont get into it cause everyone else already did but hoooooooooooooly fuck is it crazy to me that they had 7 fucking years and some change and thats the best storyline and dialogue they could come up with. side note though i actually did download the mod just to play and see (and extract) the vehicle shit

Also just reread your post and you seem real lame. New vegas vanilla isnt "tolerable" its still great, even with its more lacking mechanics. Not sure what games you are into but id consider new vegas even without mods to be alot of fun, with mods though its multiplied by a crazy extent. Maybe its me having been a console only player for years and not always being able to mod the fuck out of it
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The Frontier is Complete Trash Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Frontier is Complete Trash   The Frontier is Complete Trash EmptySun Feb 07, 2021 3:42 am

Yeah yeah, blah blah, tell it to the kid with the keyboard.

Character quotes aside, we get it, jumping on a hate bandwagon is cool and all but this is one if not the hundreds of thousands posts I've seen about this topic already. All I can say is, poor bastards. They really brought it on themselves, even if they didn't deserve it...

Born to snipe Sniper
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The Frontier is Complete Trash Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Frontier is Complete Trash   The Frontier is Complete Trash EmptySun Feb 07, 2021 4:48 pm

@princevegeta2005 OK, so, let me clarify what I mean.

Let's take vehicles as an example. If adding working vehicles would enhance NV for you, if it would increase the enjoyment you get out of playing the game, then, yeah, by all means, go ahead and download that mod. And maybe I don't agree but who cares? We can play the game differently.

If you are going to download a mod to turn NV into something that's anything but NV in order to be able to use vehicles, then my question would simply be, why not just play a different game? Because there are other games where you can drive vehicles. And you don't need to mod them to the extreme. And you don't need to suffer with the gamebryo engine.

As for NV gameplay. I think as an FPS the game just isn't good. Fallout 4 or 76 (when it's not bugging or crashing at least) have a much better gameplay. And if what you're looking for are good, intense gunfights, other franchises like Far Cry offer you a better experience than Bethesda ever has.

That's not to say NV isn't fun. New Vegas is a ton of fun. It's got an awesome setting, really cool aesthetics, interesting factions, iconic allies and enemies, and a well crafted story. The gunplay is pretty stiff and slow but with some modding it becomes OK. And all around, that makes for an awesome game, even if it's not that awesome as an FPS.

Now, If you disagree with me, and you do like New Vegas gunplay, then that's perfectly fine. We can have different opinions about it.
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