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 Fallout 5

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PostSubject: Fallout 5   Fallout 5 EmptyMon 10 Dec 2018, 12:01

Hello people, I know its to early to talk about the next Fallout when Fallout 76 is still young.

Since most of us are Fallout fans I wanted to know how many people would like to see some old or new features into Fallout 5.

You can talk about some features you miss in the previous fallout games, and some complete new features.

For example I love The Fallout 3 /New Vegas Levelling up system. From your S.P.E.C.L.I.A.L And the Second Attributes (The guns, speech, Medicine and science) and perks.
I Didn't Like the streamlined one in fallout 4.

But I would like to see a non voice player. Yes id admit it was cool at the start but after that it was annoying. waiting for you guy to Finnish talking then waiting for the NPC to Finnish.
And the ending felt really awkward meeting your son and you guy is like "oh its you i have m-m missed you" I can rant how bad this is but id take up much of your time.

And I think it would be cool to have a haggle Feature in Fallout 5.
You walk to a store and see a nice modified gun or armour and want it but you dont have any caps. But maybe your speech and barter are around 50-60.
When you hover over the gun/armour there will be an option to haggle for it. you giving that NPC caps and Items to try to obtain the item you want. and I think this feature would fit into The fallout games.
Since there is not enough trading Items for another. its just buying items.

 I would like you to share any of your thoughts and new and old ideas for Fallout 5.
(you can probably tell im a huge fan of fallout and I paid 200 for the power armour Edition and was disappointed that the game didn't live up to the hype)

So the next Fallout needs to be EVEN better.

Any way I would like to use your suggestions to make a video on what The next game should feature or take out .

Its been Me Borland 

Thank you For sharing!
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 5   Fallout 5 EmptyMon 10 Dec 2018, 14:37


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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 5   Fallout 5 EmptyMon 10 Dec 2018, 15:03

I agree With you. The engine is really weak.(A let down and the main issue with the game) shame that it couldn't come with a new engine. Now I have to put up with it with mods. and find weird ways to get things to work.

I think to answer your question why is New Vegas a god-king of a game.(in  my opinion)
new Vegas had a couple of new features like aim down the sights.
But i do think the story is its Gem and the DLC story's. and the world its in making a very unique experience. 
 I do prefer new Vegas over fallout 3 and 4 not because I hate the others. New Vegas for me has the best story and an interesting world that obsidian made for players. 
like you said "World Building and story telling had me lost in the game.

 All I would like to see is  Fallout 5 that has the depth of new Vegas but a lot of features from fallout 4 and 3. i dont like how they are streamlining some features. eg the perks and story for fallout 4 was not interesting for me.

I just want to see Fallout 5 to have the many possibility's and options in fallout 3 and new Vegas with the Building and crafting from Fallout 4.

Thank you for joining in feel free to add more ideas in.

Thank You For Sharing!
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 5   Fallout 5 EmptyMon 10 Dec 2018, 16:53


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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 5   Fallout 5 EmptyMon 10 Dec 2018, 18:08

I do agree here aswell- 
Although the Town building can be tweaked

Quote :
FO4's features that I liked over FO3/NV:
- The combat system
- Weapon / Armour mods
- Town building - for encampments mostly
- Scavenging - now you have a reason to take every scrap because of crafting
- Dynamic quests - but they need improvements, they need to be more complex- The weather

FO3 and NV's features that I liked over FO4:-
The dialogue - Its features, not its content, like skill checks, multiple (>4) options, et cetera
- The skills and perks - While I don't think FO4's system is bad, I enjoyed the old one more
- Minigames - Slots, roulette, blackjack, caravan (all from NV). Much better than PipBoy flash games
- Houses with premade easy-to-apply customisations - While I like that FO4 offers so much freedom and I definetely think that feature should stay, they should also bring back the old housing system as an alternative. They are two different things for two different tastes.

The Power armour in Fallout 4 seen the most change. completely changing the looks and Gameplay of power armour but it was also the biggest problem for me. But it was also The Best Feature That was in the game.

1- The way you are introduced to power armour really sucked for me.

2- No power armour training needed.(male character was in the army)

3- How common its was through out the world.

I was able to obtain around 20+ power armours and have at least 2 of each type of armour.
There wasn't really a connection to a suit that you found. 

In fo3 and new Vegas you know that the Capital Wasteland had a lot to do with the power armour because of the Enclave and The Brotherhood Of steel. New Vegas made power armour Really rare and only seen in high security locations such as the NCR Controlled Dam, and the occasional dead BOS or the Rare Enclave Armour.

But these can be easily fixed.

 In Fallout 4 as you level up the more common higher level power armour can be found. it be better if they were rare to come by and they had more spawn points that could spawn armour.(meaning if you have a look on google at the spots and they might spawn there)

1- Like in the Early BrotherHood mission Were you follow Danse to The Arcjet Building and he gets scorched but lives , That should be how you are introduced to power armour. 

 2- I think Power Armour Training should return to make power armour More of an achievement instead of an easy find.

3- Fusion Cores Should be rare. I do think that was the design by Bethesda but Failed.

4- Power armour frame should be built and repaired Piece by piece. 

I'm going to be Honest here
Fallout 4 and 76 both have boring maps for me, However if Fallout 76 had a Better story and Interesting one , I  think I would like the World Much Better.

I dont get why People are Saying That Fallout 76 is an asset flip from Fallout 4 But inst that the Same than Fallout 3 to Fallout New Vegas? Just because its bad they say its an asset flip. Wouldn't that happen to New Vegas if it was bad?

Thanks for Sharing!
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 5   Fallout 5 EmptyWed 12 Dec 2018, 03:21


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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 5   Fallout 5 EmptyWed 12 Dec 2018, 13:19

Bethesda has bad pacing in my opinion, front-loading events that should be late game. Closing an oblivion gate, killing a dragon, finding power armor and killing a deathclaw with a mini-gun -- those really aren't good ways to start the game, those are end game activities to work toward, I think.
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 5   Fallout 5 EmptyWed 12 Dec 2018, 13:30

Yeah, like you worked your way through the story, where its been getting slowly tougher, then you reach a point where your stuck somewhere you cant escape, like deep underground, and your only savour is the power armor, beginning the late game quests and difficulties
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 5   Fallout 5 EmptyWed 12 Dec 2018, 14:17

I want the Fallout 3 and FNV leveling system too. What I dislike with Fallout 4 is the grinding. I am currently already at level 65 and there' still a fuck ton of perks to acquire. That's my issue with it. There's just so much time to spend on the game while your liking for it lasts. Having a long ass way to max out your character is a no no for me.

I love the crafting system to be back as well, but not in the way fallout 4 presented it. I did not like the fact that you could convert a 10mm pistol into a glock or a pipe pistol turned into a pipe rifle. I dislike it because it doesn't give weapons it's own identity the way it did back in Fallout 3 and New Vegas.

I don't want the legendary weapon system to be back though. I don't want fallout to feel like borderlands wherein the weapons do not have true unique weapons. I remember going to Fanueil Hall to do the grasshopper quest and one of the Super Mutants had a crippling gauss rifle and then later on I'd get The Last Minute from Ronnie Shaw. It's sad because all that work to defend the castle and the reward is no different with a drop from a Super Mutant. It's not a rewarding moment that the weapons you get in some quests can be obtained from random enemies. It sucks.

I do want Fallout 5 to have the same bleak and difficult world of Far Harbor. I did not really agree with the Commonwealth being so shiny and all. I get the reason for it, but it's just not the type of wasteland I'd be intrigued to explore. I like my wasteland difficult, creepy, and unforgiving.

Lastly, well this is a few tidbits I want and not want:
1. No more voiced protagonists
2. Skill checks please and not the percentage crap
3. Less emphasis on the settlement building
4. Story that really bends your morals
5. Slide show endings again lol that way you'd feel accomplished for finishing such a long game
6. Lore on the weapons, armors, etc. For example, what's the model of the 10mm called? Is it still the Colt N99 or something else entirely? Are miniguns still Rockwell CZ53s or different manufacturers?
7. No more major retconns. Goddamnit man
8. New places and items. I cannot stand seeing Super Duper Mart and Nuka Cola anymore. New Vegas did well without the Super Duper Mart and even had Sunset Sarsaparilla. Add something new to the world Bethesda. You can't keep using the same things again and again.
9. Less brotherhood of steel and super mutants. My god the big nuclear wasteland, where are the other factions and mutants? These guys can't be the only ones walking, breathing, and shitting.
10. Let the players haggle items (i read this up top and I couldn't agree more)

Last edited by njmanga097 on Wed 12 Dec 2018, 14:19; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : avoiding miscommunication)
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 5   Fallout 5 EmptyWed 12 Dec 2018, 14:32

I agree with you all. fallout 4 flaw was killing a deathclaw and in previous games I would be terrified to see one of them. 

Power armour as well you gain The T-45 Full set for about 10 minutes of playing. I have to use mods to either remove the armour or reduce what you get.

The XO-1 was an easy find. but in new Vegas you can find that armour but the are separated one in a cave and the suite guarded by around 20 deathclaws 1 Alpha and 2 Mothers. Fallout 4 is only guarded by 2 security Bots and one assultron. but you can abuse the location its in making it really easy to obtain.

In fallout 5 i want to see big changes to the Power armour.
You'll have to build the frame and then add the armour on top
regarding the Frame being one type I would like to see Mark 1 frames to Mark 5 Frames 
All coming with different stats such as Mark one wont absorb falling damage But mark 5 will.
and armour pieces that brake SHOULD stay on the suit not your Inventory. 

fusion cores Should be rare. But you can craft an alternative power source like car battery but want last as long and more.

@"njmanga097" I do agree with super mutants and the BOS ( Even know there my favourite Faction) 
I do think The way New Vegas had them but weren't the focus of the game. 

I haven't Really Played Far Harbor so i cant say to much but Fallout 4 map sucked for me.
Fallout 4 DLC SUCKED I didn't waste money on it.
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 5   Fallout 5 EmptyWed 12 Dec 2018, 16:12

The leveling system in Fallout 3 and NV was really fun and allowed for multiple playthroughs simply on the basis of making different character builds, and the role-playing mechanics reinforced that with different character types. This is the way they should be going, and I was actually surprised how F76 made its characters to be as malleable as possible in the hands of players, reducing replayability heavily.

Since power armor is often brought up in these discussions, I am on the same bandwagon as everybody else in that PA shouldn't be so easily available to early game players.

There are sooooo many ways to avert this. Make it so punching through the armor to kill the pilot actually breaks it, for example, and the player can only recover parts from the body. Have pre-war PAs run on infinity power, but those assembled in the wasteland require short-lasting fusion cores and generally be a sum of advantages and disadvantages.

And I really, really wish they would stop making the wasteland look like the world ended 10 years ago instead of 200. Show us the ruins of the old world as proper ruins, show that the world moved on. And yet, don't make it a green forest.

The taint of the Great War should be felt in the vegetation, the animals. The people. Maybe show us people with proper mutations, the not-beneficial ones.

Think of some other enemies other than Enclave, Supermutants. Think of some other factions that Brotherhood of Steel.

We know there are cyborgs, mutants, cultists, psionics, tribals in the world. Why not build a game with those in mind?

Legion was an interesting enemy, but it lacked the ferocity and barbaric nature intrinsic to post-apocalyptic stories. Even the raiders are quite tame in how they act.

I really hope that with so many Fallout games behind their belt, Bethesda will finally conduct some market analysis, define their key audience and focus on it.
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 5   Fallout 5 EmptyThu 13 Dec 2018, 12:03

"And I really, really wish they would stop making the wasteland look like the world ended 10 years ago instead of 200. Show us the ruins of the old world as proper ruins, show that the world moved on. And yet, don't make it a green forest"

Why is fallout 76 full of trees and bushed and it was like what 20 years after the bomb dropped and in the other game's its 200+ or something and no vegetation ( For new Vegas well its in a dessert) but it would be cool to have a overgrown map plus this will increase the creep factor whilst you explore. and a bunch of ghouls run and attack you. 

I would like to see that People are trying to rebuild again, The NCR are the only Faction That trying to go back to the Pre-War Rules and Money. But New Vegas was the Only Game to have an interesting Military Faction.
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 5   Fallout 5 EmptyThu 13 Dec 2018, 18:19

In regards to that, as soon as I have my new computer built, probably the first game i'll install will be heavily modded 4, mainly with the regrowth overhaul

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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 5   Fallout 5 EmptyFri 14 Dec 2018, 00:31

I agree that the ruins usually look much too recent in so many fallout games. It's the kind of disrepair that can happen in a few decades maybe, especially in a place with a lot of rain. A lot of the houses in Fallout 4 looked almost as if they were recently abandoned.
As for the trees, people have been complaining since the beginning of time that the trees haven't recovered yet, after 200 years., '76's trees might have been Bethesda just doing a random thing, or it might have been them listening to people screaming that everything shouldn't still be dead... I have no idea.
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 5   Fallout 5 EmptyFri 14 Dec 2018, 11:38

I would like to see some more working vehicles maybe a train. fallout 4 let you ride a Helicopter thing(forgot the name) . And more developed places like i said before. 

Would be cool maybe for the map to be big and let you drive or use something to travel but maybe its an mid-end game feature.
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 5   Fallout 5 EmptyFri 14 Dec 2018, 16:32

My one request is no more super mutants.

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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 5   Fallout 5 EmptyFri 14 Dec 2018, 17:02

Yes, I don't need psychic so clear that the fifth part will not, and if it is then it will not change anything because is constantly deteriorating as fallout war war never changes, well, war never changes it is we understand but the series is heading into the abyss and we know it, remains to mourn and not to believe it is useless well, while Vegas is, although it is not optimized pidu I wait better The Outer Worlds.
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 5   Fallout 5 EmptyFri 14 Dec 2018, 20:46

There are a lot of things I want in Fallout 5 however what I really want is an evolution to the skill system. Looking back at Fallout 2 up to the most recent Fallouts, there is little evolution in terms of this system most notably the speech skill where it just turned into a skill check to get past a problem.

They could create an entire new gameplay mechanic with the speech skill for example you get additional dialogue options based on emotions that are only available with a high amount of speech but there should be a certain risk reward to it where if you say the wrong thing, it might block a path towards a solution to you or make the npc hostile towards you but you get rewarded with the completion of an objective, information to other paths to complete the objective or item rewards if you get the dialogue right.

I also miss the time where getting a certain skill will allow for unique solutions to a problem like how Wasteland 2 did with the toaster repair skill closed eyes smile which is why I am glad that this is a thing in Cyberpunk 2077.

The Elderscrolls games actually had a good leveling system where you improve a skill after using it continually. I am honestly surprised Bethesda didn't include this in Fallout 3.

They could even merge it with the skill system where skills give you the ability to unlock perks that would allow a different kind of gameplay mechanic such as the ability to provide suppressing/covering fire, do a parry/counter attack with melee/unarmed weapons if you invest enough points while also having another leveling system specific to a weapon or item where you get bonuses such as recoil control, reload, accuracy, attack speed, faster speed in lock picking, using a bandage more efficiently for example if you continue to use it over and over again.

Story telling is a bit subjective however I wish they would establish their own lore. They should probably start another game set in the same year as Fallout 1 in another area East of the US and just make stuff up that makes sense and build up a story from there. The BOS is getting really tiresome for me TBH but again this is just a subjective opinion.

If they want a knightly order, why not just make a bunch of raiders who came upon a kids book about knights and just really believed it to be true so that now they are acting knightly dressed in a jury rigged piece of plate armor.

I don't even mind if they keep using Super Mutants, as long as they add new stuff like maybe a town run by communist ghouls, Chinese Hēi guī survivalists that turned on their country and has become the NCR ranger alternative to the East helping anyone they can with their stealth suits, some crazed raiders who think they are from a knightly order, anything really.

There are a lot more I would like to see in future Fallout Games but these are just the stuff that I really really want to see.

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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 5   Fallout 5 EmptySat 15 Dec 2018, 07:18

My main desire for Fallout 5 is that they keep the settlement system, or revamp it. I like to customize all my settlers with custom names, armor, and weapons. I also agree that the perk system in NV is better, and would like to see that come back. Also no voiced main character, as one of the best things in the Fallout series was creating your own character with his/her own backstory, and its hard to do that in Fallout 4, with your character's heavy involvement in the main quest, and pre voiced lines. I'd like them to keep Fallout 4's crafting system, as it makes it easier to get to custom content made by other's, as opposed to New Vegas mods where the mod when just be placed somewhere. Also Stability is a huge thing, as New Vegas always would CTD constantly for me, but I can play Fallout 4 for literally hours without a hiccup, complete with 250+ mods.
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 5   Fallout 5 EmptyMon 14 Jan 2019, 04:24

personally i would like to see a fallout game take place in another country like china since they were at war or russia. and as for story plot fallout should start it off as an amnesia type problem, you woke with a crippled head and cant rememeber your surrounding wasteland. the main quest would be to multiple things, 1. finding out who you were and in the process discover what type of person you were whether good or bad, 2. understand the main problem within the wasteland between whatever factions and decide your actions between them, 3. understand how'd you came to be in the predicament of being unconsicous and why 4.leave your impact on the wasteland
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