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Kaiser Atlas

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The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) Empty
PostSubject: The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory)   The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) EmptyTue Apr 17, 2018 9:40 pm

So after OWB it's Implied the courier was to return to the Big MT, do you think he'd later make contact with the Institute (Willing or Unwilling) as the institute seems to have near infinite resources it would seem reasonable that they had previously or would make contact with the Think-Tank either for trade or maybe confiscation of powerful technology, what do y'all think?

possible theories for institute tech that's similar to the think tank tech?

The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) YAcK0eb
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Tribal Raven

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PostSubject: Re: The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory)   The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) EmptyTue Apr 17, 2018 11:08 pm

I doubt the Institute headed west, it seems as though they barely have much of a presence in the Commonwealth as it is. It doesn't seem like they have even headed into the Capital Wasteland much at all so I doubt they would be in Nevada.

As for the Courier, I believe he returned to Big MT as implied by OWB. However, I do think that depending on the choice the Courier made at the end of NV would ultimately decide what happened to him.

If they chose the NCR, I think the NCR would eventually try to overtake Big MT as they did Helios One.

Legion would have similar effect as well, but they would probably seek to destroy Big MT and the think tank.

House and No Gods, No Masters seems like the only ending in which an eventual meeting with the Institute would be realistic and it would be as you said, the Courier making contact with the Institute.

Unless it's my courier, who through TTW is a member of the East Coast BOS and heads to the Commonwealth in Fallout 4 with the BOS  Banana Dance

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PostSubject: Re: The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory)   The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) EmptyWed Apr 18, 2018 3:03 pm

@Tribal Raven true, i definitely agree with your faction ending dependent result, and as the independent ending is largely considered canon, i'd like to imagine some form of communication, wether it'd be a holotapeir maybe a transmission, like how mobius contacts the think tank, as they might not a have necessarily made physical contact, as like you said they wouldn't go that far into nevada or even at all, but we are talking about the (known) leading powers when it comes to tech in the remnants of america, and if not the institute? what about the B.O.S. surely they'd hear rumors of a crater filled with mindless drones and unimaginable tech, they'd be somewhat interested, that's if they didn't dismiss it as a wasteland myth.

The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) YAcK0eb
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The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory)   The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) EmptyWed Apr 18, 2018 3:26 pm

It's not a fact that the courier will let them in even if they get there and all why the courier by the cannon seized the Vegas and any other factions he does not need, and yes he has the brain center himself and there's all these doctors I will not list, and as the big mountain is more dangerous there are any rotors of the institute, so that a large mountain will easily destroy the institute and make of them lobotomite.
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Kaiser Atlas

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PostSubject: Re: The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory)   The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) EmptyWed Apr 18, 2018 10:33 pm

Presumably that would be the outcome of conflict, yes, but there's also the possibility I mentioned earlier that is wasn't contact with aggressive intentions, but with intentions of trading technology or knowledge. Or even contact like mobius using the large screen in the think tank to send a transmission.

The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) YAcK0eb
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PostSubject: Re: The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory)   The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) EmptyThu Apr 19, 2018 12:15 am

Kaiser Atlas wrote:
@Tribal Raven true, i definitely agree with your faction ending dependent result, and as the independent ending is largely considered canon, i'd like to imagine some form of communication, wether it'd be a holotapeir maybe a transmission, like how mobius contacts the think tank, as they might not a have necessarily made physical contact, as like you said they wouldn't go that far into nevada or even at all, but we are talking about the (known) leading powers when it comes to tech in the remnants of america, and if not the institute? what about the B.O.S. surely they'd hear rumors of a crater filled with mindless drones and unimaginable tech, they'd be somewhat interested, that's if they didn't dismiss it as a wasteland myth.

I think the issue with the BOS comes down to numbers and wars to fight. On the west coast, the BOS has to contend with the NCR and they got their asses kicked at Helios One, so much so that the Mojave Chapter is driven underground. I doubt that if they took Big MT they would be able to hold it, they simply don't have enough soldiers and supplies to fight off either the NCR, Legion or House's Securitrons (which I think House would most definitely try to take Big MT should he win Hoover Dam)

As for the East Coast BOS, providing they won the war with the Institute and stabilized the Commonwealth, I do think I could see them heading west again as we know Maxson is very much in the same boat as the WC BOS so he would try to get the tech anywhere he could find, BUT that requires the BOS taking on Caesar's Legion in Nevada or Arizona.

Great thoughts on it all Kaiser

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The Rabid Dog

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The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory)   The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) EmptyThu Apr 19, 2018 1:21 am

Tribal Raven wrote:
Kaiser Atlas wrote:
@Tribal Raven I do think I could see them heading west again as we know Maxson is very much in the same boat as the WC BOS

-Off topic, some thoughts, just ignore if you want to stick to the topic.

Now that i think about it, Maxson could actually take over the west coast BoS, since he's "royalty" the last descendant from Roger Maxson, a pre war soldier and founder of the Brotherhood Of Steel, even so the BoS are the US Army Remnants as the Enclave are the Government(plus some army and air force) Remnants. Also think about Randall Clarke, what would happen if he settled in one place, find more post war wandering soldiers and people he would had been a great leader from a powerful and interesting rising faction, given by his kind yet righteous nature (and vengeful towards the wasteland scum) The Survivalist.
The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) Giphy

(Btw guys, check my Fallout meme compilation post! i'll be making more updates to it, i's on the dumping grounds)

The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) PTuZkd8
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PostSubject: Re: The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory)   The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) EmptyThu Apr 19, 2018 2:01 am

@Tribal Raven @ElMaldito providing the battle for the commonwealth and it's outcome is that the B.O.S. won then it would be interesting to see a B.O.S. that could teleport (scavenged institute tech?) and had much more advanced custom made post-war power armor, the x-04 or some shit, take on an independent vegas ran by the courier with his securitrons robo-scorpions, lobotomites and whatever else, sadly that wont happen as bringing a protagonist back as a character is a big no no for bethesda and their ''you are the player, you decide his/her path gimmick''

The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) YAcK0eb
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PostSubject: Re: The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory)   The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) EmptyThu Apr 19, 2018 2:12 am

I agree but i doubt it will happen, or at least it shouldn't happen! The BOS is so overdone it's ridiculous...

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PostSubject: Re: The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory)   The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) EmptyThu Apr 19, 2018 12:02 pm

I'd dread to think what a war between and the Institute would look like if they decided to go head to head.

I'd imagine the Institute would have the upper hand tho. They have teleportation and a seemingly endless supply of Synths. But on the other hand, has endless Robo-scorpions and lots of Pulse tech which could easily disable them.

(and of course, has the Toaster of death. All appliances fear him...)
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PostSubject: Re: The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory)   The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) EmptyThu Apr 19, 2018 7:34 pm

The Fallout franchise is going to be around for a long time. Eventually we're going to see East vs. West, although it may be a long time with Bethesda's apparent reluctance. Roboscorpions scared me more in a firefight than typical synths and I'm not impressed by institute blue lasers.

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PostSubject: Re: The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory)   The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) EmptyThu Apr 19, 2018 8:31 pm

@loneheart9 war between Big M.T. and the Institute would lead to new wasteland to explore The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) 1f602

The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) YAcK0eb
Banner and Avatar made by Star, AKA: Wergon - ''Star's Workshop''
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PostSubject: Re: The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory)   The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) EmptyThu Apr 19, 2018 10:03 pm

@loneheart9 The think tank has teleportation tech too.

The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) PTuZkd8
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Kaiser Atlas

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PostSubject: Re: The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory)   The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) EmptyThu Apr 19, 2018 10:08 pm

I'm getting distracted, whoops, but back on track, what about a scenario that doesn't involve conflict? what of an institute with Big M.T. tech? they could have annihilated Liberty Prime with an EMP bombardment or something along those lines, sole survivor involved or not. or synths equiped with emp weaponry absolutely destroying the brotherhoods armors, access to the brightest minds of the Old World for help in creating more advanced synths and technology

The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) YAcK0eb
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The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory)   The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) EmptyTue Apr 24, 2018 5:32 pm

if the Think Tank and Institute got along without conflict the possibilities for improving the wasteland(s) would almost be endless, hell they could easily wind up terraforming the earth again. imagine all that tech, those scientists, PLUS all of that firepower and on a light-hearted note, humor! imagine how the scientists of the Institute would react to the Think Tank and how they describe toes (among other things); a bit of laughter instead of everything being so serious might brighten spirits and inspire new ideas/creativity

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PostSubject: Re: The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory)   The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) EmptyWed Apr 25, 2018 2:42 pm

@Dextrose filthy penis appendages all over their laboratory!! they'd probably dislike synths at the think-tank though,

The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) YAcK0eb
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PostSubject: Re: The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory)   The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) EmptyWed Apr 25, 2018 3:33 pm

I think that the Think Tank scientists, are Institute rogues. But it only a theory, maybe they was a lone group of scientists which have not affialiated to anyone.


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PostSubject: Re: The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory)   The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) EmptyWed Apr 25, 2018 3:46 pm

@Star Did you played OWB? Cause there's no chance that the think tank scientists are Rogue Institute, they're(as a whole) a pre war company employed by the US government to research and develop new technologies mainly to win the war (along with west tek) they put their brains into machines to last longer.

The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) PTuZkd8
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PostSubject: Re: The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory)   The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) EmptyTue Sep 10, 2019 11:41 pm

@The Rabid Dog maybe some lobotomites are gen 3 synths and that's why the process killed them, they weren't made for a lobotomy

The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) YAcK0eb
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PostSubject: Re: The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory)   The Courier, The Think-Tank and The Institute. (Theory) EmptyWed Sep 11, 2019 8:01 pm

If all the tech factions of fallout stopped fighting and worked together, we'd get a very, very weird combination of a utopia and a dystopia.
The Shi, the Enclave (assuming enough of them survived to pass on what they know), BigMt, the Institute, and even the Khans for their drug know-how. And House and his space-faring plans, in the case of a New Vegas victory. Maybe some Hubologists in San Fran are still around who know something about space ships too (I don't recall if all of them boarded the space ship in the end.)
I mean, there's no way all those factions could ever hope to work together, but if they did... or if their tech and skill were somehow consolidated under one conquering faction.

The BOS and Enclave were really painted to be dead and dying factions after fallout 2 if I recall. I sort of wish they'd been left that way, rather than appearing everywhere as super powers. Frankly I'm amazed the Enclave weren't dominating in fallout 4.

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