Posts : 270 Join date : 2016-03-27 Age : 22 Location : Dębno,Poland
Character sheet Name: Jacob Faction: NCR Level: 43
| Subject: Game crashing when entering building Tue Feb 02, 2021 2:04 pm | |
| Well game crashing when i tried to enter somewhere it started when i was entering a lyoyd center in frontier idk know what to do
PS; this happening in mojave to and when i quicksaving and saving
Mods im using: 1CreationClub.esp 1nivVSLArmors Cheat.esp 1nivVSLArmors.esp AK_AR15WP.esp Aloha Keia la.esp Anchorage.esm Asurah_reanimation.esp Asurah_Reanimation_Handgrips.esp awilderwasteland.esp AWO_AR15_-_DLC.esp AWOPDeadMoney.esm B42Wristwatch.esp BabyGoat Ghost Weapon Mod.esp Better Game Performance.esp BF4_Assault_Pack_FNV.esp BoomersGoBoom.esp Bouncing Natural Breasts.esp BrigComp.esp BrokenSteel.esm Brotherhood and House Alliance.esp BrotherhoodReforged.esp Burn Scar.esp bzArmour.esp c a e k w a v e Clothes.esm Caliber.esm CaliberXgunrunners.esm CaliberXhonesthearts.esm CaravanPack.esm Carbon_M4_FNV.esp CBG-Complete+DLC.esp CCO - Ulusses Companion.esp ClassicPack.esm Clean-Deluxe FNV.esp CNR_Beta.esp Cod zombie radio.esm CompanionInfAmmo.esm Convenient Fast Travel Markers.esp Corpse Carry.esp Cpt Rex Idle Stance for PC.esp CrossExplorerOutfit.esp DeadMoney.esm Destroyer of worlds .45 edition.esp DMHO.esp DragsCasualCourierAndMore.esp DragsNPCOverhaul.esp DragsVGUArmorBase.esm DriveableMotorCycle.esp EarJRAmmoProject.esm F4Quickloot.esp Fallout3.esm FalloutNV.esm Fix for Silus Bug.esp FlashlightNVSE.esp FN_FAL_MS.esp FNV NPCs Travel.esp Frontier-Arachnophobia Patch.esp Frontier-Enable Slaves Harbour.esp Frontier Hotfix.esp Functional Post Game Ending.esm GreatKhanGreatOverhaul.esm GunRunnersArsenal.esm HomemadeDragPack.esp HonestHearts.esm ImmersiveRecoil.esp ItemBrowser.esp JGrahamCompanion.esp JIP Selective-Fire.esm JustHoldBreath.esp JustVanillaSprint.esp LonesomeRoad.esm M16a4_Mod.esp M249MS_NV.esp MercenaryPack.esm Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.esp MojaveTerror.esp MP7.esp MTB.esp MultipleMrObamatrons.esp MW3 Mod.esp NCROverhaul.esp NevadaSkies.esm NVNovacApartament.esp NVWillow.esp OldWorldBlues.esm OONV.esm OONV-Override.esp Performace Of The Gods.esp PerkEverylevel.esp Player Vertibird.esp PointLookout.esm Populatedcasino.esp PowderIsTheNewBlack.esp Project13-Populated Wasteland.esp R&S_InnovativeMod.esp Readius_NV.esp Russel.esp SelectFire.esm SimpleCassReplacer.esp SitAnywhere.esp SOCarabine_M4_FNV.esp SomeguySeries.esm Sortomatic.esm SplashDamageArmorpack.esp Tac Vest Addon_NV.esp TaleOfTwoWastelands.esm TFHotfix.esp The Frontier.esm The Mod Configuration Menu.esp The Weapon Mod Menu.esp The Lead Farm.esp ThePitt.esm The Sink Remodel.esp TribalPack.esm TunnelMojave.esp UHNV.esp UnlimitedCompanions.esp update.esp UrgeWasterScarf.esp USSHoodwink.esp VanessaFollowerNV.esm Wasteland Arsenal.esp Weapon mod Expansion.esp Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia WME - DLCs.esm WME - GRA Light.esm YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm YUPTTW.esm Zeta.esm zzClothes.esp