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Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? Empty
PostSubject: Kylo Ren a wuss or nah?   Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? EmptySat Jan 30, 2016 9:17 pm

I felt like Kylo became a bit of a whiney, emo, wuss after he took his helment off and started throwing tantrums, but he restored my faith in him being a bad mf after getting shot and pounding his own wounds. What do you guys think?
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Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kylo Ren a wuss or nah?   Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? EmptySat Jan 30, 2016 10:07 pm

I kind of like him because he isnt yet a pure villain which really gives a new feel to the new trilogy and I really hope he does come back to the light.Secondly, that lightsaber and mask simply awesome.
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Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kylo Ren a wuss or nah?   Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? EmptySat Jan 30, 2016 10:12 pm

He's not very big, ill tell you that much.
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Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kylo Ren a wuss or nah?   Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? EmptySat Jan 30, 2016 10:15 pm

He looks wimpy but.

Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? Consta10
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PostSubject: Re: Kylo Ren a wuss or nah?   Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? EmptySat Jan 30, 2016 10:15 pm

We Wuss Siths.
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Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kylo Ren a wuss or nah?   Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? EmptySat Jan 30, 2016 10:46 pm

He reminded me of Episode 3 Anakin, highly conflicted with himself. I wouldn't consider Kylo a wuss, more emotionally torn, so emo is kinda fitting. Although what makes Kylo not so emo is that he actually does stuff and doesn't simply keep whining to be whiny. If it were not for his outwardly violent temper and lack of hesitation to slaughter innocent folk then he would be a wuss, the dude is an emotional hurricane that will destroy whatever is in his path. That's not a wuss trait but a villainous trait. Perhaps it's his apparent flaws in his psyche, dialogue of his internal struggle, that seem wuss like. With Vader we never see a break in character, an apparent evil stoicism, until his final confrontation with Luke and Palpatine. Vader learned to mask his feelings until a pivotal moment changed everything while Kylo is still learning to.
Wuss or not, I would hate to be on the receiving end of Kylo's wrath.
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Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kylo Ren a wuss or nah?   Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? EmptySun Jan 31, 2016 1:37 am

I was partially joking when I said he's a wuss, I guess I more-so feel like he's immature somewhat, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I think it adds to how unique of a character he is although there were points where he seemed silly almost. Emotionally unstable people can be very dangerous though.

@"BITBUT" I agree. His entire outfit and persona are my favorite out of all the villains as well as his lightsaber. I also gave him some slack because he isn't technically a sith yet.

@"Constable Canada" He did, which is absolutely ruthless, yet awesome at the same time seeing as it proved pretty much how ruthless he can be in the future.

@"Captain_Foxy" Agreed. Vader was a cool villain, but he never gave me that hateful, dangerous vibe like Kylo does and what I like even more is that we see towards the end his struggle with light, but despite that, he is definitely going to be more dangerous than any villain before in the next two titles I think, which I love. I personally liked the 'tantrums' he threw as they added to how far he might go unleashing his anger which, is again, kick*ss. I guess part of his struggle to light is what made me start to consider him a bit silly up until he started pounding his wounds.

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Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kylo Ren a wuss or nah?   Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? EmptySun Jan 31, 2016 1:47 am

He is, somewhat. But he's still developing and will likely be much less "wussy" by the end of the trilogy and will likely resemble Vader much more.

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Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kylo Ren a wuss or nah?   Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? EmptySun Jan 31, 2016 1:57 am

He first real fight they showed him off in, he got his ass kicked by Rey, who literally learned she was a Jedi 10 minutes ago and has no training in using an actual lightsaber. He seems more push over like to me. I personally hope he does die for who he killed. (Won't say because sad and spoilers.)

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Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kylo Ren a wuss or nah?   Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? EmptySun Jan 31, 2016 3:05 pm

TehJoninator5 wrote:
He first real fight they showed him off in, he got his ass kicked by Rey, who literally learned she was a Jedi 10 minutes ago and has no training in using an actual lightsaber. He seems more push over like to me. I personally hope he does die for who he killed. (Won't say because sad and spoilers.)
Isn't it vice versa then? Like, a full trained Kylo with a legit backstory gets beaten up by an overpowered pushed girl with no real training. Doesn't make much sense to me.
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Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kylo Ren a wuss or nah?   Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? EmptySun Jan 31, 2016 3:35 pm

kylo ren is such a loser, once he removed his helmet he started actually acting like a spoiled brat, example when informed the new order had failed an objective he goes and has a literal bitch attack were he destroys the room he is in and attacks the man who informed him, he does this numorus times during the film as shown when he goes off on one; two troopers just stop their security patrol and turn around and leave the area, meaning it isn't the first or second time this has happened. if it was, the troopers would have investigated as shown in the origional films where on the death star if even a noise is heard the troops fill the room with them selves and blaster fire. his constant need for pain and anger along with begging his grandfather for power like jaden smiths beging his father to be an actor had no point and didnt make sense as Darth Vader in the past film gave in to the light to save his son before dying and you may ask well how would kylo ren know that? he was thought by Luke Skywalker, you know the dude who witness darth vader death, darth vaders son who had only relised his father had been tricked shortly before his death would not have told his students darth vader was fucking Hitler with magic powers. overall because iv lost track due to my love for starwars and hate for bullshit il give you all a simple answer
Is Kylo Ren a Badass?
sure if you find posh english godshits threatening then sure he is the second coming of Skeletor mets megatron, but if your sain or at least have a semi functioning brain then no he is not, he is about as threatening as david tenant towards rose tyler
Kylo Ren 1/10 would give cancer
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PostSubject: Re: Kylo Ren a wuss or nah?   Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? EmptySun Jan 31, 2016 4:09 pm

@thelocusteffect Jesus Christ mate, calm your tits. He may not be the best villain in SW (It's all opinion-based, obviously) but he's not cancer personified, either. Just because you don't like hate him, that doesn't mean that everyone who does is stupid/braindead/insane/whatever.

I really liked the dude with his mask on. He acts like a pretty interesting villain. Maybe they should have taken a different actor (though I can't think of anyone) to play his role, but then again it also fits his character. Dude's a conflicted force-user who SPOILERS abandoned his family, training and possibly friends for the dark side. He reminds me of Anakin in a very obvious way. He's not a complete wuss and certainly not a complete badass, but he has enough of both to make him interesting. Also, the way he hilariously flips his shit reminds me of a certain masked Sith Lord who liked to choke his Stormtroopers, like, all the time.

I like the character. I love the movie.

@castlesintheair What does "pounding his wounds" mean?
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Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kylo Ren a wuss or nah?   Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? EmptyMon Feb 01, 2016 12:32 am

He reminds me of Vader in his 30's and being the most New York Jew ever. I am not being offensive, he just looks like the stereotypical Jewish guy and he is whiney

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Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kylo Ren a wuss or nah?   Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? EmptyMon Feb 01, 2016 4:00 am

I want to see him use more of the dark side, so far it seems like he just an evil Jedi. I think that is why he doesn't have sith eyes. He never actually seemed to use the dark side, just the generic Jedi powers. Stopping that bolt was no different really than a jedi catching a falling rock, just required faster reaction. I also want to see how good he is with a lightsaber. I think he just under-estimated Rey and that is why she was able to beat him, not lack of skill. Sparring

Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? Starwarsclone
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Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kylo Ren a wuss or nah?   Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? EmptyMon Feb 08, 2016 9:09 pm

Insult his skills in battle if you want but he took a big hit
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Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kylo Ren a wuss or nah?   Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? EmptyMon Mar 07, 2016 7:36 am

I preferred him as Matt, if you get my drift. Wink

Honestly though it's hard to take him seriously. His motivations are, at best, trying to appease his idol. While his actions do convey a respectable villain, just about every other quality is tantamount to a spoiled child. Just how he took such a high ranking position is beyond me.

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Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kylo Ren a wuss or nah?   Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? EmptyMon Mar 07, 2016 9:55 am

He took a shot to the torso from Chewie's bowcaster and he aggravated it later on. I'm pretty sure that's the opposite of a wuss.

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Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kylo Ren a wuss or nah?   Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? EmptyMon Mar 07, 2016 1:07 pm

To be 100% honest, I thought he looked like a wimp when I saw him without his mask, cause I thought this guy was going to be like the next Darth Vader or epic Sith Lord...BUT once I found out his background, basically an emo child that got angry and left class to be on his own, It fit REALLY well. So I personally think he looks and acts exactly what he is, someone who has gone to the Dark Side but hasn't really got his bearings yet.

Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? 6df57ceae0ff9acc499173ddd01cd3d2
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Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kylo Ren a wuss or nah?   Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? EmptyMon Mar 14, 2016 9:20 pm

I think he was portrayed that way to show that he is still emotionally immature. He's trying too hard to be like Darth Vader.

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Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kylo Ren a wuss or nah?   Kylo Ren a wuss or nah? EmptyTue Mar 15, 2016 3:13 am

I do not like Kilo Rhine, the words of Darth Vader, does not give him no rest.Envy and lust for greatness, not lead to anything good.The sword is cool, no doubt.Mask, a clear imitation of Darth Vader.
He was too young and stupid, the dark side clouded his mind.
He's a wimp in my opinion and I completely agree with you.He won the girl, which had just awakened force, and he was taught to wield the power of the dark side.Too weak, too young.
Nothing but naked ambition.
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