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 Jango vs Boba Fett?

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Jango vs Boba Fett? Empty
PostSubject: Jango vs Boba Fett?   Jango vs Boba Fett? EmptySat Jan 30, 2016 1:20 pm

Which do you prefer? Personally i like Jango but i think thats because dual pistols are sick, also gotta love the more pristine blue armor
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Jango vs Boba Fett? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jango vs Boba Fett?   Jango vs Boba Fett? EmptySat Jan 30, 2016 2:22 pm

I like Boba Fett's armor more since its got more of a worn look to it. Jango's looks far too new.

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Jango vs Boba Fett? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jango vs Boba Fett?   Jango vs Boba Fett? EmptySat Jan 30, 2016 4:18 pm

I like personally the way Boba looks, but I'd have to agree about the duel pistols. Overall I prefer Boba, just because of all he has going for him.

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Jango vs Boba Fett? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jango vs Boba Fett?   Jango vs Boba Fett? EmptySat Jan 30, 2016 6:43 pm

KaosPotatoGamer wrote:
I like personally the way Boba looks, but I'd have to agree about the duel pistols. Overall I prefer Boba, just because of all he has going for him.

I will say Boba had a hell of a lot more story and depth to him, although we can all agree for both characers slave 1 is a badass ship
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Jango vs Boba Fett? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jango vs Boba Fett?   Jango vs Boba Fett? EmptySat Jan 30, 2016 6:49 pm

Definitely Jango, kills a ton of Jedis with ease and is killed by a highly skilled Jedi while Boba is killed by a blind man (lmao). I like Jango's armor and that sexy dual pistol
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Jango vs Boba Fett? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jango vs Boba Fett?   Jango vs Boba Fett? EmptySat Jan 30, 2016 7:01 pm

Honestly, I'd say Jango. He had a whole army cloned after him, and I was told that he killed SIX Jedi with only his fists and nothing else.

It was just rotten luck that caused his death in Episode II.

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Jango vs Boba Fett? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jango vs Boba Fett?   Jango vs Boba Fett? EmptySat Jan 30, 2016 7:45 pm

Which is cooler? Boba. Who'd win in a fight? Probably Boba as well.

Boba took everything Jango had and made it better. Essentially he was an improved iteration of Jango Fett. As for armor they're both cool in their own rights.

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Jango vs Boba Fett? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jango vs Boba Fett?   Jango vs Boba Fett? EmptySat Jan 30, 2016 9:14 pm

Would be Boba Fett
Yes Jango killed a ton of jedis but
Boba had the chance to kill Darth Vader but he didn't because the whole Empire would hunt him down.
"Darth Vader hired Fett to capture an Imperial named Abal Karda and, more importantly, the box he would be found carrying. Upon learning what the box contained—directly violating Vader's instructions—Fett contemplated keeping it for himself. Unbeknownst to Boba, Vader had a group of Imperial criminals. He eventually discovered them, killing all of them in a confrontation. Fett tracked Karda all the way to Maryx Minor, where he was hiding among the Ancient Order of Pessimists, and killed him. However, Vader had followed Fett to Maryx Minor and the two engaged in battle over control of the box. Unable to break through the Dark Lord's defense, Fett quickly found himself forced to the edge of a cliff that hung over a molten pit, apparently at Vader's mercy. Not willing to risk damaging the casket, Vader tried to force Fett to relinquish it by turning his mental powers against the bounty hunter, yet Fett's strength of will allowed him to resist the Sith's suggestions long enough to throw himself from the cliff… apparently to his death. Shocked by this turn of events, and horrified at the thought of having lost his prize, Vader peered over the edge only to find Fett's blaster waiting for him. Shooting Vader square in the forehead and knocking the Sith Lord to his back, Fett returned to solid ground and declared himself the victor of their conflict. Vader, protected from the headshot by his helmet, sardonically congratulated the bounty hunter, then promptly turned the Force against him. Stripped of his blaster, forced to his knees and his arms pinned to his side by the Force, Fett looked certain to meet his end, yet—surprising the Sith Lord again—he kicked the box Vader desired over the cliff edge. Infuriated, Vader released his grip on Fett and went for the box, getting a telekinetic hold on it narrowly before it was destroyed. With Vader's back to him, concentration focused on retrieving the casket, Fett weighed up the benefits of taking advantage of this opening and killing the Dark Lord of the Sith. He quickly decided against such a course of action however, believing that, if taken, the Empire would trouble him to no end. He thus fled the scene of the battle, stealing Vader's landspeeder, and left Maryx Minor behind him." source?
wikia and the book.
Also Boba survived when he was thrown into the Sarlacc
"The Sarlacc found me somewhat indigestible, Solo."
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Jango vs Boba Fett? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jango vs Boba Fett?   Jango vs Boba Fett? EmptySat Jan 30, 2016 9:30 pm

I know this might be a bad answer, but Why have the father kill the son? Well, The original kill the copy, but they had the relationship. Seems out of place for them to kill each other. Y'know? But if I had to say it, Boba would probably win.

Jango vs Boba Fett? Tumblr_msosw1lW1j1rkl9yho1_500
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Jango vs Boba Fett? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jango vs Boba Fett?   Jango vs Boba Fett? EmptySun Jan 31, 2016 7:14 am

fancydoctor wrote:
I know this might be a bad answer, but Why have the father kill the son? Well, The original kill the copy, but they had the relationship. Seems out of place for them to kill each other. Y'know? But if I had to say it, Boba would probably win.

1. Jango specifically asked for a clone with none of the add on's. SO Boba is technically Jangos son. And shared that relationship of Father and son. Jango may have been one of the best bounty hunters in the galaxy, but he was a loving father as well.

2. Mandelorian's are a war like people, so it wouldnt be out of the realm of possibility that the parents fight their children to train them.

Anyways, overall my opinion of this fight would be Jango wins, because if you played the great starwars bounty hunter game, then you know just how badass Jango is. The man killed a hutt, broke in and out of one of the most impenetrable prisons in the galaxy, and took down a former sith apprentice and leader of a drug cartel.
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Jango vs Boba Fett? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jango vs Boba Fett?   Jango vs Boba Fett? EmptySun Jan 31, 2016 8:40 am

Gotta go with Jango I love the pre quels and that blue and silver armor he has is sick. Plus he was so good they cloned an army of him for the republic.
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Jango vs Boba Fett? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jango vs Boba Fett?   Jango vs Boba Fett? EmptyMon Feb 01, 2016 2:04 am

OfficerDornanFett wrote:
Would be Boba Fett
Yes Jango killed a ton of jedis but
Boba had the chance to kill Darth Vader but he didn't because the whole Empire would hunt him down.
"Darth Vader hired Fett to capture an Imperial named Abal Karda and, more importantly, the box he would be found carrying. Upon learning what the box contained—directly violating Vader's instructions—Fett contemplated keeping it for himself. Unbeknownst to Boba, Vader had a group of Imperial criminals. He eventually discovered them, killing all of them in a confrontation. Fett tracked Karda all the way to Maryx Minor, where he was hiding among the Ancient Order of Pessimists, and killed him. However, Vader had followed Fett to Maryx Minor and the two engaged in battle over control of the box. Unable to break through the Dark Lord's defense, Fett quickly found himself forced to the edge of a cliff that hung over a molten pit, apparently at Vader's mercy. Not willing to risk damaging the casket, Vader tried to force Fett to relinquish it by turning his mental powers against the bounty hunter, yet Fett's strength of will allowed him to resist the Sith's suggestions long enough to throw himself from the cliff… apparently to his death. Shocked by this turn of events, and horrified at the thought of having lost his prize, Vader peered over the edge only to find Fett's blaster waiting for him. Shooting Vader square in the forehead and knocking the Sith Lord to his back, Fett returned to solid ground and declared himself the victor of their conflict. Vader, protected from the headshot by his helmet, sardonically congratulated the bounty hunter, then promptly turned the Force against him. Stripped of his blaster, forced to his knees and his arms pinned to his side by the Force, Fett looked certain to meet his end, yet—surprising the Sith Lord again—he kicked the box Vader desired over the cliff edge. Infuriated, Vader released his grip on Fett and went for the box, getting a telekinetic hold on it narrowly before it was destroyed. With Vader's back to him, concentration focused on retrieving the casket, Fett weighed up the benefits of taking advantage of this opening and killing the Dark Lord of the Sith. He quickly decided against such a course of action however, believing that, if taken, the Empire would trouble him to no end. He thus fled the scene of the battle, stealing Vader's landspeeder, and left Maryx Minor behind him." source?
wikia and the book.
Also Boba survived when he was thrown into the Sarlacc
"The Sarlacc found me somewhat indigestible, Solo."
Really wish that Boba Fett was still alive but nope Disney kicked the EU into the eternal pit of darkness.
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Jango vs Boba Fett? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jango vs Boba Fett?   Jango vs Boba Fett? EmptyMon Feb 01, 2016 3:31 am

No fights between father and son!
Only family love Smile
P.S. It's my own opinion Hello Hats Off

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Jango vs Boba Fett? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jango vs Boba Fett?   Jango vs Boba Fett? EmptyMon Feb 01, 2016 4:12 am

@BITBUT No one talks about disney canon here
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Jango vs Boba Fett? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jango vs Boba Fett?   Jango vs Boba Fett? EmptyMon Feb 01, 2016 4:29 am

Jango vs Boba Fett? Tumblr_o0iazi4gX91v0rji1o1_500 VS. Jango vs Boba Fett? 2ANgbg
Getting Decapitated By a Jedi Master Compared to a lucky blow from A Blind Smuggler, the Answer is pretty clear on Who would win.......

Jango vs Boba Fett? Tumblr_ncau2p8RiV1t0pm12o1_500
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Jango vs Boba Fett? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jango vs Boba Fett?   Jango vs Boba Fett? EmptyMon Nov 14, 2016 2:44 pm

Personally, I think a better bounty hunter Jango Fett was. Unlike his son he was involved indirectly in politics to help implement the plan and actively supporting the Sith and Trade Federation. He does not kill just to kill, his actions support the ideas for which he fought. It should be remembered that he was the leader of the Mandalorians and was very concerned about his community.

Jango vs Boba Fett? Szlach10
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Jango vs Boba Fett? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jango vs Boba Fett?   Jango vs Boba Fett? EmptyMon Nov 14, 2016 3:31 pm

I think Boba is better bounty hunter but Jango is better warrior
Boba was teached by numerous of bounty hunters including Jango so he can change his style of fighting in need also he has more advenced tech cuz time progress

Jango on other hand is fully fledged fighter he was trained as a warrior and he have some uniqe skills on his own

In 1 on 1 fight without using dirty tricks and territory advantage Jango would win

But in close space like Jabba palace Boba would definitly have great advantage over him like flamethrower in close space is almost confirmed kill cosnidering that Jango has dated tech and armor

"For the Emperor and Sanguinius! Death! DEATH!"
Jango vs Boba Fett? Julio-11

Last edited by Trzop22 on Mon Nov 14, 2016 3:34 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Cuz i still need to work on my english)
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Jango vs Boba Fett? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jango vs Boba Fett?   Jango vs Boba Fett? EmptyFri Dec 23, 2016 3:16 pm

Jango because his clones brought down the entire Jedi Order within the issue of an order. Instead, Boba's death/defeat was pure comedy.

I still think Boba was a great bounty hunter, but I think his Dad would win.
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Jango vs Boba Fett? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jango vs Boba Fett?   Jango vs Boba Fett? EmptySat Feb 18, 2017 10:07 pm

I would say jango over Boba,Both are skilled fighters and it would be close fight,But Jango fought Obi-Wan in hand to hand most cant even go up against jedi one on one with lightsabers. Plus he killed 6 jedi with his bare hands after being the only survivor. Plus dual blasters and that blue armor in my opinion is more of my liking than Bobas also,It may look more new and less worn but thats because they cant touch this lol bad joke. But if it was out of like 10 Boba would win some but overall Jango all day.

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