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Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? Empty
PostSubject: Anyone else really want a new force unleashed?   Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? EmptyWed Jan 20, 2016 3:08 pm

I absolutely loved the first one, great story and the mechanics were good fun, then on the second they improved the mechanics and visually making it absolutely stunning, although i'll admit waaaaaaaay too short. With the ending of the 2nd one leaving so many unanswered questions is there anyone else also thinking can they please just release a third one. Nothing worse than a cliffhanger left unresolved.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else really want a new force unleashed?   Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? EmptyWed Jan 20, 2016 10:35 pm

It's been a while. The first one was fun, but I'm not really craving it. Also with both Rebels and Rogue One, (as well as various books) we will very likely never get another Force Unleashed. Besides, what I REALLLYYY want is KOTOR III.

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else really want a new force unleashed?   Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? EmptyWed Jan 20, 2016 11:06 pm

I would love for a new TFU the game changed the whole sensation of force wielding than any other game has before.

Not to mention Galen Marek was an interesting character, it's a shame they had to make him non-canon.

Sure they couldn't have made Rebels if they didn't put him on non-canon, but they put all the effort in making him Canon (Lucas Approved and aided in his creation)
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Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone else really want a new force unleashed?   Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? EmptyWed Jan 20, 2016 11:33 pm

I really do want to see another one, I can't explain the badassery that you can do in those games. Yes the second one was really short but I think they can inprove with a third game. Plus you can't deny that Galen's stance is just badass.

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else really want a new force unleashed?   Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? EmptyWed Jan 20, 2016 11:45 pm

I would love to see a new Force Unleashed, but...I really really wish they'd make a new, single player Star Wars, sandbox rpg. My favorite Star Wars game of all time is Knights of the Old Republic. I can't stand The Old Republic, idk why, I just couldn't get into it.( probably because I'm not a huge MMO fan)

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Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone else really want a new force unleashed?   Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? EmptyWed Jan 20, 2016 11:55 pm

I think the closest thing we'll see to a new Force Unleashed is a spiritual successor.

Like TIE Fighter, Jedi Knight, Republic Commando and other great Star Wars games, Force Unleashed is now considered non-canon thanks to Disney.

I mean, it's POSSIBLE we could see a reboot, but it's highly unlikely.

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Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone else really want a new force unleashed?   Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? EmptyThu Jan 21, 2016 9:53 am

I would love to see a new Force Unleashed, but with more missions or a star wars game during the clone wars it could be really cool.

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Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone else really want a new force unleashed?   Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? EmptyThu Jan 21, 2016 10:59 am

William Lionheart wrote:
I would love for a new TFU the game changed the whole sensation of force wielding than any other game has before.

Not to mention Galen Marek was an interesting character, it's a shame they had to make him non-canon.

Sure they couldn't have made Rebels if they didn't put him on non-canon, but they put all the effort in making him Canon (Lucas Approved and aided in his creation)

Crap i didnt know they made him non cannon, obviously they made a lot of stuff non cannon but i didnt know the force unleashed was on that list... So we've not had anyone in star wars bring down a star destroyer with the force :')

Post 2:
Vrig88 wrote:
I would love to see a new Force Unleashed, but...I really really wish they'd make a new, single player Star Wars, sandbox rpg. My favorite Star Wars game of all time is Knights of the Old Republic. I can't stand The Old Republic, idk why, I just couldn't get into it.( probably because I'm not a huge MMO fan)

Im pretty sure its confirmed someone is currently working on a star wars open world rpg game, i'll have to find all the details but i remember the other month they were looking for programmers or something to put on the team so one is coming. what it is though is still a mystery

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Last edited by DVAted on Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:59 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : merged double-post)
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Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone else really want a new force unleashed?   Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? EmptyThu Jan 21, 2016 12:06 pm

I very much enjoy the agility and force-wielding, as well as the light-saber fighting in TFU. I've played the first one about halfway through so far. A bit cringing during the quick-time events, but all-around an action-packed experience with the true force at your fingertips.

I remember playing the sequel in a friend's dorm-room a few years ago and when we got at that star-destroyer scene, neither of us could bring it down. Apparently, the mouse twisting and keyboard smashing didn't help reel it in >.> (presumably it was easier with a joystick/gamepad but we didn't have one)... it was painful and frustrating so I'm not in a rush to go through it again.

Also, either TFU or TFU2 gave you the "minimaps" to kill every single hero in the Star Wars saga. I found that gutwrenching. We were placed on maps and told to kill Luke, Leia, Solo, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and even Yoda. I hated every minute of it. A few times I let them kill me closed eyes smile It's just appalling that some people have the need to kill the positive characters like that. The psychology behind that is harrowing. So I'm not looking towards doing that either.

But ultimately, another slash-dashing force-using experience in the Star Wars universe would be welcomed.

On a side-note - I've merged your two consecutive posts Smile Hope you notice.
Best regards

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Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone else really want a new force unleashed?   Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? EmptyThu Jan 21, 2016 12:19 pm

Another TFU game would be  pretty sweet, but they would have to start again or make TFU 1 and 2 canon again (I don't see the point in playing new games that are non-canon).

Personally I really want Disney to bring back 1313 that game looked so promising, but I don't think it would fit the Disney image though. Going through a 3rd party developer would be the best option for this game, but again, that's up to Disney to decide.

So, yeah I really enjoyed TFU, Galen Marek was a badass and I hope they bring him back and make it canon again.


Disney now own on of the biggest franchises around, and the video game industry is huge with massive profits to be made. They need to get their shit together and get some games in development.

I know of one that is being developed by Visceral, an open world RPG by all accounts.

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Last edited by AdvancedTerror on Thu Jan 21, 2016 4:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else really want a new force unleashed?   Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? EmptyThu Jan 21, 2016 4:17 pm

AdvancedTerror wrote:
Another TFU game would be  pretty sweet, but they would have to start again or make TFU 1 and 2 canon again (I don't see the point in playing new games that are non-canon).

Personally I really want Disney to bring back 1313 that game looked so promising, but I don't think it would fit the Disney image though. Going through a 3rd party developer would be the best option for this game, but again, that's up to Disney to decide.

So, yeah I really enjoyed TFU, Galen Marek was a badass and I hope they bring him back and make it canon again.


Disney now own on of the biggest franchises around, and the video game industry is huge with massive profits to be made. They need to get their shit together and get some games in development.

I know of one that being developed by Visceral, an open world RPG by all accounts.

I dont have the details right now but disney said the other week they are interested in doing something with 1313, they sort of gave the impression they may either make something new but based off it or bring the project back into development. Again i'll have to re find the story but it looked legit.


DVAted wrote:
I very much enjoy the agility and force-wielding, as well as the light-saber fighting in TFU. I've played the first one about halfway through so far. A bit cringing during the quick-time events, but all-around an action-packed experience with the true force at your fingertips.

I remember playing the sequel in a friend's dorm-room a few years ago and when we got at that star-destroyer scene, neither of us could bring it down. Apparently, the mouse twisting and keyboard smashing didn't help reel it in >.> (presumably it was easier with a joystick/gamepad but we didn't have one)... it was painful and frustrating so I'm not in a rush to go through it again.

Also, either TFU or TFU2 gave you the "minimaps" to kill every single hero in the Star Wars saga. I found that gutwrenching. We were placed on maps and told to kill Luke, Leia, Solo, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and even Yoda. I hated every minute of it. A few times I let them kill me closed eyes smile It's just appalling that some people have the need to kill the positive characters like that. The psychology behind that is harrowing. So I'm not looking towards doing that either.

But ultimately, another slash-dashing force-using experience in the Star Wars universe would be welcomed.

On a side-note - I've merged your two consecutive posts Smile Hope you notice.
Best regards

I wont lie to you killing old ben kenobi when hes like 60 made me feel pretty bad :') then killing his spirit as well (talk about overkill) It was interesting though at the start to play from the other end of the spectrum, seeing what its like to be a sith apprentice. I almost didnt wanna switch to the good side just to see what other awful things vader would make me do!

STAFF EDIT: *Merged Double-Post* ... *again*
USE MULTI-QUOTE OR THE EDIT FUNCTION. Yes, the second warning requires Capital letters.
Especially when the second double-post you make includes me telling you that I've edited you previous double-post. Seriously, pay attention. ~DVAted

Last edited by DVAted on Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:02 pm; edited 5 times in total (Reason for editing : last warning without sanction)
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Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone else really want a new force unleashed?   Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? EmptyThu Feb 04, 2016 3:12 am

Another one would be pretty sweet but, how in the hell would they continue off of how the game for FUII ended? Very hard for them to spin the story for it to keep going. Maybe have a predecessor follow along with him or something of those means? I really don't know, my heart says make another saber throwing, rock chucking, vader whipping game. My brain says how in the worl are they gonna get the story to work without it being to absurd.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else really want a new force unleashed?   Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? EmptyThu Feb 04, 2016 3:57 am

I doubt they will make another one. But what they could do is make a new game in its style. Maybe pre-civil war. Make a game about the Jedi-Sith wars using the Jedi knight lightsaber mechanic and Force unleashed force mechanic. Or just Kotor 3. That works too. Kotor was one of the best games because it allowed more free-roaming than the other games. You actually got to walk around on multiple planets and roam about, it wasn't too linear. And unlike fallout/tes and other RPG games you could avoid combat in a lot of situations. Thats part of what made it so good. A new Kotor in a modern engine could have a lot of potential as long as EA lets someone else make it like Bioware or even Obsidian making another one.

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else really want a new force unleashed?   Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? EmptyThu Feb 04, 2016 9:07 pm

elek2008 wrote:
I doubt they will make another one. But what they could do is make a new game in its style. Maybe pre-civil war. Make a game about the Jedi-Sith wars using the Jedi knight lightsaber mechanic and Force unleashed force mechanic. Or just Kotor 3. That works too. Kotor was one of the best games because it allowed more free-roaming than the other games. You actually got to walk around on multiple planets and roam about, it wasn't too linear. And unlike fallout/tes and other RPG games you could avoid combat in a lot of situations. Thats part of what made it so good. A new Kotor in a modern engine could have a lot of potential as long as EA lets someone else make it like Bioware or even Obsidian making another one.

I would honestly love a Force Unleashed style game in the KOTOR era. My favorite part of TFU was the boss battles against the other Jedi. I kinda wish someone would make an RPG like KOTOR but with TFU fighting mechanics.
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Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone else really want a new force unleashed?   Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? EmptyFri Feb 05, 2016 1:20 am

I honestly liked Star Killer, and another game with him in it would be pretty great. Say, did you guys know that Star killer made his first appearance in a Soul Calibur game? Anyway, I really liked the Force unleashed games and wouldn't mind another.

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else really want a new force unleashed?   Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? EmptyFri Feb 05, 2016 1:25 am

Two was kind of a let down for me. The boss fight was fun, but too short and most of the game was dull. I know Lucas is mostly to blame, but I can't imagine a new one to be good what with EA getting most of the Star Wars titles.

Personally, I'd love to see both 1 and 2 in a Lego game. That would be great.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else really want a new force unleashed?   Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? EmptyFri Feb 05, 2016 4:17 pm

fancydoctor wrote:
I honestly liked Star Killer, and another game with him in it would be pretty great. Say, did you guys know that Star killer made his first appearance in a Soul Calibur game? Anyway, I really liked the Force unleashed games and wouldn't mind another.

I remember him being in it but i didnt realise that was his first appearance, thats pretty cool
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else really want a new force unleashed?   Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? EmptySun Apr 24, 2016 11:36 pm

I wouldn't go for a third, the first two were good, no doubt. But I think they stretched the genre a lot in those game in terms of how over powered the character was, as we know the Skywalker's are the strongest force sensitive beings but this character was made to look much more powerful.

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else really want a new force unleashed?   Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? EmptySun Apr 24, 2016 11:58 pm

I don't think it would fit with how the Star Wars series is being led. Prior to being bought out, Lucas Arts was shifting towards a more serious undertone. This was reflected in the Clone War later seasons, 1313, and other media. Not saying all of this was a good thing, reading the Kataku article on Lucas Arts collapse would make just about anyone despise that company's leadership.

Plus kind of what @yoshi101 said, Starkiller was practically a StarKiller. In most media jedi/sith weren't unstoppable powerhouses. Often a platoon of troopers could take one down, such as that during order 66. Galen Marek was was portrayed as far too powerful to fit in the universe. On the other-hand though it was a game, and I had a lot fun during that power trip, so I appreciate that from the developers! =)

Lastly, if a third game was announced, would that canonize the last two? I haven't read much of the Disney version of the Star Wars univrse, but I"m pretty certain somewhere the game's contradict another plot.

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else really want a new force unleashed?   Anyone else really want a new force unleashed? EmptyMon Apr 25, 2016 12:12 am

Hell yeah. I really liked the first two(despite what other people have said). It doesn't even have to be canon, It was just a really fun, almost mindless game and we all need one of those sometimes, right? TongueTril

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