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 Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter?

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Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? Empty
PostSubject: Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter?   Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? EmptySun Jul 26, 2015 5:26 am

They're lethal, they're deadly, they're feared for a good reason and will do anything to earn a buck. They are quite possibly the coolest badasses in the galaxy. So many to choose from, but you can only hire one! Who is your favorite that you would hire to have your back in an epic galactic shootout of otherworldly proportions and why would you have them fight at your side over the others? Remember you can always include ones not mentioned or shown here!
Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? Bounty11
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter?   Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? EmptySun Jul 26, 2015 5:37 am

I'd have to go with Boba Fett. He looks cool, and kicks ass.

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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter?   Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? EmptySun Jul 26, 2015 5:43 am

I would likely choose Cad Bane. He has held his own against many Jedi including Anakin, Ahoska, Obi-Wan Kenobi. He isn't your normal bounty hunter. He has stolen a holocron, gets captured by Jedi and escapes. The only apprehension I would have is he is pure villan. I would have to keep him in front of me and be very careful as he would likely be more dangerous than those I would be going up against Wink.

My second choice and more trustworthy (not get shot in the back) Wink. would be Jango Fett. He was so respected as a mercenary in his time that he became the clone army blueprint. All around skilled fighter from marksmanship to tactics. It took Mace Windu himself to finally bring him to his end Wink.

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Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter?   Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? EmptySun Jul 26, 2015 11:42 am

@ritualclarity That is an excellent point. I would probably say Cad Bane myself for I feel like he is the most accomplished out of them all. Boba Fett looks awesome and is very mysterious but if we are going for getting results Cad is by far the best choice.
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter?   Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? EmptySun Jul 26, 2015 12:22 pm

i would say boba fett. he is the most feared bounty hunter in the sw universe, everyone knows him - the good the bad and the ugly.. no wait- that was from another movie TongueTril .. joke aside, i think if a job needs to be done right, boba is the perfect choice. he is the son ( okay a exact genetic copy ) of jango fett and he was the best bounty hunter at his time too. second one i would say cad bane, he is also a very intelligent and experienced bounty hunter who is like boba not afraid to fight against a jedi if its needed.

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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter?   Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? EmptySun Jul 26, 2015 1:11 pm

Zam Wesell its my favorite!!! , A shape-shifting bounty hunter, Zam Wesell is doubly dangerous, and is also a good shot. Hired by Jango Fett to assassinate Senator Padmé Amidala (The attack of the clones)


Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? Ej6wMUx
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Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter?   Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? EmptyFri Aug 21, 2015 12:51 pm

My favourite star wars bounty hunter is boba fett and cad bane

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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter?   Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? EmptyFri Aug 21, 2015 3:32 pm

I would have to say Boba Fett he's a bad ass I've always liked him since I first watched the movies. I also really like his ship Slave 1 it awesome.

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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter?   Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? EmptyFri Aug 21, 2015 4:23 pm

havent read all of what people said here but im guessing the majority have said boba fett which i agree on just the fact that his just a brilliant bounty hunter, also think shae vizla was pretty sweet too

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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter?   Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? EmptyFri Aug 21, 2015 5:53 pm

I would have to go with Boba Fett. He has a much more weathered appearance in comparison to his father. Boba Was essentially a better version of his father in that whatever quality his dad had, he could improve on. Other than Boba, my other favorites would be IG-88 and Dengar.
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Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter?   Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? EmptyFri Aug 21, 2015 6:22 pm

Greedo... For being part of that iconic bar scene with Chewie & Han. Yeah, he didn't get much play at all onwards but his death scene provided huge relevance in portraying/selling Han as a total badass pirate. It was hilarious too & at least he went down shooting.. & he shot first too but missed.
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Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter?   Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? EmptyFri Aug 21, 2015 6:38 pm

Boba Fett for me any day, its not so much that i love him for how he is/acts or anything but that armor... the whole rough and worn look to it instead of being shiny clean like Jango Fett's, besides the SnowTroopers and Scout's armor Boba is right up there on the list, there is prob a bounty hunter i might like more (maybe....) though i missed out on them due to never playing any star wars games besides Battlefront and StarWars: Empire At War, didnt even touch the cartoons side of it, but yeah Bobo Fett for me hands down Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter?   Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? EmptyFri Aug 21, 2015 7:17 pm

Ashi Itachi wrote:
Boba Fett for me any day, its not so much that i love him for how he is/acts or anything but that armor... the whole rough and worn look to it instead of being shiny clean like Jango Fett's, besides the SnowTroopers and Scout's armor Boba is right up there on the list, there is prob a bounty hunter i might like more (maybe....) though i missed out on them due to never playing any star wars games besides Battlefront and StarWars: Empire At War, didnt even touch the cartoons side of it, but yeah Bobo Fett for me hands down Smile
Too bad Boba fett had very little screen time in the movies, he needs his very own spinoff TV series that shows him going around our favorite Star Wars planets and call it, Star Wars Bounties :p
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Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter?   Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? EmptyFri Aug 21, 2015 7:40 pm

haloruler1449 wrote:
Ashi Itachi wrote:
Boba Fett for me any day, its not so much that i love him for how he is/acts or anything but that armor... the whole rough and worn look to it instead of being shiny clean like Jango Fett's, besides the SnowTroopers and Scout's armor Boba is right up there on the list, there is prob a bounty hunter i might like more (maybe....) though i missed out on them due to never playing any star wars games besides Battlefront and StarWars: Empire At War, didnt even touch the cartoons side of it, but yeah Bobo Fett for me hands down Smile
Too bad Boba fett had very little screen time in the movies, he needs his very own spinoff TV series that shows him going around our favorite Star Wars planets and call it, Star Wars Bounties :p

as far i know there is a boba fett standalone movie in the making, but there is very little known yet.

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Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter?   Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? EmptyFri Aug 21, 2015 8:07 pm

Boba's cool and all, but did he get an entire army cloned off his DNA? In my honest opinion, Boba is overrated and it's his father, Jango the better bounty hunter. Though he was in one of the worst (if not the worst) Star Wars movie, he looked badass, had a badass name, and even got his own little known game, Bounty Hunter. You don't get your own game called Bounty Hunter if you aren't the best of the best.

Also, whenever I play Black Ops 2 Zombies and get the dual Five-Sevens, I like to pretend that I am Jango Fett :3.
Dual Five-Sevens FTW:

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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter?   Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? EmptyFri Aug 21, 2015 9:24 pm

GUARDian wrote:
Boba's cool and all, but did he get an entire army cloned off his DNA? In my honest opinion, Boba is overrated and it's his father, Jango the better bounty hunter. Though he was in one of the worst (if not the worst) Star Wars movie, he looked badass, had a badass name, and even got his own little known game, Bounty Hunter. You don't get your own game called Bounty Hunter if you aren't the best of the best.

Also, whenever I play Black Ops 2 Zombies and get the dual Five-Sevens, I like to pretend that I am Jango Fett :3.
Dual Five-Sevens FTW:

Jango was the one who had his genes cloned, not Boba
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Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter?   Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? EmptyFri Aug 21, 2015 10:14 pm

haloruler1449 wrote:
GUARDian wrote:
Boba's cool and all, but did he get an entire army cloned off his DNA? In my honest opinion, Boba is overrated and it's his father, Jango the better bounty hunter. Though he was in one of the worst (if not the worst) Star Wars movie, he looked badass, had a badass name, and even got his own little known game, Bounty Hunter. You don't get your own game called Bounty Hunter if you aren't the best of the best.

Also, whenever I play Black Ops 2 Zombies and get the dual Five-Sevens, I like to pretend that I am Jango Fett :3.
Dual Five-Sevens FTW:

Jango was the one who had his genes cloned, not Boba

That's what I said. I said "...but did [Boba] get an entire army cloned off his DNA?" As a rhetorical question because we know that the Kaminoans cloned Jango's DNA, and not Boba's.

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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter?   Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? EmptyFri Aug 21, 2015 10:29 pm

the kaminoans didnt clone boba after jangos death because there where enhough dna samples for some more generations of jango clones and boba never returned to kamino after his "father" died on geonosis. he was raised by friends of jango fett and they taught him everything about the bounty hunter buissness. after the clone wars the empire decided to use normal humans to fill their millitary ranks because producing clones was very expensive. the clones disapeard out of the imperial army over time and at the time of "a new hope" there are only a very few jango fett clones still alive. some where still in service of the empire some did detached them selfs from the empire.

but back on topic... i think embo is also a very cool bounty hunter... i like his samurai style a lot.

I am not modding for fallout 4, but if someone like to port my mods to fO4, please feel free to do it. Just give proper credits. thank you Smile Waving Smiley
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter?   Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? EmptySat Aug 22, 2015 12:27 am

Embo definetly, the sweet combination of a samurai bounty hunter with a strong silent attitude makes him my favorite, he even has a pet.

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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter?   Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter? EmptyMon Aug 24, 2015 6:09 pm

Kad Bane is mine
Hes just so cool to me :p

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