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Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet?   Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 EmptyWed Apr 22, 2015 2:25 pm

Yeah i know,i'd just thought i'd share it.It's fucking badass

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PostSubject: Re: Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet?   Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 EmptyWed Apr 22, 2015 3:01 pm

ObtainedDust wrote:
Yeah i know,i'd just thought i'd share it.It's fucking badass

check this out the cancelled battlefront 3 is in possesion of modders

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PostSubject: Re: Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet?   Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 EmptyWed Apr 22, 2015 3:04 pm

Quote :
check this out the cancelled battlefront 3 is in possesion of modders
Oh awesome,downloading that unofficial battlefront 3 now,gonna give it a look,Thanks for sharing

Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 3QzdtGx - Sassy The Sasquatch 2012

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Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet?   Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 EmptyWed Apr 22, 2015 9:52 pm

Man i too cant wait for this game! All those old summer mornings and knights playing battlefront 2 in hoth with my cousins on ps2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Man im so ready to relive some of those awesome moments.
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Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet?   Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 EmptyFri Apr 24, 2015 8:04 am

So, these were posted by a DICE employee over on the app/site iFunny. The verification of his employment comes from his posting the design process of the upcoming BF4 community map. Sorry about the watermarks.

Tattooine (I'm assuming) :

Look at that X-Wing. LOOK AT IT!:

Wow. Just, wow. :

Talk about graphics.:

Endor looks Beautiful.:

That looks so close to reality.:

I think I can look past the current early access and no space to ground battle bogus for those graphics.

Edit: So, no Galactic Conquest, no space battles, no Instant Action, no AT-AT piloting, and decreased player count per match. I was wrong. I was so very wrong. No graphics could ever make up for removing Instant Action or Galactic Conquest.
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Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet?   Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 EmptyThu Apr 30, 2015 8:17 am

Personally, I'm stoked to see a new Star Wars Battlefront game. I do, however, know that it won't be like Star Wars Battlefront 2. There's no campaign, no galactic conquest, and no instant action. It also only revolves around the original films in terms of era i.e. no Clone Wars (at first, could be a DLC later on).

The reason I say I'm excited isn't because of who's making it or how it is or could be made, it's because I know that the Star Wars gaming franchise WILL continue in some form or another. Despite what YouTubers think, I can say with ease that this game will sell very well. It's the first Star Wars game created by a AAA company in almost a decade. What do you think about the upcoming game? I'd like to know why you are or aren't excited for it?

Star Wars Battlefront Reveal Trailer:

Staff edit: there were already active topics discussing the reveal the new Battlefront, so I've merged yours with one of them.

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"We were meant for more than this, to protect the innocent, but if our precious laws bind you all to inaction, then I will no longer stand as your brother."
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Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet?   Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 EmptyThu Apr 30, 2015 8:38 am

What i've heard so far about it


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PostSubject: Re: Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet?   Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 EmptyThu Apr 30, 2015 9:14 am

I'm so pissed about SWBF 3. EA always fucks something up when it comes to their games. Big or small it's always a fuck up. In this case, EA fucked up so bad, they have no right to call it a Battlefront game. It's the second biggest thing I'm mad about right now next to the Super Bowl (yes I'm still mad about the Super Bowl).

So I guess you can say, no I'm not excited for the release.
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Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet?   Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 EmptyThu Apr 30, 2015 10:12 am

The main problem people are having with this game is that they're trying to compare it to Battlefront 2. This is technically a reboot, created by an entirely different company. Is this an excuse for them to be lacking on content for a multiplayer only game? No it's not. There is no excuse. But people need to stop acting like it's Battlefront 3. It's not.

(Title of the topic is definitely jarring)

Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 Tumblr_m4xfjfMDch1rruop4o1_r1_500
"We were meant for more than this, to protect the innocent, but if our precious laws bind you all to inaction, then I will no longer stand as your brother."
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PostSubject: Re: Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet?   Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 EmptyThu Apr 30, 2015 11:29 am

That's true but majority of the battlfront fan base would rather a sequel then reboot cause things were going to get even more interesting but overall I'm still hyped but wondering if i should wait awhile when the game releases cause who knows what bugs will infeste the game at launch.
I bet my money there will be a clone wars Dlc

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PostSubject: Re: Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet?   Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 EmptyThu Apr 30, 2015 1:57 pm

(Title of the topic is definitely jarring)

Agreed and so I fixed it.
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Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet?   Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 EmptyThu Apr 30, 2015 2:04 pm

Damn im so hyped about this.This is even better than taking jet and finding urself in deathclaw country after the effects wear off!Hope this one dosent get rekt like the bounty hunter game last year

I usualy just go in shooting and let someone else sift through the ashes to figure what whas going on.
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Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet?   Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 EmptyThu Apr 30, 2015 11:39 pm

The main problem people are having with this game is that they're trying to compare it to Battlefront 2. This is technically a reboot, created by an entirely different company. Is this an excuse for them to be lacking on content for a multiplayer only game? No it's not. There is no excuse. But people need to stop acting like it's Battlefront 3. It's not.

(Title of the topic is definitely jarring)

You truly could not have said or put it any better, wish more people would be more open minded. Aside from that, I am hyped for this just due to it being a new Star Wars game, it is about time we got another new one that will hopefully be pretty decent.
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PostSubject: Re: Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet?   Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 EmptyThu Apr 30, 2015 11:51 pm

It's been awhile since a Star Wars game has been out period. I'm pretty excited.
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PostSubject: Re: Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet?   Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 EmptyThu Apr 30, 2015 11:55 pm

My friends and myself are somewhat excited for it, but this is, hopefully it'll be good.
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PostSubject: Re: Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet?   Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 EmptyFri May 01, 2015 2:13 am

I think that it'll be good in just a way to get more Star Wars content, and more killing. I hope that there will be customization in someway, idk It would be cool to see different color stormtroopers, but I'm just looking forward to the game play.

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Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet?   Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 EmptyFri May 01, 2015 5:28 am

I've already made my position on this game fairly clear, if I'd never played a Battlefront game before, I'd be excited for it. But why call it Battlefront when they defend having a quarter of the content of its predecessors by saying "This is our take on it, it's a new franchise." If it's a new franchise, give it a new name. It's like someone giving you a diamond, promising another one, then handing you a rock saying "This is our take on a diamond."

They've already announced DLC, too. That's what really pisses me off. A month after the game releases, they're including two free maps. What? Three years wasn't enough to do less than what Pandemic did in just over a year? You've gotta drag it out by releasing DLC that should've been included in the main game. Just push the game back a month, no need for that DLC.
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Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet?   Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 EmptyFri May 01, 2015 6:21 am

jkdsh wrote:
I've already made my position on this game fairly clear, if I'd never played a Battlefront game before, I'd be excited for it. But why call it Battlefront when they defend having a quarter of the content of its predecessors by saying "This is our take on it, it's a new franchise." If it's a new franchise, give it a new name. It's like someone giving you a diamond, promising another one, then handing you a rock saying "This is our take on a diamond."

They've already announced DLC, too. That's what really pisses me off. A month after the game releases, they're including two free maps. What? Three years wasn't enough to do less than what Pandemic did in just over a year? You've gotta drag it out by releasing DLC that should've been included in the main game. Just push the game back a month, no need for that DLC.

Well its free DLC why you would you rather have them slap a $10 price tag. On each map I know i wouldn't you gotta remember its EA when they Rush they cut things and usually turn it into price DLC to sell it's they new motto all I care about is the game not being broken.

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Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet?   Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 EmptyFri May 01, 2015 8:09 am

When you're rolling out a game with four planets in total, if you exclude DLC, in a franchise in which the very first game had I want to say upwards of ten, and you plan on holding the release of another planet, you're only crippling yourself. Jakku will put them at 10 maps total. That's 8 fewer than the amount of planets in Battlefront 2, it's even more pathetic when you stack it against the PSP games. I really want to like it, but nothing is really making me think it's worth more than maybe $20.
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PostSubject: Re: Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet?   Next-Gen Star Wars Battlefront, Excited yet? - Page 3 EmptyFri May 01, 2015 10:09 am

Well hopefully modders will come to save the day with custom maps Battlefront 2 had so many custom made maps made by the fanbase make me warm knowing us pc gamers have mods

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