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 What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels?

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What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels? Empty
PostSubject: What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels?   What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels? EmptySun Apr 26, 2020 9:31 am

Hello there Wink

I may have an unpopular opinion but I love all of the Star Wars movies, Prequels, OT and Sequels (and the spin offs).

I'm not saying that they are all perfect by any means, not even the OT is perfect, but I think rn it's just cool to bash on the Sequels, like it was cool to bash on the Prequels 10 years ago.
Personally I think in another 10, 15 years time, people will come to appreciate the Sequels as well, but hey ho, that's just my opinion closed eyes smile.

That being said, even if you weren't the biggest fan of them, what were some of your favourite parts of the sequels?
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What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels?   What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels? EmptySun Apr 26, 2020 4:50 pm

The sequels have some cool moments like the ironing of the first order's uniforms in the last Jedi.
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What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels?   What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels? EmptySun Apr 26, 2020 6:04 pm

baba10110 wrote:
The sequels have some cool moments like the ironing of the first order's uniforms in the last Jedi.

There's a classic right there tbf closed eyes smile
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What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels?   What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels? EmptyFri Jun 19, 2020 8:53 pm

If I had to go by movie:

Force Awakens: The re-introduction of the Millenium Falcon. The Resistance assault on that green planet.

The Last Jedi: When Luke talks about the force. When Kylo and Rey open up to each other. Dat throne room sequence. The Battle of Crait.

Rise of Skywalker: Im not exaggerating when I say I can't come up with anything. I fucking hated that movie, lmao.
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What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels?   What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels? EmptySat Jun 20, 2020 2:47 am

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What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels?   What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels? EmptySat Jun 20, 2020 3:34 pm

If i'm being honest, the only parts of the sequels I really liked were the parts that included the old cast and Kylo.

Its hard for me to like Rey when everyone likes her instantly and she can seemingly go through alot of her journey with little to no training.

Finn was okay at times but throughout the majority of rise of skywalker he didn't do anything but scream for Rey or just.... scream in general, it felt like he was just there.

Still, its not like I hate the sequels, if you view them as scfi movies instead of star wars movies then they're not bad, but its hard for me to take them seriously as star wars movies espically with that cavalry charge in space on a star destroyer of all things.

I am however looking forward to the mandalorian's second season, it seems like Filoni and his team know what they're doing and its great Kennedy has been stopped from interfering there, Iger really should get her replaced.

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What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels?   What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels? EmptySun Jun 21, 2020 7:04 am

I wish Rey had been a more faulty character. I think Kennedy thought people hated her because she was a girl, so she really leaned into that "The Force is Female"'s just that the character was too perfect. She needed to get her ass kicked a few times. Luke goes from getting his ass handed to him in Empire, to being a damn badass in Return of the Jedi. I feel like his journey from Star Wars to the end of Return of the Jedi is an earned one.

I was actually the happiest to see that the main hero was going to be a girl, but I didn't want that to be all that it was about. I don't care what gender, color, orientation, political leaning, etc a character is...if they're written well, I want to watch. Tony Soprano was the worst possible human being. I hated his guts the entire show, but I was so compelled to keep watching, because the writing was so good. He was such a well developed character. Rey was by all accounts, a great person...but what's interesting about watching someone who always does the right thing and gets out unscathed? It's the same reason Batman is such a better character than Superman, for the most part. Superman has had better stories in recent years, but I'm talking Fleischer-era "It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a character who never fails or does anything that isn't morally perfect". Batman fails, Batman struggles, Batman doubts himself. Batman sometimes is unable to save people. Sometimes Batman's biggest enemies are his best friends. Batman is an imperfect character, which makes for a perfect drama. Sure, he does things that seem nearly impossible, but he screws up at times. He doesn't save everybody.

Now to look at what I liked about the new films. I liked seeing Palpatine again. I don't think he saved the last film, quite as well as he saved Revenge of the Sith. ROTS was by all accounts a turd of a film, but every frame Emperor Palpatine is in, was solid gold. One of the most enjoyable villains to watch. His appearance in Rise of Skywalker just seemed so un-earned. Perhaps if The Last Jedi wasn't such a fumbled ball of a film, Rise of Skywalker might've been a more compelling film. That was really the film that needed to show Rey struggling a bit more.

I think most of the scenes with Luke in The Last Jedi were quite good, and I agree about Kylo Ren. He really gave the film a villain we haven't seen enough. Honestly, I think he was a better written Anakin than what we got in the Prequels. You see him struggling with his place in the force, and while I think you miss out on a lot of his turn, I think Anakin needed to have a lot of moments like that in the Prequels. You could really see that it was tearing Kylo apart, to have that pull from the darkside within him. It was like his turn was to relive something that was eating away at him. Anakin's turn was so quick, and you never really get the sense that he was the "good friend" Ben Kenobi mentioned in the first film. The Clone Wars did a better job expanding that, but that's Filoni's Star Wars, who I think should've really been given the keys to Skywalker Ranch.
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What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels?   What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels? EmptyThu Jun 25, 2020 6:04 pm

Personally, I think Rey wasn't a "perfect Mary Sue" at all, and that they show that throughout the movies, especially in TFA, and ROS.

And I do find it funny that when most people talk about the Sequels, that they feel the need to bash it. What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels? 1f602

But I think there's a lot to like about the Sequels. I think TFA is probably the best one of the Sequels, and I think people need to rewatch it again if they hate it because there's plenty to like in it.
Examples include:
The Opening Scene on Jakku
Rey's Introduction
The Reintroduction of the Millennium Falcon
Han's Death
The Final Fightscene

In TLJ, there's also a lot of great scenes imo, like
When Luke explains why the Jedi are bad and were awful for the galaxy
The Throne Room Scene
Kylo and Rey's scenes

In fairness Finn and Rose's plotline wasn't the best

And in ROS, some great scenes include
The Yellow Lightsaber reveal at the end
Luke as a Force Ghost
Ben Solo's redemption
Mustafar at the start
The interaction between the 3 leads.
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William Bickle

William Bickle

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What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels?   What are your favourite parts of the Star Wars Sequels? EmptyWed Jul 08, 2020 1:16 am

I don't really enjoy the sequels overall after seeing the Story all the way through, too inconsistent but i do enjoy aspects.

that being said tons great actors that did not get enough spotlight whatsoever, or just being badly written imo, so i guess my favorite parts where forsure Finn.. but i don't get why they wasted him? first hes just a stormtrooper but he broke the brainwashing so i always thought he would be a force sensitive or like cybernetically modified (I guess one of those happened? but the execution is terrible), then he just sort of like screamed rey and almost killed himself in TLJ then hes apparently supposed to be force sensitive from a comment that never got a followup and was cut off? why not just make a "new" (New in the context of the films not the EU) story beat for a SW film and train two padawans at once from the get go JJ? really makes me sad cause John Boyega is a good actor.

Poe and i thought Maz Kanata was really cool, giving chewie a love life with a yoda like figure was funny to me, throne room fight was badass.. snoke intrigued me but was completely wasted obviously..

Rey? don't even get me started. actress is not bad by any means and did well with what she was given but wow, the story surrounding her really makes me dislike her its so odd to have this character that's just like instantaneously loved by everyone that just has no faults for absolutely no plausible explained reason... listen i'll accept that with Meetra Surik because shes a FORCE WOUND with MEMORY LOSS OF TRAINING and i swear to god if they had just made her a FORCE WOUND like KOTOR II it would've pleased fans and been a SUPER EASY GET OUT For all the COMPLAINING PEOPLE LIKE ME! you could've even still made her a palpatine and a force wound.. but no they didn't do their homework and made up some half-assed weird excuse that i really don't buy into at all it sucks because i don't want to hate her but i really do as a character she infuriates me to even talk about.

Ben Skywalker not so much the kylo side as he was just sort of a crybaby and a wannabe anakin and i was sad they killed him but he really became likeable and i was really on the kylo hate train until 9 but he really was one of my favorite parts of that one and the scene of "Ghost" han really gave me some perspective on his death and upset me less as a fan i really wish they would've had one coherent vision cause this trilogy has so much wasted potential i don't hate it i'm just disappointed at what could've been.

i thought hux was pretty good too be honest, i've always never had a problem with those "Kids" characters the ones that are just the bud of a joke jar jar for instance never bothered me and he's sort of just a more well-executed jar jar cause he isn't a hero.

Force Ghost luke would be cool but i sort of just see that enitre scene as JJ abrams going "FUCK YOU RYAN, FUCK YOU" and that just seemed like a bad choice in story and really made me contemplate why he just fell over and died even more.. it just made no sense to me luke is not very well handled and thats regardless of if you agree with ryans portrayal or not because JJ was inconsistent with it the next film lol.

But oh wow.. my favorite part?
GHOST YODA FOR SURE, easily one the best scenes in my least favorite star wars movie sadly.. non-the less i found the scene very compelling and it made me happy even if it's just fan service.
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