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 Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled

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Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled Empty
PostSubject: Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled   Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled EmptyThu Jan 17, 2019 10:52 pm

This frustrates me to no end. At this point, Star Wars in the video game scene might as well be dead because that's what it feels like, feels like it's just being buried every time it starts to even rise up as a zombie trying to be something but failing miserably by EA's greedy cruel hands. I am hoping, praying, Jedi Fallen Order saves the downfall Star Wars has been heading into as a game and atleast betters its reputation by not including microtransactions in a single player game and if this even slightly happens so help me god I will go Mortal Kombat on EA for tarnishing Respawn's game like that. Can you guys believe it comes out this year and we'll see it in the Fall? The fact that it will be third person already has me excited because you definitely know we'll be using that lightsaber and they will be improving on the lightsaber combat as best they can and you know they're not dumb, you know they look up what's the best lightsaber combat in Star Wars video game history and so they will take inspiration from Revenge of the Sith game and Jedi Knight games and improve upon them as best as they can. With this being single player though, how long do you think it will be? It'll be sad to see it go in about a few months after beating it, I hope something is added.. like an expansion pack... like more story content that was in the game but was cut out by EA to sell you for money because buying their full priced game was not good enough for them ughh god damn you EA. Facepalm

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Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled   Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled EmptyFri Jan 18, 2019 1:27 am

@Ghostily I just saw that sucks a lot because they had such a good idea that brought our hopes up but end up cancelling it. I've been waiting for a star wars game that would be an open world but I'm not so sure that will happen any time soon.
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Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled   Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled EmptyFri Jan 18, 2019 1:55 am

At this point,Disney needs to cut their contract with EA for the exclusivity and reach out to other companies to develop SW games. However,after conversing with friends who are huge SW fans,they said that Disney seemingly doesn't care much about the SW fanbase either. As for Respawn,I am cautiously optimistic. I love Respawn and the Titanfall games,but those happened before EA bought them outright. Now EA has pretty much total control over them and who knows what could happen to it. That's my two cents on the topic.

Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled RQxYlub
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Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled   Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled EmptyFri Jan 18, 2019 4:09 am

ooh i felt the pain of this cancellation as bad as 1313. why do they kill all the good possible star wars games and all we get from the franchise is steamed shit.

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Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled   Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled EmptyFri Jan 18, 2019 7:24 am

EA are blantant scumbags. Disney should really remove the licence from them and give it to new studios. Or At the very least spread it out through different publishers/developers for different styles of games.
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Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled   Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled EmptyFri Jan 18, 2019 12:23 pm

@vandenburger They're both Scumbags, to be honest. Practically made for eachother -

Disney recently copyright claimed a popular Star Wars fan film on youtube and proceeded to *monetize* it. Something they wouldn't allow the original creator of the film to do when he asked for permission.

Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled Giphy

And I find, on my way to death and happiness,
that my heroes, my heroes dress in black.
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Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled   Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled EmptyFri Jan 18, 2019 4:03 pm

@IIHawkerII your right good thing that Lucas Films got in and helped out Star Wars Theory because hes a true fan and this act proves  Disney has no respect for the fans.
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Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled   Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled EmptySat Jan 19, 2019 2:59 am

Welp; we all had a gut feeling that this was happening - EA cancelled the game due to time constraints; and we all know they were planning on implanting their loot box system but couldn't find how. Yet this has been going on for some time since Disney bought the franchise. After the cancellation of Star Wars 1313 which mind you already had a demo of its gameplay out was ceased by Walt Disney upon them buying the franchise and thus giving Disney the ability to develop while LucasArts remain to licence the franchise in the game market.

The fan-film of Vader by Star Wars Theory was a good example. Just because the film contains a rendition of the 'Imperial March' which had been recorded from scratch by a composer hired by Star Wars Theory. Disney and Warner Chappell went in and manually to monetize the entire film (they took it for themselves and not giving to Lucas Films) and if Star Wars Theory filed an appeal against the monetizing, his channel would be taken off by YouTube. However, like comments above; Lucas Films got involved and put a stop to it.

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Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled   Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled EmptyWed Feb 06, 2019 9:28 pm

Check this out guys, pretty interesting stuff there.

Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled PTuZkd8
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PostSubject: Re: Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled   Another Star Wars game that had potential.. cancelled Empty

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