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 The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates

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PostSubject: The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates   The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates EmptySun Apr 01, 2018 6:37 am

Hello Gun community! Big Hello Smiley

Today i bring you another writing update, this time we i will present you with some of the concepts i developted as well as a better incite on the personality of one the main characaters from the Story, William Baker

“Even though I’m infinitely times more evolved than you, both physically and intellectually, the flux of entropy that dictates the laws and phenomena of the universe made us very equal, we have more things in common than you think, more than I would like to admit, here we are, living in the post-apocalyptic world, no laws, no governments, absolutely no restraints, yet we feel compelled to do the things we do, it’s like a higher influence pushes us towards the decisions we make. To me it is a transcendental sense, I do the things I do to ensure the survival of the human species, even if this means changing the very nature of humanity and completely remaking the entire concept that defines a human.  You could argue that, perhaps, I do the things I do out of pure desperation for survival, my inner preservation instincts crying and shouting for a change… but what about you, do you know what obliges you to act and think like this?"

- William Baker, The "Master"

Yes folks William baker is, or was, the name of the young man who single handedly restored the Unity and improved it's influence to near absolute levels.Everything will be detailed in the plot file, but lets just say that i made sure to make the new "Masters" army the most powerful faction of the Fallout franchise, althought it will be up to you guys to decide if i did a good job or not!

Now a little more of backstory to our new "antagonist"

William baker was born in 2145, in a small village east of Junktown, his father, Vincent Baker, was the "leader" of the settlement and did everything he could to protect it, even though he ultimately failed. William was "special" to say the least, he learned how to read and write very early and, by the time he was 5, he was already capable of understanding complex electric systems and mathematical formulas. But this is not what made him special, the first time people discovered his "gift" was when a group of vicious radscorpions attacked the town, the guards where struggling to defend and when william's father got hit a sting, the little boy screamed and, strangely, the radscorpions became "docile", it was like they were in a trance, this allowed the defenders to dispatch them very easily. However people became "intrigued" by what happend, some just thought it was a strange event and nothing more, but others began to observe the little boy and noticed other strange things, for example, the child had the strange habit of "guessing" what people would say or what they were feeling, this made the life of William a little harder, as the other kids didn't like to be around him and the adults would just "pretend" like it was nothing, but they would still stay away. in the year of 2153, the village was attacked by a horde of super mutants that killed everyone, except for little William, who was taken hostage. I will now present a small fragment of the plot file to explain things better

"(...)It was a common knowledge to The Master that only humans who had low total radiation count would have the chance to mutate into successful super mutants, so The Master began sending parties to the Wasteland to search for a source of “pure” non-irradiated subjects. In the year of 2153, during one of these parties, the mutants assaulted a small community of humans led by a man named Vincent Baker, the defenses of the small settlement were no match for the highly brutal and better equipped super mutants. They quickly slaughtered anyone who posed even a feeble resistance and even those who didn’t as well, as they were about to leave, one of the mutants heard a small noise which he thought it was a cry, he began searching a shack, he finally found a small boy, frail and scared, it was William Baker, the son of the village leader Vincent. He grabbed the child by the arm and violently bashed its head, knocking him unconscious and taking him as hostage. When they arrived at the base, The Master noticed a strange mental disruption within his field of perception, he then realized that the boy was the cause of this “interference”, he used his psionic powers to reach the boy telepathically and began talking to him, using his extreme charisma and extensive knowledge of the human nature, he was able to calm down the child and put him into a trance. During this time The Master analyzed the brain structure of the child and discovered that he was “unique”, he had, for some reason, an expanded intellectual capacity that made him psionic active, a trait that was only observed on humans that were injected by the FEV. The Master was both fascinated and intrigued by this peculiarity, he realized that this “subject” was much more valuable than any one he had ever encountered, he saw potential in this child, if he could further stimulate his abilities he would have an even more “perfect” specimen, this boy was the key to an apex evolutionary state.(...)"

So yeah looks like little William was special after all.

I developed a new concept for super mutants, one that will revolutionize( hopefully in a good way ) the way we see them, i called this new "breed" the 3rd generation.

To make things more clear, here is another little transcript from the plot file

"(...)After thousands of experiments, by the year of 2185, “their” work was finally rewarded, a new strain of the FEV was created, this “perfect” virus not only had all the undesired side effects removed but the advantages it brought to its host were heavily expanded.(...)"

So what can we take from this? Well first we can say that this new strain no longer is "affected" by the radiation exposure of the subject and, more importanly, this new virus do not "destroy" the reproductive system of those it mutates. So now there will be Genders for super-mutants! It is kind of strange, but it is required for the Unity to thrive.

So thats it for now guys! I will write more later and if i have anything interesting to share i will, although i will try not to spoil things TongueTril.

As always you are encouraged to leave a comment with your opinion and to contribute with any possible things you might find relevant, i thank you for your attention and i hope to see you soon!


Last edited by themaster96 on Mon Apr 02, 2018 7:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates   The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates EmptySun Apr 01, 2018 9:37 pm

@themaster96 I like the story of William baker and also about the third generation and FEV virus manipulations, this gives an interesting background. Do you have more please ?

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PostSubject: Re: The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates   The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates EmptyMon Apr 02, 2018 7:27 pm

darkstyler wrote:
@themaster96 I like the story of William baker and also about the third generation and FEV virus manipulations, this gives an interesting background. Do you have more please ?

I will have more soon my friend, this will be the oficial wip thread for the story, stay tuned and thank you for your time and have a good day.
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PostSubject: Re: The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates   The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates EmptySat Apr 07, 2018 4:23 am

Good night GUN community, how are you today?

So i've been very busy lately mostly because i got a new job, i'm currently working with IT support for a software company and the job is great! However i do have to wake up ate 5 am in the morning so, yeah i didn't had time to actually sit down and write stuff,BUT i had some great new ideas that i would like to share with you

So the base plot file which i use to guide me through the writing process has now 7 pages worth of content, that is almost nothing compared to the scale i'm aiming for, however this file is extremely important as it is a very detailed expression of my ideas for the story and, consequently, this is the file i have to write first and this is exactly what i'm doing. I must say that the structure of the main plot has evolved exponentially from a simple narrative to a complex plot with an intrinsic structure composed of multiple webs of possibilities, to summarize, almost every decision made by the player during this campaign will have some kind of consequence, sometimes it may be small but, following the principle of the chain of dominos, a simple resolution can cause an astronomical event. My main goal is to create a narrative that is almost impossible to predict, thus creating a unique experience for each gameplay.

So now i will reveal my new ideas.

In the story i created, the ncr was able to sucessfully repel the attack made by the legion during the second battle of Hoover Dam. they accomplished this with the help of the upgraded army of securitrons from Mister House, led by the Courier, who used the platinum chip to upgrade the securitrons OS's from Mk 1 to Mk 2. However, the empire of Mister House and his plans for mankind were never completed, because the Courier used his influence to dethrone House from his post, thus liberating New Vegas from his regime. After the battle, the Courier was able to make a deal with the NCR, this agreement would ensure that Vegas would remain independant as long as the NCR could maintain control over the Dam and keep their troops stationed
in the area. A new system of administration was created for New Vegas, this new government was a pseudo-democratic system. First it was convoked a reunion in which the influential factions of New Vegas sent representatives to discuss the terms of an alliance and the creation of a council. After that it was created the official New Vegas Conclave, or NVC for short, this body of people would ensure that the main leaders from the various "civilized" factions of the Vegas area could resolve any issues with a diplomatic and political approach. Whenever a important matter would appear, the members of the NBC would meet to determine a set of possible resolutions. This collection of decisions would then be revealed to the public and the one that was best accepted by the citizens of Vegas would be officialy adopted. This system was supported by the army of securitrons, which was led by the Courier, who was the appointed military leader of the NVC.

However, while the people of New vegas were trying to recover and prosper, the Legion ,who was forced to retreat to their conquered territory after the second battle of Hoover Dam and the death of Legate Lanius, was also developing a new strategy to take control of the entire southwest region. To do this they began sending spies and conducting reconnaissance missions of the territory. They discovered that The NCR was actually getting weaker due management issues and internal conflicts. it was clear, to really kill the bear they must isolate him and prevent him from getting his nourishment so he weakens, so they can finally act quickly and violently to end its life. The plan was settled, however, there was a problem, a major problem that could actually mean the end of the Legion, Caesar was sick, his conditon got worse due to the stress he suffered from the battle, this could never become public or else the enemies of the Legion could exploit this weakeness, theey needed to first find a suitable substitute in case Caesar could not survive, only then hey could execute their plan

So there it goes folks, i hope you guys liked this new narrative i presented. I apologize in advance for any possible grammatical error i might have commited.As always i would like to thank you for your attention and to encourage you to leave your critic,sugestion or anything you think it's important to declare, also if you like to join the team, leave a comment so i can get back to you, have a great night and i will see you soon witha nother writing update, cheers
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The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates   The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates EmptySat Apr 07, 2018 4:32 am

Hey man I really dig your writing, please keep it up!

Cursed be the ground, for our sake. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth, for us, for out of the ground we were taken for the dust that we are... and to the dust we shall return.
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PostSubject: Re: The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates   The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates EmptySat Apr 07, 2018 4:37 am

Posterize4VC wrote:
Hey man I really dig your writing, please keep it up!

Thank you my frriend, it really means a lot to me, i hope i can deliver a worthy story, something that will revolutionize the way people see Fallout 4, i want to bring back the rpg roots of the franchise and explore it to the maximum, so people can finally have the game they always wanted
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PostSubject: Re: The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates   The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates EmptySat Apr 07, 2018 4:39 am

My biggest issue with Fallout 4 is the fact that the RPG elements are watered down, so if you're goal is to bring the elements back, I support that 100%. Keep doing your thing my friend, we're all rooting for you.

Cursed be the ground, for our sake. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth, for us, for out of the ground we were taken for the dust that we are... and to the dust we shall return.
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PostSubject: Re: The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates   The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates EmptySat Apr 07, 2018 7:18 pm

@themaster96 nice, keep up the good work and thanks for sharing your story Smile

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PostSubject: Re: The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates   The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates EmptySat Apr 07, 2018 11:09 pm

Hello GUN community, how you are doing in this nice saturday evening?

I finally got the time to sit down and continue my writing, this time i bring some very exciting updates, don't woory, i will reveal everything in detail, but first let's do a little mental trip. So Fallout is a very old and, depending on who you ask, very popular franchise, there was times when it made us laugh with it's quirky narratives and it's pop culture references, but there was also times where it made us cry, by revealing us the limitless extent of humanity's cruelty. However and not going to talk about this now, let's remember about the times when we just felt awesome for being part of this amazing rpg, when we would finally defeat that baddass boss that kicked our asses several times before we succeeded, and we can't talk about Fallout iconic bosses without mentioning the the most fucking bastardly hard motherfucker of the franchise, i'm talking about, of course, about none other than Frank Horrigan. So, to make things more clear, here's a piece of the text i wrote:

"(...)The Master also found some very interesting experimentation notes regarding an individual identified as Frank Horrigan, apparently, Horrigan was injected with the FEV and putted into a coma like state, during this time the Enclave scientists conducted further experiments on him, that transformed him into an enhanced super mutant. The Horrigan experiment was a success and the Enclave created a special power suit to improve his resistance and combat efficiency, the armor would also act as an advanced form of life support, that would ensure that Frank would remain healthy and it would also provide chemical stimulants to further improve his capacities. The Master used this data to create a special breed of third generation super mutants that was specifically designed for combat, he also made use from the schematics of Horrigan’s suit to create a special power armor to upgrade the defense of his mutants.(...)"

So, yeah folks...shit just got REAL!You thought one Frank was bad? Imagine fighting an army of them...

I got plenty more where that came from, however i'm trying not to spoil things for those that are going to only play the mod and not to actively be part of the development team. As always i encourage you to leave a comment with your ideas,critics, suggestions and other stuff you might judge important, also, if you would like to join the team, send me a PM so we can talk. Anyway thats it for now, stay tuned because i'm just getting started, i will most likely have more updates soon, have a good night everyone and thank you for your attention
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PostSubject: Re: The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates   The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates EmptySun Apr 08, 2018 8:33 am

@themaster96 Can I order a "Horrigan" to have it as a companion, how much does it cost? Machine Gunner

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PostSubject: Re: The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates   The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates EmptySun Apr 08, 2018 6:30 pm

darkstyler wrote:
@themaster96 Can I order a "Horrigan" to have it as a companion, how much does it cost? Machine Gunner

For only 300 botlecaps you get your own Frank Horrigan, complete with plasma minigun and energy blades, so don't lose this oportunity! Stop by your favorte Mutiemart and buy one right know! cowboy
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PostSubject: Re: The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates   The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates EmptyTue Apr 10, 2018 3:29 am

Good night gun community, how are today?

I have some very exciting news, even though i don't normally have time to write during the week, i can still do some research and develop new ideas. Recently i've been visiting a lot of art sites to search for inspiration, references and potential team members, it was during one these searches that i found an extremelly talented modeler from Ukraine named Anton Markelov. Anton created an amazing concept of an enclave power armor with a more futuristic "design", this concept was so awesome that i had to contact Anton to talk to him.I've sent an email to him explaining my intention and he gave me permission to use his concept on my story, here's a link to his page

Go give this guy some kudos because he deserves it, he made those extremelly detailed models using only blender, share his art on your favorite social media so he can get more visibilty

So now i will try to create a backstory for the armor and, before anyone says, yes i know the armor looks too "modern" for Fallout standards, but it just so happens that there is a segment on my story that fits this style perfectly, i will talk more about this soon, as always i encourage you to give your opinion and, if you want to join the team, send me a pm so we can talk. Until nest time,have a great night everyone and stay tuned for more updates!
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PostSubject: Re: The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates   The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates EmptyMon Aug 20, 2018 4:22 pm

Hello Gun community how are you in this fine day?

Wow i can't believe its been so much time since i last posted here, i'm sure some of you though i was dead, another over ambicious project that went haywire right? The truth is was actually researching and writing the plot structure of the mod, which i'm hapy to announce that its ready, however, the hard part starts now, i've began writing the "actual" plot of the mod, what will happen during gameplay, the many branches of gameplay possibilities we all know and love. Fallout New vegas was a great inspiration to me, it's writing was deep and immersive, you really felt like you were part of the world, this is the goal i was aiming for, it took me almost one year, but the base foundantion is done, 16 pages of pure backstory, no dialogue or ramifications, just backstory, all that happened during these years in the West region since the fall of the Master in 2162 all up to 2287.

But, i've reached an impasse, i need people to help me with writing and concept making, people to discuss possibilities and improvents to the storyline, things like character development, quest writing and concept creation. I've wrote the backstory of the first quest of the mod, its 4 pages long, i've began writing the script for the quest now, from my experience in writing, its going to be up to20 to 30 pages long, with all the dialogues and possibilities covered, bigger than the whole foundantion of the mod, just so you can imagine the magnitude of the work necessary, imagine i need to write like, lets say, 20 main quests, it will be 600 pages of script only, without counting the plot files, which can vary from 5 to 20 pages, so yeah, a LOT of writing

Here's the plot for the first quest so you can have an idea of the atmospheare i'm aiming for

Oh yeah, each NPC have it's own backstory too, so thats another 5 to 10 pages of writing PER CHARACTER

Its not even optional, i need help, if you think you can help me, send me a PM so we can talk, i will share the foundation with you, don't send the PM just to get the link to the backstory if you're not planning to help, it will spoil many of the surprises of the mod.
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PostSubject: Re: The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates   The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates EmptyMon Aug 20, 2018 9:10 pm

@themaster96 Fantastic work, the master kind of reminds me of Father Theodore from the Evil Within 2 (that creepy, albeit intelligent- bastard.) this is the kind of work I love to see, stuff that's incredibly engaging.

If you would like, we have started a Character Backstory thread that people have really been enjoying. I think everyone over there would love to read this. Here's the link, just post somewhat of a synopsis at the top and share the rest bellow in a spoiler!

Hope to see you there, cheers.


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PostSubject: Re: The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates   The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates EmptyFri Aug 24, 2018 2:53 am

@HunterK ty friend, i currently writing the backstory of some characters, i already finished the backstory for Haley Doyle, she will be one of the possible companions the player can get. William's backstory is a complex and delicate one, his life is entangled with the wasteland itself, he is not only the legacy of the Master but also he "Embody" the very essence of the Unity, once i have his backstory complete i will make sure to post it there together witha few other interesting characters
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PostSubject: Re: The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates   The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates EmptySun Aug 26, 2018 10:55 pm

@themaster96 Absolutely, I very much look forward to reading further into it!

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PostSubject: Re: The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates   The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates EmptyMon Aug 27, 2018 2:02 pm

Nicely done, this was very intresting to read. Good written characters and fine plot.

Wish to look forward on your works, which will evolve from epic to more epic)

+1 to you.


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PostSubject: Re: The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates   The Master Rises, WIP thread, writing updates EmptyMon Aug 27, 2018 10:49 pm

@Star Ty friend, i do hope i can continue to create deep, interesting stories and characters, let's see what my "mind" will come up in the future, i will do my best to keep things lore-friendly and immersive
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