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favorite star wars character and why?? Empty
PostSubject: favorite star wars character and why??   favorite star wars character and why?? EmptySun Aug 20, 2017 6:33 pm

this is a topic about favorite star wars character, and why they love that charater? Mine is boba fett, and the reason i like him best is cause he's a mandalorian, i love the ideal behind mandalorians, the brotherhood, the no holds barrded being total badasses, its the culture, its something i feel inside of myself. the resol'nare is the code i feel best suits me, and in my heart i feel i'm a mandalorian.
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favorite star wars character and why?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars character and why??   favorite star wars character and why?? EmptySun Aug 20, 2017 7:52 pm

I guess you like Star Wars posting Smile

My fav character is Darth Malgus, because he is damn bad ass, he destroyed the Jedi Temple like the absolute madman, he has no weakness, AND he isn't racist. What a Sith !

favorite star wars character and why?? Gar2
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PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars character and why??   favorite star wars character and why?? EmptySun Aug 20, 2017 8:12 pm

@Garska my two main things are star wars and fallout games. so thats basically what i'll be posting about here in gunetwork. maybe a tiny bit of doctor who, but mostly the other two things i mentioned. i am also a modder, so i will try and help people with that as well, even though i don't know all about the creation kit, i know enough to help out with minor things, lol.
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favorite star wars character and why?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars character and why??   favorite star wars character and why?? EmptySun Aug 20, 2017 8:47 pm

Always good to see a modder Smile

Also, I love Darth Vader for obvious reasons, but also for that :

favorite star wars character and why?? Gar2
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favorite star wars character and why?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars character and why??   favorite star wars character and why?? EmptySun Aug 20, 2017 8:57 pm

@"Garska" That was the best episode of Rebels Season 2. They even got James Earl Jones to reprise his role as the Dark Lord! Rebels gets far too much flak by Star Wars fans, mainly TCW fanboys even though I like that show too.

As for me, my favorite Star Wars character is... well, too many to name lol. Palpatine for Sith, and Jedi I'm going with Obi-Wan Kenobi.

favorite star wars character and why?? Xua4ue10
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favorite star wars character and why?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars character and why??   favorite star wars character and why?? EmptySun Aug 20, 2017 9:07 pm

I watch Rebels until the end of season 1, then, I forgot about it. And I'm too lazy to watch. But the scene where Darth Vader understand that Ashoka is alive, and their fight are awesome !

(The Clone Wars is life)

favorite star wars character and why?? Gar2
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favorite star wars character and why?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars character and why??   favorite star wars character and why?? EmptyTue Aug 22, 2017 10:04 pm

i've not watched all the seasons of star wars rebels, but i think its an awesome show, espcially any of the epoisodes that involve mandalorians. i will say i didn't really like the idea of a mandalorian jedi and the backstory of the darksaber being made by a mandalorina jedi. my ideal of mandalorians is the expanded universe mandalorians, and they never were jedi per say, and most mandalorians dreaded jedi/sith, so for me the idea that a mandalorian being a jedi goes against the resol'nare, cause your supposed to devote heart and soul to it, and being a jedi detracts from your following the resol'nare. thats a new jedi thing about mandalorian jedi, i would rather see the mando's be the bad ass's who don't take crap, are loyol to manda'lore, and follows the resol'nare till death.
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favorite star wars character and why?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars character and why??   favorite star wars character and why?? EmptyWed Aug 23, 2017 12:02 am

If I remember well, the darksaber was stolen by Mandalorians, they didn't made it.

favorite star wars character and why?? Gar2
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PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars character and why??   favorite star wars character and why?? EmptyWed Aug 23, 2017 2:48 am

@Garska, "The Darksaber was an ancient and unique black-bladed lightsaber created by Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian ever inducted into the Jedi Order, prior to 1032 BBY. The weapon was kept in the Jedi Temple after Vizsla's passing, but members of House Vizsla stole the saber in a conflict with the Jedi during the fall of the Old Republic. The darksaber was passed down, generation to generation, by the ancestors of Pre Vizsla, who held onto the weapon even after the pacifist ideals of the New Mandalorians replaced the warrior ways of Mandalore." In the last season of star wars rebels they added to the back story of the darksaber and its now canon that tarre vizla was the first mandalorian inducted into the mandalorians and he created the darksaber, but his passing it was kept in the jedi temple, here's a link about it all.
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favorite star wars character and why?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars character and why??   favorite star wars character and why?? EmptyWed Aug 23, 2017 10:55 am

Oh sorry you're right, I was stuck in the Clone Wars version. I didn't watch Rebels.

favorite star wars character and why?? Gar2
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favorite star wars character and why?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars character and why??   favorite star wars character and why?? EmptyWed Aug 23, 2017 7:29 pm

I think greedo deserves some love he got 10 seconds of screen time and gets blasted even though he shot first XD.

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PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars character and why??   favorite star wars character and why?? EmptyWed Aug 23, 2017 7:37 pm

@Wishbone452!? Greedo didn't shoot first. Han did.

OT: I know it's a little typical but I really enjoyed the whole Fallen Hero aspect to Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker's personality. Granted the prequels are absolutely atrocious in my opinion but at least Revenge Of The Sith did an amazing job of explaining the hatred of Darth Vader. Vader was the chosen one, yet his selflessness and compassion for others and his attempts to prevent the deaths of those he loved turned him into the tragic villain he was in the originals.

He's an interesting character, not only because he is very complex but it's debatable that his fate was rigged from the start (as Benny would say).
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favorite star wars character and why?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars character and why??   favorite star wars character and why?? EmptyWed Aug 23, 2017 8:05 pm

even though I hate star wars now more than ever I will say my favorite character is darth nihilis because he doesn't even really need to use his weapons to kill entire planets possibly the best thing that came out of the franchise too

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favorite star wars character and why?? JRlYMB2
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PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars character and why??   favorite star wars character and why?? EmptyWed Aug 23, 2017 8:36 pm

Typical, but so good Smile

favorite star wars character and why?? Gar2
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PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars character and why??   favorite star wars character and why?? EmptyThu Aug 24, 2017 6:18 pm

@Garska, your fine, its just since disney has taken off star wars, they've change the time line and events about mandalorians, but the clones wars did the same thing, turned mandalorians into pacifist pussy's afraid of the republic, their went the same mandalorians who fought against the republic during the mandalorian wars, and who were not afraid to stand against other factions. the clones wars saw the planet mandalorian bombed and turned into a wasteland, and the mandalorians don't even try and fight back, or take revenge. its very unlike the expanded universe mandalorians i know and love. i do not except the clones wars version of mandalorians, or the star wars rebels mandalorian jedi, goes against all i know about the true mandalorians from the expanded universe. but at the same time, i love the clone wars tv show and star wars rebels.
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favorite star wars character and why?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars character and why??   favorite star wars character and why?? EmptyFri Aug 25, 2017 11:53 am

Well besides the well known favourites like Obi-Wan and Darth Vader, I would like to give some love to one of the minor characters I love.

favorite star wars character and why?? Latest?cb=20131016200859

Like any pirate he mostly only does things for the profit. He's an enjoyable character with a funny sense of humor

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PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars character and why??   favorite star wars character and why?? EmptyFri Aug 25, 2017 11:59 am

@William Lionheart
And he has an amazing coat.

favorite star wars character and why?? Gar2
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favorite star wars character and why?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars character and why??   favorite star wars character and why?? EmptyThu Aug 31, 2017 11:35 pm

Maybe I will be trivial, but I have 3 favorite characters in the Star Wars universe:
-The first is Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader: I loved his evolution as a character. Anakin is basically the product of a bigoted Jedi company. A boy with enormous potential but blinded by his own emotions. I loved his ransom at the end of "the return of the Jedi" because we have seen him as if we were a whole heartless, and in the end love prevails over all that evil and is like If Dart Vader was completely erased with all the terrible things he did. Everything sucks when he kills the emperor.

-The second is Emperor Palpatine. I think one of the most amazing bad guys ever appeared on the screen, I think is the personification of the very evil. His power lies not only in controlling strength and knowing both the Jedi and the Sith arts, his true weapon is his fascination, his ability to manipulate people by saying real things. Palpatine does nothing but bare Jedi defects and exploit their weaknesses makes them his servants.

The third is Luke Skywalker because is the positive copy of his father. Luke is the new hope and he does an educative travel through the good and the evil, and at the end he choose the good.

favorite star wars character and why?? HIdreR8j

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favorite star wars character and why?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: favorite star wars character and why??   favorite star wars character and why?? EmptyFri Sep 01, 2017 12:05 am

Revan. Because he's actually pretty fantastically written character.

This pretty much sums him up.

"Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan… and yet you are nothing. In the end, you belong to neither the light nor the darkness. You will forever stand alone."

What do you mean evil laugh!? This is how I always laugh!
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favorite star wars character and why?? Empty
PostSubject: favorite star wars character    favorite star wars character and why?? EmptySat Jan 27, 2018 7:11 pm

I would say darth maul. Even though he started off as a nobody in phantom menace the clone wars tv show really did him justice. I liked how when he recovered from his davasting loss with obi in ep 1 (with the help of his brother savage oppress) he was able to assemble a criminal empire in a such a short amount of time consisting of death watch, black sun, pikes and even forced jabba the hutt to join him by invading his castle and causing havoc on him. He also ruled mandalore and his criminal empire could make the republic and separatists irrelevant as maul stated himself that sidious had to go and fight him and stop him because he had rival his power and saw him as a threat. Another reason he is my favorite character is his design in genereal he has red skin and horns and sith tattoos which all make him look like a demon or devil and his double headed light saber is pretty iconic and well known and just his overall dark aggressive but calm behavior. coming in second on my favorite characters would be kylo ren.
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