| What do you want in one of the Next Fallout game? | |
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Posts : 41 Join date : 2016-11-07 Age : 24 Location : Canada
Character sheet Name: Krystian Hale Faction: New California Republic Level: 18
| Subject: What do you want in one of the Next Fallout game? Fri Nov 18, 2016 4:20 pm | |
| I would like it to be when people first started to come out of the vaults...Afraid...Lonely...Lawless...Factions origins... I want something depressive honestly, I want you to be able to walk through the wasteland that was once America and not expect to find a town.(Of course we still need neutral areas but as you know Fallout NV was way to civilized, still love the game though!.) I want the Main character to fear whats up ahead, I want him to trust certain people but then be betrayed over food and water, I don't want to be able to be super OP. I just want to be getting by with scraps. I want new and original characters with depresive back stories that ACTUALLY make you sad, I don't want the game to look cartoony either; Imagine The Glowing sea feeling? But with a larger map and such (Obviously not crazy radiation or insane storms that you can barley see through, but I just want that dark and depresive look)
I want the ability to form a gang and actually have them argue and interact with eachother, And to make this gang thing harder your going to have to find dark and disturbed people and you gotta persuade them ALOT! I want your gang to be able to betray eachother at a momments notice.
This may sound dark an all what I'm about to say next but this is how I'd actually picture a nuclear fallout: Cannibalism, anyone seen "The Road."? I want a house that your character stumbles upon that looks super empty and you just feel like its a safe place to lie down, next thing you know in the basement you got A bunch of people who have amputated limbs because they had parts eaten, and maybe do a trigger in the game that when you go in the basement you hear people coming inside, unaware that your down there. Slavery; I want Fallout 3's slavery but even darker, I honestly wasn't intimidated or felt strange walking into Paradise falls. I want Paradise falls X1000000000. I want you to notice they are malnourished and beaten; treated like human trash, betraying each other for scraps of food and ETC. I want Guns to be a special thing, when someone pulls a gun on someone they should either drop their weapon or try and run away. For a wasteland it sure seems easy to get guns and such in the previous fallout games. I want death to actually be scary, I don't want anything over the top but It can be really dumb when a Human combatant is a bullet sponge or you yourself are. Power armor, I want that to be SUPER rare; Like the bigger factions that are hardcore survivalists have them. Also I want it to feel like your a civilian, like I don't expect you to just come out of a vault and start killing people straight up; speaking of killing people I think there to be a system were your character may question himself after killing a man or woman, depending on how much you do it, he just stops caring. Heck maybe he starts enjoying it, maybe depending on how evil you are you can actually get bonuses when your in combat murdering? Like
I can go on forever butttt I think I'm gonna wrap it up here! I know this is super dark guys but we are talking about a Nuclear Aftermath...
Hope that someone else likes this idea! |
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Posts : 420 Join date : 2016-08-14 Age : 55 Location : The Present
Character sheet Name: Jack Faction: none Level: 56
| Subject: Re: What do you want in one of the Next Fallout game? Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:31 pm | |
| _________________ |
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Posts : 41 Join date : 2016-11-07 Age : 24 Location : Canada
Character sheet Name: Krystian Hale Faction: New California Republic Level: 18
| Subject: Re: What do you want in one of the Next Fallout game? Sat Nov 19, 2016 12:37 am | |
| @OSOK, The other post was asking "What Fallout game do you want to be in." Basically. I misread and I couldn't take it down. I thought it was asking "What do you want in the next Fallout." And I realised my mistake and I hadn't seen any topic like this so I thought I'd start one. |
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Posts : 3924 Join date : 2014-08-18 Age : 30 Location : Dublin, Ireland
Character sheet Name: Cain Reaver Faction: none Level: 167
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Posts : 33 Join date : 2016-11-21 Age : 26 Location : Brasil
Character sheet Name: MisterGutsy Faction: RobCo Industries Level: 35
| Subject: Re: What do you want in one of the Next Fallout game? Tue Nov 22, 2016 12:31 am | |
| A Reworked karma system that combines the faction system from nv and the karma from 3, lots of quests and choices to be made that can change the whole story of the game also i would love to see the old perk system back i hated the way fallout 4 deals with perks, last but not least the gameplay this is where fallout 4 shines (in my opnion) so i think if they combine all these the next fallout game would be awesome. Ohh and better prices of course. |
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Posts : 427 Join date : 2016-10-14 Location : Shady Sands
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| Subject: Re: What do you want in one of the Next Fallout game? Tue Nov 22, 2016 5:32 am | |
| * Unique factions (with perks and cons) that are all "gray" - no one is the clear good and bad guy, which lead to multiple endings (Fo dat replayability)
* Content that can be done in a variety of ways (talking, violence, subterfuge, previous choices affect more things). Lots of content.
* Interesting NPCs. More akin to New Vegas humorous writing with some depressing side stories. Definitely not FO3 like NPCs
will edit more later
EDIT1: (Fallout 4 and New Vegas mix lol)
A more immersive survival option like Fallout 4's.
Crafting is much more appealing (I felt no need to make my own food in New Vegas, compared to Fo4)
Mini games. Like Gambling or Caravan or maybe Part Time Jobs (Radiant Quests) that uses more of the non-violent skills
Last edited by blahblahblah on Wed Nov 23, 2016 2:53 am; edited 1 time in total |
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Posts : 41 Join date : 2016-11-07 Age : 24 Location : Canada
Character sheet Name: Krystian Hale Faction: New California Republic Level: 18
| Subject: Re: What do you want in one of the Next Fallout game? Tue Nov 22, 2016 5:48 am | |
| really liking what I see! I hope more people come and comment! |
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Posts : 300 Join date : 2015-03-24 Location : Floor 42
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| Subject: Re: What do you want in one of the Next Fallout game? Tue Nov 22, 2016 8:22 am | |
| 1 -Imagine Fist of the North Star , but remove the Kung Fu story and most elements , only the world the premise is infront of you
2 - The Fallout 4 power armor with the need of actual bloody training to use it and the thing being able to survive at least 1 mini nuke , say you fight a small army it was named power armor for a reason no ?
3 - The Player to be in a world where there is no fighting faction , no conflict between 2 factions There was already a winner faction with a leader who is someone fearless a monster with an army even deadlier than a whole pack of deathclaws [ maybe they got pet deathclaws who knows ] say you meet these guys in a local bar after you escape your vault and ask for help they will engage you and want to kick your ass and you gonna be careful if you enter a town controlled by these lads and depending on what you do did what is going to happen to you
4 -Be able to change bullet types like in FNV
5 - Enough Mod support if someone wants to make a new game they need just 4 hands to do it
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Posts : 208 Join date : 2015-07-31 Age : 27 Location : Canada
| Subject: Re: What do you want in one of the Next Fallout game? Thu Nov 24, 2016 8:15 pm | |
| Here's a thought, hearing more mentions of past heroes cause it really annoyed me never got hear the Lone Wanderer from anyone in Fallout 4. I mean come on! His the second main reason why the BoS ended up becoming a powerhouse in the Wasteland, Elder Maxson merely defined them more for better or worst.
So hearing about the Lone Wanderer or the Courier would be very awesome indeed or better yet the Vault Dweller. |
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Posts : 245 Join date : 2014-11-11 Age : 28 Location : Texas
Character sheet Name: Trajan Faction: Caesar's Legion Level: 69 Dude!
| Subject: Re: What do you want in one of the Next Fallout game? Thu Nov 24, 2016 8:32 pm | |
| How about a game with real choices and an actual story. _________________ |
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Posts : 277 Join date : 2015-08-02 Age : 26 Location : Arizona S-Mart Branch
| Subject: Re: What do you want in one of the Next Fallout game? Fri Nov 25, 2016 12:50 am | |
| A Fallout game made by Obsidian _________________ |
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Posts : 208 Join date : 2015-07-31 Age : 27 Location : Canada
| Subject: Re: What do you want in one of the Next Fallout game? Sat Nov 26, 2016 1:42 am | |
| Hmm here's a thought. Being able ride animals like Horses and whatnot, being able have more then one companion coming with you on your adventures. Like in Mass Effect maybe how they have two teammates with ya. |
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Posts : 188 Join date : 2014-12-18 Age : 38 Location : north east england
| Subject: Re: What do you want in one of the Next Fallout game? Mon Dec 05, 2016 5:56 am | |
| I agree with agree with what @Mandalore and @"blahblahblahagree have aready mentioned. Over all i think the next fallout needs to have a much bigger map. fallout 4s map feels a little condenced to me. i have yet to think "well that quest can wait till i have to travel to that side of the map again" like you would in fallout 3 and NV. there needs to be more named NPCS in the towns diamond city was ok but goodneighbour feels underpopulated. More Dialog with npcs give me more people to talk too. bethseda needs to show as much though and consideration to fallout as they do to the eldar scrolls games. skyrim has lots of side npcs that are named and have a daily routine. yet fallout 4 doesn't seem have that. I think they really need to set up a dedicated fallout dev team (or just buy obsiden) instead of the main team switching between eldar scrolls and fallout development. _________________ "Buring people! He says what we're all thinking" - Steam:
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Posts : 63 Join date : 2016-11-30 Age : 32 Location : UK
Character sheet Name: Player Character Faction: House Always Wins Level: 35
| Subject: Re: What do you want in one of the Next Fallout game? Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:56 am | |
| An Obsidian logo during boot up.
I'd like to see a fresh set of factions taking center stage, I've been with the belief that the Pacific North West (Fallout: Cascadia), notably Seattle, would be perfect for this for a good while as it's not really that close to any previous game events, yet it's close enough to feature a cameo from an NCR Ranger scout or some such and it's an interesting setting regardless.
I'd love a return to the massive scale overworld ala Fallout/2 with smaller 'local' maps within, not only to enable a wider variety of locations to visit, but to put forth a greater sense of scale to the world; one of my very few peeves with New Vegas is how crammed together the world can feel once you're familiar with the map, though I understand the technical restraints and it doesn't hamper my enjoyment with the game, I'd love to feel that same sense of "I am going faaar" that you feel when you start zipping about in the Highwayman once again.
I'd like to feel like I'm in a densely populated environment when in apparent "cities" and other living areas, too, this being one of those areas where you definitely have to suspend your sense of belief, atm (why would such small towns have cross state trade routes in place and how). I'd like to see more "random" events involving NPCs, too, whilst just generally giving them more to do than just idle (the NPCs Travel series of mods is a good idea at what I mean on a basic scale).
An option for Pip-Boy to not pause the world around you.
More pressing stuff like not keeping voiced protagonists etc., too, but that's not really a fun idea, but just a "please don't do that again, yh".
There's obviously endless ramblings of wishes and/or ideas, but realistically, I just hope it isn't made in the same spirit as Fallout 4... because... yeah.
Last edited by Hitchenson on Mon Dec 05, 2016 6:00 pm; edited 7 times in total |
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Posts : 706 Join date : 2015-06-14 Age : 27 Location : France
Character sheet Name: Julien Faction: New California Republic Level: 29
| Subject: Re: What do you want in one of the Next Fallout game? Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:08 pm | |
| I want dual wielding !! Also, I want actual unique items ! Skyrim had them but most of them looked the same as their regular counterparts... Fallout 4's unique weapons were pretty much the same... _________________ I've come here to chew bubblegum and mod Fallout ! And I'm all out of bubblegum ! My mods : - Fallout New Vegas:
Fafnir's TTW Fallout 3 Overhaul Captain America Outfits With Working Shields The Joker In New Vegas Friday The 13th jason Costumes Omerta Mafia OverhaulSilver Shroud Outfit The Batvillains
- Skyrim:
Star Wars Jedi Robes And Outfits Unique Magicka Sabers
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Posts : 94 Join date : 2015-09-14 Age : 33 Location : United Kingdom
Character sheet Name: John Gerhmen Faction: Independant Level: 1
| Subject: Re: What do you want in one of the Next Fallout game? Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:46 pm | |
| More Pre-War experiences! I loved Operation Anchorage and thought that it would have been ideal to have another DLC for Fallout 4 based on Anchorage or another conflict from before the bombs fell. The protagonist in fallout 4 was a soldier who served during this time according the intro cinematic we see and they could have easily did a flashback DLC of his time in the army. I was disappointed they didn't.
Oh, and make it so it's a new explorable map, not a liner shoot em up. |
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Posts : 455 Join date : 2016-12-03 Age : 32 Location : Long 15
Character sheet Name: Laufer Faction: 87th Tribe Level: Spiritual
| Subject: Re: What do you want in one of the Next Fallout game? Tue Dec 06, 2016 10:28 pm | |
| I'm glad to see such a topic. It's a huge question actually.
In my opinion F4 goes the wrong way in almost every aspects of Fallout games. Supposed innovations are not original, except for the power armor mechanisms which add some welcoming pressure, but only if fusion cores are actually very rare. As a pre-war technologie, the player should be not be able to duplicate it.
The all-crafting feature is excessive and not necessarily needed insofar as it’s to easy to acquire these skills. A common survivor is not an engineer but a scavenger or a trader. The inventor character should be only a specific and challenging way to play the game. If you can craft the best available items, so exploration and trading are no longer required. It can be a substantial problem.
Another change which is misleading to my eyes is the new perk chart and the ability to increase SPECIAL as you progress. It’s a blunder, it ruins the initial choice of a role with its assets and weaknesses. However I think SPECIAL increasing could remain a possibility through unique quest rewards (like in the Old World Blue dlc).
About companions, they shoud be better than dogsbodies who follow the character only as mules. I want self-sufficient and distinctive characters. They are beings who struggle fo life and ideals, just like the player.
Another point: murder should not be so insignificant. F4 is a very childish game, you just have to kill everybody and everything that crosses your way. We absolutely need non-lethal ways to get rid of the player’s antagonists. There is actually several FNV mods on the nexus which do the job, like “Project Ultimatum by Sagittarius22” or “Animated Combat Takedowns” by ILikeToPunch and TommInfinite (this last one is unfortunately overpowered).
I think by in large the world location is very secondary in a Fallout game. It is almost all about a nightmarish America marked by madness and fanatism. It’s satirical, not literal. And so the player can choose to adhere to this madness or to attempt to resist to it. That’s the Fallout spirit in my view. |
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Posts : 194 Join date : 2016-07-26
Character sheet Name: Boon Faction: None Level: 37
| Subject: Re: What do you want in one of the Next Fallout game? Tue Dec 06, 2016 11:01 pm | |
| One thing the next Fallout definitely needs is better writing. I wouldn't have minded all these preset characterizations if the main story actually had anything besides a twist I saw coming a mile away. Not to mention ALL of the factions were tied to the main story which was an awful, awful design decision. It became painfully apparent to me that all the writing for every single quest was extremely weak after I installed Tales From the Commonwealth and was actually surprised to be confronted with actual decisions with different outcomes and consequences. The only time I felt any weight in a quest was in Vault 81, where you get a permanent debuff if you're not careful and opt to give the boy the cure. - Mandalore wrote:
- being able have more then one companion coming with you on your adventures.
I also don't understand why they maintain this companion limit, considering that it's been modded out of every single game since Fallout 3. _________________ |
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Posts : 58 Join date : 2016-07-13 Age : 26 Location : Brazil
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| Subject: Re: What do you want in one of the Next Fallout game? Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:06 am | |
| i want to see china will be good to see a diferent fallout game vision now in china other factions tecs weapons armors ''but what about power armor blablabla'' will have some t51 and t45 from america atack i think will be veeeery awesome to see china in fallout universe _________________ |
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Posts : 455 Join date : 2016-12-03 Age : 32 Location : Long 15
Character sheet Name: Laufer Faction: 87th Tribe Level: Spiritual
| Subject: Re: What do you want in one of the Next Fallout game? Wed Dec 07, 2016 3:53 am | |
| - miguelqp20 wrote:
- i want to see china will be good to see a diferent fallout game vision now in china other factions tecs weapons armors ''but what about power armor blablabla'' will have some t51 and t45 from america atack i think will be veeeery awesome to see china in fallout universe
I still think Fallout is about America. But whatever, the setting doesn't make the game. I mean it could be in China, that's not a requirement for quality. |
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| Subject: Re: What do you want in one of the Next Fallout game? | |
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| What do you want in one of the Next Fallout game? | |