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 Just how Dangerous is The First Order

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Techmarine Nerfy

Techmarine Nerfy

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PostSubject: Just how Dangerous is The First Order   Just how Dangerous is The First Order EmptyMon Oct 03, 2016 3:47 pm

It's been a question I've heard asked many a time and personally my answer has to be..Very Dangerous.

For a faction that managed to hide Starkiller Base from the republic, Let alone be able to even make such a weapon, goes to show the extent of power and military might they might actually have. The First Order has kept so much secret from the New Republic and i suspect they have far more military power then we suspect.

Take for example the Resurgence class Star Destroyers they now use, sleeker and packing more firepower then the Imperial class. Tie Fighters can now punch through shields and include larger cockpits with rear mounted turrets. the storm troopers are utterly loyal (FN-2187 not included) and equipped to take on the Republic on equal grounds HOWEVER the gear is in some forms inferior to Imperial gear though the f-11 is superior to the E-11.

I suspect when the next movie comes we will see just how much more the First Order can field and just how much of a threat they will be.
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Just how Dangerous is The First Order Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just how Dangerous is The First Order   Just how Dangerous is The First Order EmptyMon Oct 03, 2016 6:08 pm

I'd say they're quite a threat to the New Republic, which is still in its infancy as far as Nations go (what, 20 years?) but I'd say at this point they'd be more viewed as ISIS with nukes. And they managed to blow up Washington DC. Not a perfect analogy as TFO is proportionally stronger to ISIS as it is with the New Republic (in proportion with the US) but still not viewed as more than a terrorist fanatical organization operating in the whims of Imperial Remnant space.

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Just how Dangerous is The First Order This_is_useless_star_wars
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PostSubject: Re: Just how Dangerous is The First Order   Just how Dangerous is The First Order EmptySun Oct 09, 2016 3:34 am

Not nearly so dangerous as the New Republic TongueTril Inept just isn't the word. They sign a peace treaty with Imperials whom go off to their own sections of space, where it's practically impossible to be sure the disarmament treaty is enforced, shun Leia of all people for her parantage, and refuse to see the threat. The galaxy at large is also a hellhole compared even to Imperial Rule, because the government is just too small and ineffective to do much governing.

It's actually pretty interesting, and a fairly realistic ending to the civil war.
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Judge Redd

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PostSubject: Re: Just how Dangerous is The First Order   Just how Dangerous is The First Order EmptySun Oct 09, 2016 7:55 am

From my perception, I found that the New Order is more military orientated than sith orientated. If you recall the seen with Hux and Kylo, you will remember that before Snook Kylo was looked over for Hux's authority. Hux is held in higher esteem than the sith lord, which is to be expected since the last sith orientated empire fell. Of course milatary is priorty this time.
With this in mind, they created a hell of a weapon, and what looks like a very dedicated army. As well as anti-light saber weapons.
To put it simply...very dangerous.
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PostSubject: Re: Just how Dangerous is The First Order   Just how Dangerous is The First Order EmptySun Oct 09, 2016 9:08 am

The First Order shares some similarities with Galactic Empire but unlike the Galactic Empire they don't seem to hold Sith or Jedi in high regards....

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PostSubject: Re: Just how Dangerous is The First Order   Just how Dangerous is The First Order EmptySun Oct 09, 2016 11:48 am

They seem to be just as dangerous as the galactic empire and have the same amount of resources. I didn't like this about TFA because it seemed that the TFA should've been a bunch of remnants of the empire but somehow had the logistics to overhaul their equipment and afford to build a new super-weapon. And the Republic had an organization called the "Resistance", what are they resisting? Didn't they win in Return of The Jedi? They should be called the Army or something seeing as how they're no longer the underdogs.
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Techmarine Nerfy

Techmarine Nerfy

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PostSubject: Re: Just how Dangerous is The First Order   Just how Dangerous is The First Order EmptyMon Oct 10, 2016 7:04 am

thegreataimbottio wrote:
They seem to be just as dangerous as the galactic empire and have the same amount of resources. I didn't like this about TFA because it seemed that the TFA should've been a bunch of remnants of the empire but somehow had the logistics to overhaul their equipment and afford to build a new super-weapon. And the Republic had an organization called the "Resistance", what are they resisting? Didn't they win in Return of The Jedi? They should be called the Army or something seeing as how they're no longer the underdogs.

It was a daft name choice but seeing as TFO was formerly part of the Senate AND still under the treaty and well the New Republic hoped for peace they decided to turn a blind eye to it all thus giving the remaining Imperials a chance to rebuild and rearm, not to mention a ton of corporations made sub corps to sell arms to the Order and even to the Resistance to bypass the new laws on arms selling.

So the resistance was a way to bypass the Republic going to outright war all with complete deniability. Equally unless Snoke turns out otherwise the Sith died with Vader and Palps so Kylo nor the Knights are true Darths, more akin to the old Dark Jedi before the Sith Order hence why they are not held in such high regard...not to mention the Order probably view Vader and Palps as failures but atleast they took the New Jedi as a threat and made anti saber weaponry.

I think so far the Order has chosen to appear small and terrorist because were they to show full strength the Republic would of had a reason to eliminate them.

Oh and speaking of government Even the Old Republic found leading a galaxy hard, it's just too large a space to control with any degree of order, Hence why Palps set up regional Governors and disbanded the senate, it did away with the red tape and slow as hell bureaucracy and corruption that slowed galactic leadership, something the republic had major issues with.

Take for example the Imperium of Man, each sector looks to it's own Governors, local Imperial Guard and Naval forces and if the situation went worse they just call in support from nearby worlds and sectors. In some cases the Imperium actually has a decent galactic control..not perfect by far but decent.
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PostSubject: Re: Just how Dangerous is The First Order   Just how Dangerous is The First Order EmptyMon Oct 17, 2016 1:59 pm

thegreataimbottio wrote:
They seem to be just as dangerous as the galactic empire and have the same amount of resources. I didn't like this about TFA because it seemed that the TFA should've been a bunch of remnants of the empire but somehow had the logistics to overhaul their equipment and afford to build a new super-weapon. And the Republic had an organization called the "Resistance", what are they resisting? Didn't they win in Return of The Jedi? They should be called the Army or something seeing as how they're no longer the underdogs.

well, to be honest it makes very sense that the empire didin't just end at ROTJ.

sure, the emperor has died, but what about all the remmaining imperial fleet? and planets that were in empire's control, and the personnel? they would just give up beacause palpy is dead? i'm pretty sure they liked serving the empire, and would rally on to anyone that tryed to rebuild it. also, one of the advantages of a strict military society is that the chain of command is pretty clear. once the emperor died it was bound for someone from withim to lead and the others would follow.

"My luck ranges from barely tolerable to cataclysmic. Master Lucien says I'm living proof the Force has a sense of humor!"
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Techmarine Nerfy

Techmarine Nerfy

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PostSubject: Re: Just how Dangerous is The First Order   Just how Dangerous is The First Order EmptyMon Oct 17, 2016 3:09 pm

BobaSauro wrote:
thegreataimbottio wrote:
They seem to be just as dangerous as the galactic empire and have the same amount of resources. I didn't like this about TFA because it seemed that the TFA should've been a bunch of remnants of the empire but somehow had the logistics to overhaul their equipment and afford to build a new super-weapon. And the Republic had an organization called the "Resistance", what are they resisting? Didn't they win in Return of The Jedi? They should be called the Army or something seeing as how they're no longer the underdogs.

well, to be honest it makes very sense that the empire didin't just end at ROTJ.

sure, the emperor has died, but what about all the remmaining imperial fleet? and planets that were in empire's control, and the personnel? they would just give up beacause palpy is dead? i'm pretty sure they liked serving the empire, and would rally on to anyone that tryed to rebuild it. also, one of the advantages of a strict military society is that the chain of command is pretty clear. once the emperor died it was bound for someone from withim to lead and the others would follow.

let's not forget those who wouldn't want to give up what power they had gotten from all those years of service...
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Just how Dangerous is The First Order Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just how Dangerous is The First Order   Just how Dangerous is The First Order EmptyMon Oct 17, 2016 3:39 pm

yup. the first order makes perfect sense to me.

the only thing curious about it is.. who the hell is snoke?

"My luck ranges from barely tolerable to cataclysmic. Master Lucien says I'm living proof the Force has a sense of humor!"
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Techmarine Nerfy

Techmarine Nerfy

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PostSubject: Re: Just how Dangerous is The First Order   Just how Dangerous is The First Order EmptyFri Oct 21, 2016 2:49 pm

Yes who or what is Snoke...
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Just how Dangerous is The First Order Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just how Dangerous is The First Order   Just how Dangerous is The First Order EmptyFri Oct 21, 2016 3:20 pm

I agree, The First Order indeed seems to be very dangerous, I say far more dangerous than the empire. Starkiller base was FAR larger than both the Death Stars built by the empire. It seems they have very well funded supporters or have the ability to collect taxes like the Empire did.

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Techmarine Nerfy

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PostSubject: Re: Just how Dangerous is The First Order   Just how Dangerous is The First Order EmptyMon Oct 24, 2016 12:47 pm

Or they steal their wealth from the worlds they control..More aggressive taxation perhaps
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