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PostSubject: "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more"   "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more" EmptySun Jul 31, 2016 8:21 pm

Just thought I would share the news.

Here is the community hub post by Frontwire Studios:

It is really disappointing that EA is telling them to cease development of the game. Overall this is a damn shame, and I was really looking forward to Galaxy in Turmoil. It will be interesting to see what direction they will go from here on out.

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PostSubject: Re: "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more"   "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more" EmptySun Jul 31, 2016 8:44 pm

It's quite depressing that Lucasfilm would have given them a license to do it, but EA denies it purely for economic reasons. I guess it's understandable from their perspective, but to the actual fans of the games and Star Wars it's a huge, completely unnecessary loss.

I wonder how things would be if they had been in contact before EA got the license in 2013.

Now, if they can't use Star Wars characters and the universe, I don't mind that. I'd still like to see this game come out with the gameplay and it's own unique, new sci-fi universe, with old school Battlefront gameplay. I'm actually quite excited for this new direction, even though it does mean a setback in development.

I will absolutely be getting the final game when it comes out. And modders could practically create a Star Wars mod for it, like someone said in the comments.

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PostSubject: Re: "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more"   "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more" EmptySun Jul 31, 2016 9:17 pm

a small part of me was expecting this but my admiration for this team and what they were working blinded me from seeing that, i really am disappointed with this, however the fact that EA was worried with Galaxy in Turmoil taking away attention from their ahem "Battlefront" shows that Galaxy in turmoil could have been something, something that could have outdone Battlefront so really EA has complimented the frontwire team.

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PostSubject: Re: "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more"   "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more" EmptySun Jul 31, 2016 9:19 pm

I personally believe that the reason that EA is so violently against all uses of the Star Wars IP for fan-made games is because EA and their developers are so incredibly inept at making games that any competition would destroy them. Even if this competition was a fan-made mod for a different game.

They have so little faith in their own products that they can't have any kind of competition whatsoever, banking on the fact that if EA makes the only Star Wars games available, people will have to turn to EA to get their fix of stormtroopers and jedi.

It's incredibly sad, especially considering what a terrible failure the new Battlefront was. EA frankly does not deserve the Star Wars license.

"Galaxy in Turmoil is no more" Ravnef10
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PostSubject: Re: "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more"   "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more" EmptySun Jul 31, 2016 9:22 pm

Well, don't get your hopes down.

They're continuing the development of the game, it will have the same gamemodes, 64 players, space battles and everything. It just won't have Star Wars characters or places. Technically it'll still be a Battlefront game, just not a Star Wars Battlefront game, you know what I mean?

The gameplay will be the same, and I'm really excited how this will turn out. At least we don't have to worry about the license thing anymore, since we know how that is now.

And if they're moving to the direction of developing a game with their own IP, imagine the potential it has for them as a studio if it becomes a success.

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PostSubject: Re: "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more"   "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more" EmptySun Jul 31, 2016 9:27 pm


Waffenbaum wrote:
I personally believe that the reason that EA is so violently against all uses of the Star Wars IP for fan-made games is because EA and their developers are so incredibly inept at making games that any competition would destroy them. Even if this competition was a fan-made mod for a different game.

When EA picked up the Star Wars IP they knew they could cash in on Star Wars' extremely large fanbase. Why even tolerate anyone making a game off their million dollar exclusive universe when they can just sue them six ways to Sunday so that people have to buy their shitty chopped up day one DLC trash and ask for seconds, I'm glad that Battlefront got a ton of flak because EA doesn't even deserve to publish Star Wars games.

"Galaxy in Turmoil is no more" Xpe22Y1

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PostSubject: Re: "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more"   "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more" EmptySun Jul 31, 2016 10:45 pm

no matter what EA does now unless they plan on make a true battlefront with both eras included and space battles like the ones we got from battlefront 2 then I won't consider anything they release a "battlefront" because to me its just a reskin of battefield with a star wars makeup, heroes and a few new game modes.

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PostSubject: Re: "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more"   "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more" EmptyMon Aug 01, 2016 12:05 am

lordniti2 wrote:
because to me its just a reskin of battefield with a star wars makeup, heroes and a few new game modes.

Don't forget helmetless stormtroopers.

"Galaxy in Turmoil is no more" Ravnef10
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PostSubject: Re: "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more"   "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more" EmptyMon Aug 01, 2016 1:24 am

I saw this coming from a mile away.

EA just didn't want attention taken away from their Battlefront game, which sucks because Battlefront was a major disappointment. Stuff like this is why I hate EA with a passion, despite liking their games.

Also, as a matter of fact, Galaxy of Turmoil is not dead. They're making their own universe now, since they can't use Star Wars assets anymore.

"Galaxy in Turmoil is no more" Gunetw11
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PostSubject: Re: "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more"   "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more" EmptyMon Aug 01, 2016 5:54 am

EA never really told them to cease development, if you read it you'd see that they just didn't want them including Star Wars content, which is completely reasonable considering if you don't protect your copyright you risk losing it. The game is still being developed, just without any star wars relations.

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PostSubject: Re: "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more"   "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more" EmptyMon Aug 01, 2016 9:42 am

SixShooter wrote:
EA never really told them to cease development, if you read it you'd see that they just didn't want them including Star Wars content, which is completely reasonable considering if you don't protect your copyright you risk losing it. The game is still being developed, just without any star wars relations.

They had to cease development, scrap all assets and resources related to Star Wars and reboot an in development title, I consider that to be true to the definition of cease "To bring or come to an end" just because they are rebooting the game to an original IP with the same mechanics doesn't lessen the Cease and Desist order, it was also Lucasfilm that told them they could reboot their game without legal trouble.

EA is literally the last company that deserves to be defended by anyone, first and foremost the game was going to be free and could've just been slapped with the EA logo on bootup promoting their own company without spending a dime, but the EA executives already told Lucasfilm (Not the studio making Galaxy in Turmoil) that they didn't care if the game was free because it would've given people (Can't even say consumers since the game was going to be free) the option to play something other than DICE's Battlefront.

Let's not forget this is the comany that won the award for "Worst company in America" twice.

"Galaxy in Turmoil is no more" Xpe22Y1
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PostSubject: Re: "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more"   "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more" EmptyMon Aug 01, 2016 9:50 am

While definitely saddening, if they were to release mod tools there's always a chance someone could make a Star Wars mod!

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PostSubject: Re: "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more"   "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more" EmptyMon Aug 01, 2016 10:05 am

Why not just take frontwire studios and the game itself under lucasart's wings? Certainly it'll make more money and its more interesting than the current Battlefront in which most players don't like. So correct me if im wrong but what this post is saying that Galaxy in Turmoil is gone but Frontwire can make a new IP with Star Wars or non Star Wars?
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"Galaxy in Turmoil is no more" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more"   "Galaxy in Turmoil is no more" EmptyMon Aug 01, 2016 10:23 am

BITBUT wrote:
Why not just take frontwire studios and the game itself under lucasart's wings? Certainly it'll make more money and its more interesting than the current Battlefront in which most players don't like. So correct me if im wrong but what this post is saying  that Galaxy in Turmoil is gone but Frontwire can make a new IP with Star Wars or non Star Wars?

Lucasfilms has an exclusivity contract with EA, meaning that rather than Lucasfilms recommissioning their gaming studio and publisher "Lucasarts" they leased the IP exclusively to EA for what I imagine are millions of dollars, so now only studios contracted by EA can make any Star Wars games. While Frontwire most definitely would've won against EA under "Fair Use" Frontwire dismissed that route as it would've taken A LOT of time and money, something a small studio like Frontwire does not want to waste while developing their game at the same time.

Frontwire instead asked Lucasfilms if EA would greenlight the project under their brand; a possibility Lucasfilms had already discussed with EA executives who stated that even a non profit title with Star Wars elements and true gameplay elements of a Battlefront game would poach potential consumers from shelling out for DICE's BATTLEFRONT.

So in essence, Frontwire tried to solve their legal troubles by just slapping EA on their game while they developed the game by themselves, but EA went-

"No screw that, then people have a choice between Battlefront and Galaxy in Turmoil, they won't buy our watered down Star Wars game if there's a better Star Wars game for free, even if we did publish it."

But since Lucasfilms is evidently staffed by non Execs who do not in fact eat babies while showering in money, Lucasfilms told Frontwire they could reboot their game with original IP and finish it.

"Galaxy in Turmoil is no more" Xpe22Y1
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