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Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  Empty
PostSubject: Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!    Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  EmptySat Jul 16, 2016 8:55 pm

Rebels season 3 looks so amazing!

Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  Tumblr_mjyhpx96lw1qcga5ro1_500
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Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!    Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  EmptySat Jul 16, 2016 9:30 pm

That looks really good. So much cool stuff in the coming season, Tarkin, Mitth'raw'nuruodo, a more adult Ezra.
I'm genuinely glad that Disney bought the license, considering Lucas's vision for future Star Wars animated shows was SW: Detours (blergh).

I like Kanan's beard, though I wish he had kept the Jedi Temple Guard mask. He was made a guard by the spirit of the Inquisitor, after all.
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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!    Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  EmptySun Jul 17, 2016 3:34 am

YES THRAWN THRAWN THRAWN THRAWN THRAWN. Praise b unto Filoni, our lord and Savior! He has brought Thrawn back from the dead! Also, Timothy Zahn has announced a new (canon) book.  

Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  CnfzXgpXgAAK09-

"Sheogorath is already inside each of us. You have already lost."

Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  This_is_useless_star_wars
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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!    Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  EmptySun Jul 17, 2016 10:50 am

Трагедия века!!!

Я обращаюсь к добрым людям!!

Люди, не оставайтесь равнодушными!!! Эта трагедия может случится с каждым!!

Отец и сын были разлучены много лет назад, и жили на разных планетах! Но сейчас, когда они нашлись, они принадлежат разным компаниям!!!

Гранд-адмирал Митт'рау'нуруодо сейчас находится на военной службе, которую не может оставить! Он любит своего отца, но призван на флот!! Он не видел отца с рождения!!!!! Его папа Сквидвард Тентаклс хочет увидеть сына, с которым расстался годы назад, но сейчас работает кассиром в ресторане "Красти Крабс"!!! У него нет средств на перелёт в эту далёкую-далёкую галактику!1!
Сквидвард Тентаклс очень любит своего сына! Он хочет увидеть его, обнять, и сказать всё, что хранил в сердце долгие годы!

Но этого мало!!! Только ваши помощь и доброта могут преодолеть другой ужасный барьер — между Nickelodeon и Disney!!!! Только массовая поддержка поможет им встретится!!!!! Не дайте замолчать эту проблему! Не дайте равнодушным и бессердечным оставить семью разлучённой!
Чем больше людей об этом узнает — тем больше будет поддержка!!!! Тем сложнее будет компаниям препятствовать воссоединению семьи!!!!!!

Помогите репостом! Не проходите мимо, не будьте равнодушными к чужому горю!!! Эта беда может коснуться каждого!
Все неравнодушные, переводите деньги на любой счёт!!!

СворовБанк: ************************
ГолдРоспил: ************************
ПузырьСити: ************************

Спасибо вам!!!!

The biggest tradegy of this century!!!

I give my word to you, good people!!

Don`t stay dont stay indifferent!!! This could be happened to every one!!

Many years ago father and his son were separated and lived on a different planets! But now, when they found each other, it appears, that they are property of different companies!

Grand Admiral Mitt'rau'nuruodo is now in military service, and can`t leave it! He love his father, but he was joined the Navy !! He hadn`t seen his father since birth !!!!! His dad  Squidward Tentacles wants to see his years ago parted son, but now ру works as a cashier at the "Krusty Krabs' restaurant !!! He has no funds to tarvel in a galaxy far far away! 1!
Squidward Tentacles very fond of his son! He wants to see him, hug and say everything that is stored in the heart for years to come!

But this is not enough!!! Only your help and kindness can overcome the other terrible barrier - between Nickelodeon and Disney !!!! Only massive support to help them meet !!!!! Do not let this problem be silent! Do not let indifferention and heartless leave the family divided!
The more people know about it - the more support !!!! The more difficult it will be to companies prevent the reunification of family !!!!!!

Help with a repost! Do not pass through, don`t be indifferent to the misfortunes of others !!! This disaster can affect anyone!
All caring, please transfere money to any account !!!

Loving family!!1!:

I don`t know what`s worse: just refusing the EU, or drawing the characters from it and perverting them because of simple greed and lack of talent?

Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  1zbJJGTf4zs
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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!    Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  EmptySun Jul 17, 2016 11:06 am

heh, some people have always something to complain even if they havent seen anything yet.. always see only the bad things, ey? TongueTril

i realy love to see thrawn is back in the sw universe. cant wait to see him finaly in action. the man who created that character once, Timothy Zahn, did say yesterday he saw some episodes of season 3 with thrawn in it and he loved it. cant wait for the new book next year. as far as the trailer goes. i realy like the trailer and the new look of some of the main characters... hera, sabine and zeb looking not bad. did you noticed that there where tie-advanced in it?

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Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!    Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  EmptySun Jul 17, 2016 11:29 am

I did, and I had no idea Wedge used to be a TIE pilot. Is that featured anywhere in the Canon material and/or EU books, or is it something new?

Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  Ravnef10
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Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!    Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  EmptySun Jul 17, 2016 11:29 am

@Cpt.Rex  ПРОБЛЕМА в том, что детский сериал стоит НА ОДНОМ УРОВНЕ КАНОНА с Оригинальной трилогией и другими историями, а то и даже выше. Ибо автор насилует Дарта Мола и форсит свою вайфу Асоку.

Да, Канон. С таким вот Каноном мы получаем вертолетики-на-саблях, дебильную Империю, которая не может размазать по стенке контрабандистов, даже если они будут стоять один метр от штурмовиков. И я не преувеличиваю - эти идиоты не могут пристрелить повстаников с одного метра.

Короче, перефразируя одного мелкого жирного нацика: идите нахер пацаны - я пошел читать "Темную империю".

Без обид, Рекс, но если тебе так нравятся приключения команды мерисьюшных дебилов в духе "Черепашек ниндзя" - дело твое. Я (да и большинство российских фанатов ЗВ, кстати) привык к более серьезным произведениям.
The problem is, that the child series is now ONE LEVEL CANON with original trilogy and the other stories. And even higher. Because the author is raping Darth Maul and forcing his waifu (Ahsoka).

Yup. Canon. This canon gives us sabercopters, foolish Empire, which can`t smash the smuggler even if they standing in ONE FUGGIN METER from the stormtroopers. It`s not a exagerration - these idiots cannot shoot "rebel scum" from ONE meter.

Bref, rephrasin` one little fatty nazi: Screw you, guys - i`m going to read "Star wars: Dark Empire".

No offence Rex, but if you like the TMNT-like adventures of mary-sue`ish morons - it`s your choice. Me (as well as the majority of russian SW fans, though) got used to more serious works.
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Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!    Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  EmptySun Jul 17, 2016 1:38 pm

Goddamn this was a good trailer! enjoyed every moment of it. Definitely gonna be on my watch priority and next to that is man in the high castle season 2.
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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!    Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  EmptySun Jul 17, 2016 3:09 pm

i dont understand, what is wrong with it that the creators have maul back, i dont see where the problem is. star wars was and is always something about adventure, fun, friendship, drama and action... not in that particular order of course. the series is obviously created in that way that even the young ones can watch the show ( family show ). and i dont understand whats wrong with those sabercopter thing.. its star wars major_tumnanov.. you will not find realism in it. what i want to say is, in sw everything is possible.. space creatures, lightsabers, the force and jar jar binks TongueTril ... dont take it so serious.. its just a show/movie series.. its sci-fi fantasy not sicence fact. i am very entertained by the show and i will continiue to enjoy it.

i dont know to be honest. i know him only from the original triology. i havent read very much from the "old enhanced universe", besides the thrawn triology and the republic commando books and a book where the new republic and the remnants of the empire are forced to work toghether against a comon enemy but i have forgot the name of that book ( no, not the yuuzhan vong - it was another enemy who capture the souls from their enemy ). but back to wedge - it would make sense to me that wedge is a imperial tie pilot at the begin. wedge antillies is one of the best pilots in the rebel fleet so i asume he did recive a high level training somewere and who if not the empire can give you that training these days in the sw universe.

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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!    Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  EmptySun Jul 17, 2016 3:40 pm

I read the Han Solo trilogy (great read, recommended) and he was also a highly distinguished pilot in the Imperial Academy at Carida until he decided to stand up for the captured Chewbacca who swore him a life debt in return. And now Finn from Force Awakens is a defected Stormtrooper as well.

There seems to be a trend of deserters becoming heroes. The opposite doesn't seem to happen all that often though, only when a traitor is motivated by greed. You don't ever see any of the rebels coming around to the Empire's way of thinking and changing sides.

Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  Ravnef10
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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!    Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  EmptySun Jul 17, 2016 3:54 pm

sounds great.. i will see if i can get that book. yes i know the back story of han and chewy and i am looking foreward to see that in the upcoming han solo movie.

yes i think thats because those people are convinced that they are doing good things when they join the empire ( empire propaganda ) but then they see how cruel and evil it is.

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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!    Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  EmptySun Jul 17, 2016 8:00 pm

My hype for this show kinda died down, but after this trailer it's alive and well again! I love that this season is going to be a little more mature. I've seen more deaths in this trailer than the past two seasons haha! I still loved the past two especially the season 2 finale. Thanks for sharing this I don't think I would've seen it otherwise.

Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  Destru10

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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!    Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  EmptySun Jul 17, 2016 9:42 pm

Cpt.Rex wrote:
but then they see how cruel and evil it is.

This is the thing, the franchise presents the Empire and Rebels as a really black and white, good vs. evil thing because it's necessary to get people cheering for the heroes. I personally don't feel that it is that easy.
The main thing that makes the Empire "evil" is that it is being used as an instrument by the Sith, first Palpatine and now Snoke. No getting around that, but take a look at some of the good things the Empire has done since its foundation:

- Brought peace and safety to a galaxy destabilized by years of clone wars
- Lowered crime throughout the galaxy by a huge margin compared to before
- Made illegal smuggling of life-ruining substances such as spice grind to a halt
- Created jobs for millions of (human) men and women where before there was only clones in the army
- Standardized galactic basic in all controlled systems through building schools and providing education (also to non-humans)
- Created new infrastructure and made many planets flourish economically

When the Empire is outed as racist that is mainly because non-humans are not allowed to serve in the military and are reportedly treated as second-class citizens because Palpatine was/is supposedly human-centric in his views. I always found this odd considering the Empire was only a means to and end for him.

But to every trooper, imperial guard, engineer, pilot and et cetera that serves, they do so feeling they make a positive change around them in a world beset by villainy where a firm hand in a hard plasteel glove is necessary, and knowing the Star Wars universe it absolutely is, and some might think that cruel.
Compared to the Empire, the rebels accept everyone much to their credit, but they also make huge use of illegal smuggling networks and enables these profiteering individuals to thrive and thereby hurt the lowest in society. By destabilizing sectors, they spread crime and dissent through their actions and often allow people worse than the empire to rise to power in their wake.

As I see it, both the Empire and the Rebels have good and bad sides, it's just a shame we don't get to see the rare positives of the Empire once in a while and maybe a rebel secretly wondering if they aren't better off that way. Wink
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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!    Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  EmptySun Jul 17, 2016 10:04 pm

come on man... the empire is a tyrany. no matter how you look at it, this fact won't change, and this is reason enough for anyone to rise up against.

the reason for people to support the empire is the same as irl people that support those strict regimes and even tyrants. they, one way or another, get the best of those regimes, they get to be the opressors too.

Increase security? at what price? killing anyone that the empire deems dangerous, for the law is ultimately what theyr tyrant says... the will of the emperor... people that enjoy this regime is the same kind of person that say "a good criminal is a dead criminal"... it is bullcrap.

the empire may have some naive pople working there that trully believes they are doing good, but that is about it.

of course the republic had it's problems, mainly corruption ones, but the empire will never be the solution.

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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!    Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  EmptySun Jul 17, 2016 10:24 pm

You cannot simply call billions of people naive with one fell swoop, it is only us viewers who know that Palpatine is a sith lord and that the formation of the Empire was something he orchestrated to take power. To the galaxy at large, he was asked to step up from Chancellor to become Emperor and voted to be such by the senate, consisting mostly of non-humans. To many it was a welcome change from years and years of uncertainty and war, and an end to the republic which had grown incredibly stagnant, corrupt and bloated. Even a pro-republic fan would have to admit that it was very far from ideal. The people, alien and human alike suffered greatly under the republic as well, after all.

No matter the society, no matter how peaceful, cruel, strict or forgiving, you will ALWAYS find people who want to rebel and change what is simply out if principle. Like on mandalore, Death Watch was rebelling against Duchess Satine and her pacifist rule in Concordia, in order to return to their old ways and honour their ancient traditions. Should anyone who wants to rebel be called a hero, or only when they rebel against something we personally don't like?

I don't think it's at all fair to say that people want to be oppressors because it benefits them, or that people who can find the good even in empire want to see tyrannical rule in real life, either.
It's more about finding the good in everything, and being able to see that even the "good" guys are very, very bad at times. It's a fictional universe, but the creators and writers go to great lengths to show us that in the force, good and evil are sometimes more grey than we imagine, and that there sometimes isn't a clear divide between what is dark and light. I think the same principle can be applied to everything in the Star Wars world. Good isn't always truly good, and evil isn't always completely evil.
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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!    Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  EmptyMon Jul 18, 2016 4:29 am

he being a sith is of no matter to the point. it just adds to his vilain archetype.

but sith or not, and wether he ploted form the very begining of the clone wars or not, the fact remain that he did not kept his promisse of abandoning his "emergency powers" and started to rule as tyrant. it is a fact for everyone in the galaxy, now they have two things to do, play along and let him rule, or rebel against it.

to trully believe they are doing good it is either naive (so they believe in all empire propaganda) or just ignorant to not think for themselfs and see they are acquiescing to some old dude striping people from all their rights.

neither of those two options imediatly quallify someone as "Bad" or "evil"... the regime is made by people, and people have good and bad sides, not everyone is a douche all the time.

Of course, i may be wrong, it is my pollitcal view after all, of a fictional universe closed eyes smile, but the way i see it, for a character to side with the empire, either he is naive/ignorant or an asshole.

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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!    Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  EmptyTue Jul 19, 2016 12:59 am

The reasons Star Wars is represented as so black and white is because at the time of writing, there weren't very many films being made with a clear cut good vs evil story. Lucas wanted to present a story where there was an obvious good guy to root for.

As for the "kids series", sure Clone Wars and Rebels both had rocky starts, but with each season, both of them improved greatly, and they're not exactly G-rated. It's a big deal that they even allow death and war on a kid's show these days in the first place. Plus, with Dave Filoni at the helm, Clone Wars did a lot of fan service and had some great storylines, including introducing EU elements such as the Nightsisters of Dathomir, the Mandalorian Death Watch (although I did greatly dislike the idea of the True Mandalorians becoming pacifists, but that was apparently Lucas's idea and they're dead now anyway), Darth Bane, and now an all-time fan favorite in Thrawn.

They are actually listening to what the fanbase wants which is a great sign for the future. I actually hadn't watched much of Rebels before, but now with Thrawn being re-canonized, I can't wait for season 3.

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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!    Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  EmptyTue Jul 19, 2016 11:20 pm

Sooo Thrawn has made it into star wars rebels now considering Dave's track record of providing great fan service with Delta squad, Bane and now Thrawn I am really hoping he finds a way to put HK-47 into this series or at least just a HK unit it would be amazing for this to happen considering Revan was planned to appear in the clone wars series too.

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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!    Star Wars Rebels season 3 trailer!  EmptyWed Jul 20, 2016 10:25 am

in case someone didnt see the swr live panel on the sw celebration weekend... here you can watch it.. the person with the hat is dave filoni one of the main developers for sw clone wars and sw rebels... the beautifull lady in the middle is the voice of sabine wren and the gentlemen on the left is sam witwer.. some of you may know him as starkiller Wink

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